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Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Registered office
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, okres Hl.m. Praha, Czech Republic
dean: | doc. RNDr. Mirko Rokyta, CSc. |
vice-dean for Mathematics: | prof. RNDr. Vít Dolejší, Ph.D., DSc. |
vice-dean for Research and International Affairs and Deputy-Dean: | prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Doležal, Dr. |
vice-dean for Development: | prof. Ing. Jan Franc, DrSc. |
vice-dean for Education: | doc. RNDr. Vladislav Kuboň, Ph.D. |
vice-dean for Student Affairs: | doc. Mgr. Michal Kulich, Ph.D. |
vice-dean for Physics: | doc. RNDr. Jiří Pavlů, Ph.D. |
vice-dean for Computer Science: | prof. RNDr. Jiří Sgall, DrSc. |
vice-dean pro Propagaci: | doc. Mgr. Michal Žák, Ph.D. |
coordinator for Studies in English: | doc. Mgr. Petr Kolman, Ph.D. |
coordinator of OP VVV: | doc. RNDr. Ctirad Matyska, DrSc. |
coordinator IT: | RNDr. Pavel Zakouřil, Ph.D. |
chief administrative officer: | Ing. Blanka Svobodová |
Organizational structure
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
- Authorities of the Faculty
- Dean
- Academic Senate
- Secretary
- Scientific Council
- Disciplinary Board
- The Advisory Body of the Faculty Management
- Editorial Committee
- Rozšířené kolegium děkana
- Pracovní skupina pro partnerství s firmami
- Pracovní skupina pro Fakultní školy MFF UK
- Komise pro studentskou anketu
- Evidence jaderných materiálů
- Research Ethics Committee
- Library Board
- Promotional Committee
- Timetable Committee
- Damage Compensation Committee
- Inventory and Liquidation Committee
- Komise pro informační systémy a technologie
- Komise pro studentské granty
- Dean's Office
- Secretariat
- Financial Department
- Administration Department
- Referát vnitřního auditu a kancelář ombudsmana
- Department of Grants and Projects
- Research and International Affairs Department
- Study and Student's Affairs Division
- Zaměstnanecké oddělení
- IS/IT Division Karlov
- Media Communications and PR Office
- Building Administration
- Department for Business Cooperation
- School of Physics
- Astronomical Institute of Charles University
- Institute of Physics of Charles University
- Laboratory of General Physics Education
- Department of Physics Education
- Department of Surface and Plasma Science
- Department of Physics of Materials
- Department of Low Temperature Physics
- Department of Condensed Matter Physics
- Department of Macromolecular Physics
- Department of Geophysics
- Department of Chemical Physics and Optics
- Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics
- Department of Atmospheric Physics
- Institute of Theoretical Physics
- Computer network Troja
- School of Computer Science
- Department of Software and Computer Science Education
- Department of Applied Mathematics
- Katedra distribuovaných a spolehlivých systémů
- Department of Software Engineering
- Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic
- Network and Labs Management Center
- Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics
- Informatický ústav UK
- School of Mathematics
- Technical Support
- Other Departments
- Accreditation boards of study programmes and branches
- Subject area boards
- Oborová rada Matematika (D; P1101; P1101; 3 years; MFF; cs,en; P,K)
- Oborová rada Fyzika (D; P1701; P1701; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K)
- Oborová rada Mathematics (D; P1101; P1101; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K)
- Oborová rada Informatics (D; P1801; P1801; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K)
- Oborová rada Fyzika (D; P1701; P1701; 3 years; MFF; cs,en; P,K)
- Oborová rada Informatika (D; P1801; P1801; 3 years; MFF; cs,en; P,K)
- Oborová rada Matematika (D; P1101; P1101; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K)
- Oborová rada Physics (D; P1701; P1701; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K)
- Subject area board of Informatika (D; P1801; P1801; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K)
- Subject area board of Algebra, teorie čísel a matematická logika (D; 1101V005; 1101V005; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Fyzika kondenzovaných látek a materiálový výzkum (D; 1701V007; 1701V007; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Matematické a počítačové modelování (D; 1103V013; 1103V013; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Teoretická fyzika, astronomie a astrofyzika (D; 1701V036; 1701V036; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Fyzika plazmatu a ionizovaných prostředí (D; 1701V012; 1701V012; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Biofyzika, chemická a makromolekulární fyzika (D; 1702V019; 1702V019; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Fyzika povrchů a rozhraní (D; 1701V043; 1701V043; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Kvantová optika a optoelektronika (D; 1701V022; 1701V022; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Geofyzika (D; 1701V017; 1701V017; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Meteorologie a klimatologie (D; 1701V024; 1701V024; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Subjaderná fyzika (D; 1701V033; 1701V033; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Jaderná fyzika (D; 1701V020; 1701V020; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Didaktika fyziky a obecné otázky fyziky (D; 1701V051; 1701V051; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Fyzika nanostruktur (D; 1701V050; 1701V050; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Algebra, Theory of Numbers and Mathematical Logic (D; 1101V005; 1101V005; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Geometrie a topologie, globální analýza a