Module Cellular Basis of Medicine ("module Cell") consists of four courses - two in the winter semester and two in the summer semester:
Course 1 - Cell structure and heredity (8 weeks), Course 2 - Cell metabolism and specialisation (7 weeks), Course 3 - Cell signalling and immunity (7 weeks), Course 4 - Cell cycle and development (8 weeks). The teaching in this module is carried out by the Department of biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, Department of histology and embryology, Department of medical genetics and Department of Immunology adn Clinical Biochemistry.
Poslední úprava: Kučera Petr, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (28.09.2020)
The aim of the subject should be to submit self-contained knowledge about cells and tissues. The students obtain basic knowledge in molecular biology, biochemistry, histology, genetics and imunology by integrated form of teaching. Poslední úprava: Samcová Eva, prof. RNDr., CSc. (08.12.2011)
Poslední úprava: Kvasnicová Vladimíra, Mgr. (26.09.2019)
Forms of teaching in this module include lectures, seminars and practicals. If DISTANCE TEACHING is necessary, the whole module is taught through MS Teams. Poslední úprava: Kvasnicová Vladimíra, Mgr. (27.09.2020)
Exam requirements The final module exam will take place in the summer examination period (June-September) in the form of a written test from all five subjects of the module (biochemistry, histology, molecular biology, genetics and imunology). In order to pass the exam you must obtain at least 60 % of points from questions of each subject and at the same time obtain at least 70 % of the total number of points from the test. The points you accumulated over the year in course tests will be added to your total score and as such they can help you pass the test or improve your mark. However, these points are not added to the 60 % requirement from each subject, you must reach this mark regardless of your work during the year. Detailed information about exam: · exam test can be taken three times at maximum, only in the summer examination period · exam dates are announced in SIS - you can sign up for the exam only if you’ve received both semestral credits (winter and summer) · you MUST sign up for chosen date of the exam in SIS: you will not be able to take the test without it · once you register for an exam you must attend - if you fail to attend without a prior apology you will lose the attempt, i.e. out of three total attempts you will only have two (or one if you fail to attend again without a prior apology) · the first exam date is only for students with both credits fulfilled on schedule, i.e. those who do not need to take a summer combined test (more details in Requirements for credit) · it is a written exam containing Short Answer Questions, it is realized electronically by the application Moodle, using faculty´s iPADs when sitting at a lecture hall · the test includes questions from all subjects of the module, the sum of points from each subject is the same · topics of the test questions are the same as topics of lectures of the whole module (see syllabus) · total number of points from the test: 40 points for each subject, i. e. 40x 5 subjects = 200 points all together (= 100%) · to pass the exam you must ! you will need your calculator for the test and your ID for log in to CAS · points accumulated from course tests (see below) during the year are added to the total number of points from the exam test (in every term): 4 courses x 5 points = maximum 20 points · these points are not added to point counts from individual subjects, but to the total number of points from the whole test · points from course tests can improve your result by one mark · exam marking:
Requirements for both the winter and summer semester CREDIT are the same: 1. completed practicals 2. presented seminar works (= clinical detective stories and seminar papers) 3. credit test Recommended (but not required for getting credit): completed tasks in Moodle 3, performed continuously during the year (online, see Course: Cellular Basis of Medicine 2022/23 (cuni.cz))
WITHOUT FULFILLED CREDIT REQUIREMENTS THE SIGNING TO THE EXAM IS NOT POSSIBLE A list of all credit requirements, including whether or not you have already fulfilled the requirement, is available in the Vyuka app (see the "My Rating" button on the right of the blue bar labeled Cellular Basis of Medicine, i.e. you can find it right when you open the Cell module in the Vyuka app).
Credit requirements from BIOCHEMISTRY · successfully completed practicals (= laboratory work: two in the course 1 – spectrophotometry, potentiometry - finished by written test, and one in the course 3 - glycemia): students have to be prepared for the practicals in advance (knowledge of the aim of the experiment and the theory of analytical methods used, including related chemical calculations), during the laboratory work they process a report on their practical and submit it to the teacher no later than 1 week after the practical · late arrival, missing laboratory coat, insufficient preparation for the practicals (even individually) means exclusion from the practical · in the case of distance teaching, the above applies, with the exception of own work in the laboratory: it is presented to students by video recording · the replacement of unfulfilled practicals takes place in the examination period of the given semester in the same form as the practicals in due time, students register for the substitute term in the application Registration https://inis17.lf3.cuni.cz/prihlasovani/ · clinical detective stories (CDS 3,4,5,7,8) and the seminar paper in course 4 (essential substances necessary for development): students prepare for their presentation in advance (in case of CDS in working groups at the seminar) and present it at the relevant seminar to other students and the teacher · in the case of distance teaching, the above applies, the presentation does not take place in the classroom but online, streamed via MS Teams · replacement of unfulfilled CDS and the seminar paper takes place by the end of the 15th week of the given semester after agreement with his / her group teacher individually – if not, there will be one more chance during the examination period of the given semester in the form of one term for all such students together; the substitute form is the same as the performance in due time, students register for the substitute date in the examination period in the application Registration https://inis17.lf3.cuni.cz/prihlasovani/
In case the student fails any substitute term in the examination period, the alternative compensation will be solved individually with the group teacher: this is possible only if the student apologized to his / her teacher in advance from the regular dates and had a relevant reason for absence
Credit requirements from GENETICS 1) Elaboration of seminar work on given theme (selected genetic disorder) in the extent of 2-3 pages, including literature In distance teaching: student will sent seminar work to teacher assigned to given seminar by mail, in contact teaching: student will present work on seminar according schedule 2) Participation on practices and clinical detective stories.
