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Faculty of Law
Address: nám. Curieových 7, 116 40 Praha, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 221 005 111
Registered office
nám. Curieových 901/7, 116 40 Praha 1-Staré Město, okres Hl.m. Praha, Czech Republic
dean: | prof. JUDr. Radim Boháč, Ph.D. |
vice-dean pro komunikaci a IT: | doc. JUDr. PhDr. Marek Antoš, Ph.D., LL.M. |
vice-dean pro magisterské studium: | doc. PhDr. Marta Chromá, Ph.D. |
vice-dean for the Doctoral Study Programme and Rigorosum Procedure: | prof. JUDr. Jakub Handrlica, LL.M., Ph.D., DSc. |
vice-dean proděkanka pro rozvoj fakulty : | JUDr. Věra Honusková, Ph.D. |
vice-dean pro zahraniční vztahy: | doc. JUDr. Mgr. Magdalena Pfeiffer, Ph.D. |
vice-dean for Science, Research and Publishing: | prof. JUDr. PhDr. Michal Tomášek, DrSc. |
chief administrative officer: | Bc. Aleš Hájek |
Organizational structure
- Faculty of Law
- Governing Bodies
- Dean
- Academic Senate
- Scientific Council PF
- Academic Secretary
- Disciplinary Board
- Dean's Advisory Bodies
- Editorial Board AUC Iuridica
- Admission Committee
- Library Committee
- Evaluation Commission
- Expanded college dean
- Strategy Committee
- Study Committee
- Working Group for the Promotion of the Faculty among Applicants for Study
- Vice-Deans
- Committee for Science and Research
- Information Technology Commission
- Inventory and Replacement Committee
- Editorial Committee
- Dean's Office
- Secretary to the Faculty
- Finance Department
- Oddělení výstavby a investic
- Sekretářky
- Prorektor UK
- Information Technology Department
- Communication and PR Department
- Science, Research and Publication Department
- Strategic Development Department
- Personnel Department
- Facility Management Department
- Faculty Secretariat
- Student Registry
- International Office
- Departments
- Department of European Law
- Department of Financial Law and Finances
- Department of Public International Law
- Department of Civil Law
- Department of Business Law
- Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law
- Department of Environmental Law
- Department of Legal History
- Department of Legal Skills
- Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Science
- Department of Legal Theory and Legal Doctrines
- Department of Criminal Law
- Department of Constitutional Law
- Department of Medical Law
- Department of Politology and Sociology
- Katedra ekonomie a empirických právních studií
- Department of Foreign Languages
- Department of Physical Education
- Institute for interregional study of constitutionalism
- Accreditation boards of study programmes and branches
- Programmes for the Development of Scientific Areas at Charles University
- Library
- Governing Bodies