Oral Surgery I- 3AZUB – new accreditation from academic year 2021-2022
Student can undergo an exam with 100% attendance in seminars and practical lessons. Students going for pre-term (if available) exam will receive the credit only in case of fulfilling 100% attendance. In the exam question list there are no triplets. A student chooses one question of each circuit.
Circuit A
1. Local anaesthesia in oral surgery (types, administration techniques, pharmacokinetics - mechanism of action, maximum dose)
2. Local complications of local anaesthesia (aetiology, symptoms, therapy)
3. Systemic complications of local anaesthesia
4. Possibilities of sedation in a dentist's clinic (pharmacy, dosage, antidotes, monitoring). Basics of general anaesthesia (indications, risks, intubation, other methods of securing the respiratory tract)
5. Extraction of teeth (indications, contraindications, methods, instruments)
6. Complications of tooth extraction
7. Bleeding after tooth extraction (causes, haemorrhagic disorders, treatment, haemostatics)
8. Pericoronitis {Dentitio difficilis} (symptoms, diagnosis, treatment)
9. Surgical extraction of wisdom teeth (indications, techniques, complications)
10. Alveolitis (clinical forms, symptoms, treatment)
11. Treatment and prevention of iatrogenic damage to the Trigeminal nerve
12. New technologies for hard tissue preparation in the oral cavity (laser, piezo-surgery - principles, advantages, disadvantages)
13. Periapical surgery - endodontic surgery (indications, procedures and execution)
14. Oral-antral and oro-nasal communications (diagnosis, therapy)
15. Non-specific facial infections - in general (causes, symptoms, propagation pathways of the infections, treatment)
16. Specific inflammations of the oral cavity and face (distribution, clinical manifestations, possibilities of treatment)
17. Swellings in the lower jaw (anatomical spaces, causes, pathways of infection, treatment)
18. Swellings in the upper jaw (anatomical spaces, causes, pathways of infection, treatment)
19. Emergencies in dental practice, resuscitation, urgent and life-saving procedures in surgical dentistry
20. Shock (Classification, pathophysiology, shock cascade). Anaphylactic shock and its treatment
21. Principles of asepsis and antiseptics, disinfection and sterilization in the dental surgery
22. Oral surgical care for handicapped patients
23. Focal infections in the mouth & jaw area, principles of antibiotic prophylaxis in dental procedures
24. Dental treatment of a patient with cardiovascular disease, and medications affecting haemostasis
25. Dental treatment of patients with a chronic respiratory disease
26. Dental treatment of patients with a neurological disease
27. Dental treatment of patients with autoimmune disease of the joints and others immune disorders
28. Dental treatment of a patient after complex oncological treatment outside the head and neck area
29. Dental treatment of a patient after complex oncological treatment in the head and neck area
Circuit B
Questions 1-3. Were deleted – it will be tought in 4th year
4. The principles of 1st aid in injuries to the orofacial area
5. Injury to the soft tissues of the orofacial area
6. Basic x-ray projections of the facial skeleton. Principles and rules for making oral x-rays, basic projections, types of X-ray instruments and sensors
7. 3D x-ray examination procedures in oral surgery
8. Reduction and fixation of fractures (physiology of bone healing, muscles, primary and secondary bone healing, disorders of bone healing, AO, osteosynthesis)
9. Fractures of the facial bones (classification, diagnosis)
10. Complications of facial fractures
11. Tooth injuries, fractures of alveolar bone (diagnostics, treatment, re-implanting teeth)
12. Fractures of the jaw (classification, diagnosis, treatment)
13. Fractures of the zygomatico-maxillary complex and the orbit (description of the angular lines, typical dislocation, diagnosis, treatment)