obecné struktury (D; 1101V038; 1101V038; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Geometry, Topology, Global Analysis and General Structures (D; 1101V038; 1101V038; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Matematická analýza (D; 1101V014; 1101V014; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics (D; 1701V036; 1701V036; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Biophysics, Chemical and Macromolecular Physics (D; 1702V019; 1702V019; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Physics of Plasma and Ionized Media (D; 1701V012; 1701V012; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials Research (D; 1701V007; 1701V007; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces (D; 1701V043; 1701V043; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Geophysics (D; 1701V017; 1701V017; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Meteorology and Climatology (D; 1701V024; 1701V024; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Subnuclear Physics (D; 1701V033; 1701V033; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Nuclear Physics (D; 1701V020; 1701V020; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Mathematical and Computer Modelling (D; 1103V013; 1103V013; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Physics Education and General Problems of Physics (D; 1701V051; 1701V051; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Physics of Nanostructures (D; 1701V050; 1701V050; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Quantum Optics and Optoelectronics (D; 1701V022; 1701V022; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Mathematical Analysis (D; 1101V014; 1101V014; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Pravděpodobnost a matematická statistika (D; 1101V027; 1101V027; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (D; 1101V027; 1101V027; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Vědecko-technické výpočty (D; 1101V036; 1101V036; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Scientific and Technical Calculations (D; 1101V036; 1101V036; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Obecné otázky matematiky a informatiky (D; 1101V026; 1101V026; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of General Questions of Mathematics and Information Science (D; 1101V026; 1101V026; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Pravděpodobnost a statistika, ekonometrie a finanční matematika (D; 1101V053; 1101V053; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Probability and Statistics, Econometrics and Financial Mathematics (D; 1101V053; 1101V053; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Teoretická informatika (D; 1801V010; 1801V010; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Theoretical Computer Science (D; 1801V010; 1801V010; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Softwarové systémy (D; 2612V043; 2612V043; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Software Systems (D; 2612V043; 2612V043; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Matematická lingvistika (D; 1103V012; 1103V012; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Mathematical Linguistics (D; 1103V012; 1103V012; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Diskrétní modely a algoritmy (D; 1801V014; 1801V014; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Počítačová grafika a analýza obrazu (D; 1801V051; 1801V051; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Computer Graphics and Image Analysis (D; 1801V051; 1801V051; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Subject area board of Discrete Models and Algorithms (D; 1801V014; 1801V014; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K; 1branch)
- Guarantors
- Guarantors of study programmes
- Guarantors boards of study programmes
- Rada garantů Physics (B; B1701; B1701; 3 years; MFF; en; P,K)
- Rada garantů Mathematics (B; B1101; B1101; 3 years; MFF; en; P,K)
- Rada garantů Fyzika (B; B1701; B1701; 3 years; MFF; cs; P,K)
- Rada garantů Matematika (M; M1101; M1101; 5 years; MFF; cs; P,K)
- Rada garantů Fyzika (M; M1701; M1701; 5 years; MFF; cs; P,K)
- of Computer Science (N; N1801; N1801; 2 years; MFF; en; P,K)
- Rada garantů Informatika (M; M1801; M1801; 5 years; MFF; cs; P,K)
- of Informatika (N; N1801; N1801; 2 years; MFF; cs; P,K)
- Rada garantů Informatika (B; B1801; B1801; 3 years; MFF; cs; P,K)
- Rada garantů Mathematics (N; N1101; N1101; 2 years; MFF; en; P,K)
- Rada garantů Matematika (N; N1101; N1101; 2 years; MFF; cs; P,K)
- Rada garantů Matematika (B; B1101; B1101; 3 years; MFF; cs; P,K)
- Rada garantů Fyzika (N; N1701; N1701; 2 years; MFF; cs; P,K)
- Rada garantů Physics (N; N1701; N1701; 2 years; MFF; en; P,K)
- Rada garantů Matematika (D; P1101; P1101; 3 years; MFF; cs,en; P,K)
- Rada garantů Matematika (D; P1101; P1101; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K)
- Rada garantů Mathematics (D; P1101; P1101; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K)
- Rada garantů Fyzika (D; P1701; P1701; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K)
- Rada garantů Physics (D; P1701; P1701; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K)
- Rada garantů Fyzika (D; P1701; P1701; 3 years; MFF; cs,en; P,K)
- of Informatika (D; P1801; P1801; 4 years; MFF; cs; P,K)
- Rada garantů Informatics (D; P1801; P1801; 4 years; MFF; en; P,K)
- Rada garantů Informatika (D; P1801; P1801; 3 years; MFF; cs,en; P,K)
- Rada garantů Computer Science (B; B1801; B1801; 3 years; MFF; en; )
- of Bioinformatics (N; N3967; N3967; 2 years; PřF,MFF; en; )
- of Bioinformatika (N; N3967; N3967; 2 years; PřF,MFF; cs; )
- Guarantors of branches
- Subject area boards
- Programy rozvoje vědních oblastí na Univerzitě Karlově
- Authorities of the Faculty