Prednáškový kurs se v prehledu zabývá vnejšími i vnitrními dejinami anglictiny s durazem jednak na nejvýznamnejší sociální
a kulturne-historické aspekty tohoto vývoje, jednak na promenu jazykového systému v souvislostech lingvistické typologie.
Duraz je položen predevším na období staroanglické (7.-11. století), stredoanglické (11.- 15. století) a rane novoanglické
(16.-18. století). Každé historické údobí se probírá v souvislostech sociolingvistických; vztahu zvuku a písma;
morfologického vývoje; syntaktického vývoje; struktury lexika a slovotvorby. Smyslem kursu je zprostredkovat studentum
pochopení základních diachronních souvislostí a a prirozene tak doplnovat ostatní lingvistické discipliny, jež se zabývají
synchronním popisem anglictiny. Práce v seminári zahrnuje jak cetbu a filologickou analýzu historických textu, tak
prezentaci vybraných teoretických problému z odborné literatury s diskusí a aplikací na konkrétní jazykový materiál ve
Poslední úprava: UAAMALAM (14.06.2010)
The course seeks to present the English language both as a dynamic organism with a structural history of its own and a
mirror reflecting much of the past of its speakers. Individual topics trace the origin and development of forms and functions
which eventually gave rise to Modern English. the aim of the course is threefold:1. to provide a diachronic
background to the synchronic study of Present-Day English by examining its origins and its changing structure over time; 2.
to explain, using evidence from the history of English, basic principles of language change; 3. to outline the nature
of Old (700-1100), Middle (1100-1500) and Early Modern English (1500-1800) as reflected in relevant texts of each period,
respectively.The language of each historical period is discussed in terms of 1. sociolinguistic background (language and
community); 2. sound and spelling; 3. morphology; 4. syntax; 5. structure of lexis and word-formation. The lecture is
combined with a seminar based on directed readings of selected texts.
Poslední úprava: UAAMALAM (14.06.2010)
Literatura -
PBarber, Charles: The English Language. A Historical Introduction. Cambridge University Press 1993.
Baugh, A.C., Cable T., A History of the English Language, 1992.
Campbell, Lyle: Historical Linguistics: An Introduction. Edinburgh University Press, 1998 (selected chapters).
Cser, A., An Outline of the History of the English Language, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Pilicsaba, 2003.
Fisiak, Jacek: An Outline History of English. Vol. 1: External History. Poznan 1995.
Freeborn, Dennis: From Old English to Standard English. A Coursebook in Language Variation Across Time. 3rd ed., Macmillan, 2003.
Gelderen, Elly: A History of the English Language. John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 2006.
Kavka, S. J.: Past and Present of the English Language, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, 2007.
Millward, C.M.: A Biography of the English Language, 2nd ed., Harcourt Brace, 1996.
Vachek, Josef: Standard English in Historical Perspective. SPN 1991 (mimeographed).
Vachek, Josef: English Past and Present: An Introductory Course. SPN 1991 (mimeographed).
Topic-related worksheets and secondary readings (to be distributed in the course of the semester)
Poslední úprava: UAAMALAM (14.06.2010)
Barber, Charles: The English Language. A Historical Introduction. Cambridge University Press 1993.
Baugh, A.C., Cable T., A History of the English Language, 1992.
Campbell, Lyle: Historical Linguistics: An Introduction. Edinburgh University Press, 1998 (selected chapters).
Cser, A., An Outline of the History of the English Language, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Pilicsaba, 2003.
Fisiak, Jacek: An Outline History of English. Vol. 1: External History. Poznan 1995.
Freeborn, Dennis: From Old English to Standard English. A Coursebook in Language Variation Across Time. 3rd ed., Macmillan, 2003.
Gelderen, Elly: A History of the English Language. John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 2006.
Kavka, S. J.: Past and Present of the English Language, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, 2007.
Millward, C.M.: A Biography of the English Language, 2nd ed., Harcourt Brace, 1996.
Vachek, Josef: Standard English in Historical Perspective. SPN 1991 (mimeographed).
Vachek, Josef: English Past and Present: An Introductory Course. SPN 1991 (mimeographed).
Topic-related worksheets and secondary readings (to be distributed in the course of the semester)
Poslední úprava: UAAMALAM (14.06.2010)
Metody výuky -
p?ednáška a seminá?
Poslední úprava: UAAMALAM (14.06.2010)
lecture and seminar
Poslední úprava: UAAMALAM (14.06.2010)
Sylabus -
Letní semestr - témata:
1. Úvod do rané moderní angli?tiny.
2. Raná moderní angli?tina - jazyk a spole?nost.
3. Raná moderní angli?tina - p?ejímání a tvo?ení slov.
4. Morfologie rané moderní angli?tiny.
5. Syntax rané moderní angli?tiny.
6. Raná moderní angli?tina - prom?ny zvuku.
7. Fonologická zm?na - úvod.
8. Morfologická zm?na - úvod.
9. Syntaktická zm?na - úvod.
10. Lexikální a sémantická zm?na - úvod.
Kontakt jazyk? a jazyková zm?na.
Poslední úprava: UAAMALAM (14.06.2010)
Winter Semester - Topics
1. Change and variation in Language. Basic Chronology.
2. Sources, electronic and other: a practical introduction.
3. Framework of change in the history of English: linguistic typology.
4. Before Old English: the Germanic Background of English.
5. Old English Morphology. English word-structure across time.
6. Old English Syntax.
7. Old English Vocabulary and Word-Formation.
8. External history of Middle English: a survey.
9. Middle English Lexis and word-Formation.
10. Middle English Morphology.
11. Middle English Syntax.
12. Middle-English Word-Formation.
13. Middle English Writing and Spelling.
Summer semester - Topics
1. Early Modern English: an introduction.
2. Early Modern English: language in the community.
3. Early Modern English: borrowing and word-formation.
4. Early Modern English: morphology.
5. Early Modern English: syntactic structures.
6. Early Modern English: changes in pronunciation.