14. Le Fort fractures (classification, fracture lines and typical dislocations, diagnosis, treatment)
15. Injury of the CNS and cervical spine
16. Poly-trauma. Traumatic shock. Ballistic injuries in the orofacial area.
17. Benign tumours of the oral cavity
18. Pigmented lesions of the oral and facial cavities (distribution, diagnostics, treatment options)
19. Tumours of the facial skin [excluding pigmented] (types, treatment)
20. Lip cancer (types, diagnosis, treatment)
21. Tongue cancer (aetiology, diagnosis, treatment)
22. Cancer of the oral mucosa (diagnosis, treatment)
23. Odontogenic tumours
24. Investigative and diagnostic procedures in a patient with an oropharyngeal malignancy (clinical examination and imaging methods, staging, biopsy, grading, performance status, TNM classification)
25. General principles and modalities of complex oncological treatment of orofacial malignancies
26. Pseudo tumours. Precancerous lesions. Oncological prevention (primary, secondary, tertiary, concepts of detection and treatment)
27. Tumours of the blood and lymphatic vessels
28. Common salivary gland tumours and their surgical treatment
29. Possibilities for reconstruction of post-traumatic and post-resection defects in the orofacial region (flap/graft, local flaps - regional – free flaps)
Circuit C
1. Fundamentals of clinical orthognathics
2. Prognathic states (aetiology, diagnosis, treatment)
3. States of progenia, pseudoprogenia (classification, treatments)
4. Basic orthognathic surgical techniques
5. Jaw anomalies - classification, including cleft defects
6. Small surgical procedures for accelerating orthodontic treatment (corticotomy, alveolotomy, alveolar distraction, rapid orthodontics)
7. Fenestration, exposure and bonding, gingival repositioning, auto-transplantation of teeth (indications, contraindications, implementation)
8. Dental Implantology (Indications, Contraindications, Biological Width)
9. Types of implants, brief history of implantology, osseo- & fibro-integration, principle of gingival implant attachment, implant surface treatment
10. Bone augmentation materials
11. Biomaterials - Use in oral surgery including suturing materials
12. Management of soft tissues in implantology, biological width
13. Pre-prosthetic surgery, augmentation techniques in implantology
14. Maxillary sinusitis (diagnosis, aetiology, symptomatology, treatment). Odontogenic sinus infections.
15. Inflammatory diseases of the large salivary glands, including autoimmune diseases. Sialolithiasis.
16. Cysts of the orofacial region (classification, diagnosis, treatment)
17. Bone cysts (classification, differential diagnosis, treatment)
18. Soft tissue cysts (classification, diagnosis, treatment)
19. Functional anatomy and histology of the TMJ
20. Diseases of the TM joint (classification, diagnosis, treatment options)
21. Non-arthrogenic temporomandibular joint dysfunction
22. Disorder of the disco-condylar complex (diagnosis and treatment)
23. TMJ mobility disorders (diagnosis and treatment, TMJ luxation)
24. Conservative management of TMJ disorders. Invasive procedures on the jaw joint.
25. Jaw contractures/trismus (aetiology, diagnosis, treatment)
26. Critical thinking, sources of scientific information and Evidence Based Medicine in the practice of dentistry
27. General pathophysiology of pain (pathology of orofacial pain, somatic and neuropathic pain)
28. Differential diagnosis of facial pain
29. Cervicofacial lymphadenopathies - differential diagnosis
· Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Edward Ellis, James R. Hupp, Myron R. Tucker
· Handbook of Local Anesthesia - Stanley F. Malamed
· Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office - Stanley F. Malamed
· Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient - James W. Little, Donald Falace, Craig Miller, Nelson L. Rhodus
· Dental Radiography: Principles and Techniques (Dental Radiography) - Joen M. Iannucci, Laura Jansen Howerton
· Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck (Fehrenbach, Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck) - Margaret J. Fehrenbach, Susan W. Herring
· Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology - Brad Neville, Douglas D. Damm, Carl M. Allen, Jerry Bouquot
· Oral Cancer: Diagnosis, Management and Rehabilitation - J. W. Werning
· Oral Cancer (American Cancer Society Atlas of Clinical Oncology) - Sol Silverman
· Lexi-Comp's Drug Information Handbook for Dentistry (Lexi-Comp's Dental Reference Handbooks) - Richard L. Wynn, Timothy F. Meiller, Harold L. Crossley
Poslední úprava: Klíma Karel, MUDr. et MUDr., Ph.D. (24.11.2021)