Substitution for practice or clinical detective in case of absence: Student will work out text on following topics and send it to teacher of practice or detective by mail
Winter semester: Practice: Introduction to biological methods: Mitosis, organelles of eukaryotic cell, microscope and rules of microscopic work Cytogenetics practice I: Staining, microscopic technique: Barr body, the procedure of staining of Barr body, cytogenetic banding methods Cytogenetics practice II: Karyotype: Answers for all questions of the given presentation Cytogenetic practice II: In vitro and in vivo systems: Cell cultures (types), cell lines, the application of cell cultures in the science and in the medicine Detective story CDS 2: Genealogy: Answers for questions concerning clinical cases, pedigree to the case III, calculation of all examples in the given presentation
Summer semester: Detective story CDS 6: Diabetes mellitus: Answers for all questions concerning diabetes (questions in the application “Vyuka”) ! Accomplish all duties till 15th week of each semester ! Credit requirements from HISTOLOGY 1. The fullfilment of the Slide test Winter semester The Slide test will take place at week 16 via Moodle, resits during the examination period. The student will have the possibility of 1 regular term and 2 resits. Summer semester The Slide test will have two parts. Part 1, will be via Moodle, part 2 follows the fullfilment of the first part. The form of testing is oral: 1 slide identification by light microscope. Regular terms according to Timetable, resits during the examination period. The student will have the possibility of one regular term and two resits. 2. Filled-in Histology Workbook 3. CDS 9 – elaboration and submission by the end of the following teaching week (applies only to the summer semester)
Arrangement of practicals from histology: In the winter semester, 11 practical exercises from histology and embryology are listed. Practices (microscopying of histological slides) will take place using the histology slides (specimen) and virtual slides (original digital slides of Department of Histology and Embryology). In the first weeks, the practices are running according to time-table. The access to virtual slides will be given. In case of need (epidemiological restriction) practices will run as follows: ODD groups will have odd practices in person in weeks: 3,7,10,12,14 in the room 319. EVEN groups will have even practices in person in weeks 2,4,9,11,13,15 in the room 319. For the remaining practices (even practice for ODD groups and odd practice for EVEN groups), a presentation with a description of virtual slides and audio commentary will be recorded at the Timetable app – in this case you can find it in the last practice scheduled for the given week. Methods of replacement: alternative dates of full-time teaching will be possible after previous agreement and according to the capacity of teachers. The student must justify absence in the practice properly.
Credit requirements from MOLECULAR BIOLOGY · clinical detective story CDS 1: students prepare for the presentation in advance (in working groups) and present it at the seminar to other students and the teacher · in the case of distance teaching, the above applies, the presentation does not take place in the classroom but online, streamed via MS Teams · replacement of unfulfilled CDS 1 takes place after agreement with the teacher individualy by the end of the winter semester
1) Requirements for MB practicals are listed below: a) Students are required to attend at least 80% of the lab practices and perform appropriately during the lab work. b) Students are required to pass the written test. The test will be written during the lab practice.
Late arrival, as well as no lab coat, means exclusion from the lab practice.
2) Students can substitute the absence at lab practices or their part (after a regular apology) by attending the lab practice with another study group. To do that, students need permission from the leader of the lab practice. If no alternative exists on how to realize the lab practice or its part, students will be examined from practices content individually. Students have to inform the practice leader concerning his/her absence in practices in advance. If it is impossible, they have to do it as soon as possible. 3) Students are required to obtain at least 60% of all available test points to pass the test. The test will examine knowledge from lab practices and preceding theoretical lesson(s) that introduce practices. Students that fail the test will have two more attempts. During the exam period of the respective semester, four terms for lab practice test will be announced. 4) In case of distance teaching, students are also required to attend at least 80% of the online lab practices to get the credits. The presence of the students will be controlled at the beginning, as well as during the online lab practices. The online lab practice will contain a video demonstrating the planned lab work as well as an online lab practice test. Students that fail the practice test will have two more attempts. During the exam period of the respective semester, four terms for lab practice test will be announced.
Credit requirements from IMMUNOLOGY
SUMMARY of requirements for fulfilment of credit conditions and rules for their substitution in the whole module Cellular basis of medicine
rules for substitution of practicals:
2) seminar papers: each paper content and oral presentation are assessed
rules for substitution of seminar papers:
3) semestral credit tests: performance in the tests is assessed
rules for substitution of tests:
CAUTION: the combined tests in June (winter test and the first summer test) are held after the first exam test (= pre-term) date
For more information about individual teaching units see application Vyuka (http://vyuka.lf3.cuni.cz/) In case of questions regarding the module use cell@lf3.cuni.cz Poslední úprava: Kvasnicová Vladimíra, Mgr. (03.09.2024)
Detailed information about lectures, seminars and practicals are available at http://vyuka.lf3.cuni.cz/ Courses of the winter semester
Courses of the summer semester
The following list of lectures sumarizes topics from which test questions are randomly generated (see Requirements for the exam): Course 1 - Cell structure and heredity
Course 2 - Cell metabolism and specialisation
Course 3 - Cell signalling and immunity
Course 4 - Cell cycle and development
Poslední úprava: Kvasnicová Vladimíra, Mgr. (27.09.2018)
Biology and chemistry knowledge on the secondary school level. Poslední úprava: Samcová Eva, prof. RNDr., CSc. (08.12.2011)