Základní kurs seznamující studenty se způsoby, jimiž veřejná politika jako vědní disciplína identifikuje sociální problémy a navrhuje cesty jejich řešení. Činí tak vymezením jejích základních pojmů, teorií a analytických přístupů v kontextu vývoje soudobých společností. Vede studenty k samostatnému studiu, ke kritickému myšlení a k systematické práci s odbornou literaturou, k aktivní účasti na výuce v přednáškách i seminářích a k psaní odborných textů.
Upozornění: Jednotlivá témata kursu jsou nabízena v angličtině. Češtinu je možno užívat v českém semináři a v písemných projevech v kritické reflexi v průběhu studia a v závěrečné písemné zkoušce. V angličtině se nabízejí dvě učebnice, z nichž jedna je k dispozici i v češtině. Potůček, M. a kol. 2017. Public Policy. A comprehensive Introduction. Prague: Karolinum Press. (Česky: Potůček, M. a kol. 2016. Veřejná politika. Praha: C.H.Beck.) Knill, Ch., Tosun. 2020. Public Policy A New Introduction. Bloomsbury Academic. Poslední úprava: Potůček Martin, prof. PhDr., CSc., M.Sc. (14.09.2024)
To offer students the comprehensive introduction in public policy as a scientific discipline. To mediate its core concepts, the selection of important theories, and the way they can be applied in deeper understanding of differentiated social and public policies. Objective of lectures: Lecturers will engage students in critical thinking, working with relevant resources, and encourage them to actively participate in discourses. Objective of seminars: To complement lectures by giving more in-depth knowledge in the student's area of interest. Moreover, the seminars:
Poslední úprava: Potůček Martin, prof. PhDr., CSc., M.Sc. (14.09.2024)
Basic Sources in English Potůček, M. et al. 2017. Public Policy. A comprehensive introduction. Prague, Karolinum Press. This is the key textbook for this course. It is available free of charge for students of Charles University on the ChU eResources Portal, EBook Academic Collection (EBSCO). Knill, Ch., J. Tosun. 2020. Public Policy. A New Introduction. Bloomsbury Academic. Potůček, M., L. Leloup, G. Jenei, L. Varadi (Eds.) 2003. Public Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: Theories, Methods, Practices. Bratislava: NISPAcee. Available at https://www.nispa.org/files/publications/ebooks/PP-in-CEE.pdf
Základní literatura v češtině Potůček, M. a kol. 2016. Veřejná politika. Praha: C. H. BECK. Jde o základní učebnici pro tento kurs v českém jazyce (dostupná pouze v knižním vydání). Obsahově odpovídá její anglické verzi. Potůček, M. a kol. 2005 (2. vyd. 2010). Veřejná politika. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství. Potůček, M., Pavlík, M. a kol. 2015. Veřejná politika. Brno: Masarykova univerzita. https://is.muni.cz/el/econ/jaro2020/MPV_ANVP/um/blok_1_samostudium/Verejna_politika_final.pdf Veselý, A., Nekola. M. (eds.) 2008. Analýza a tvorba veřejných politik: Přístupy, metody a praxe. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství.
Poslední úprava: Potůček Martin, prof. PhDr., CSc., M.Sc. (14.09.2024)
OVERVIEW OF GRADING Points can be earned in the following ways:
Written examinations will take place in computer rooms B229, B230. Their results will be the proof of students´ continuous study and engagement in lectures and seminars. It will be presented in the format of several thematic issues to be answered in Word, without access to the Internet and any electronic device. Duration three hours. The final grading shall be based on the following formula:
Poslední úprava: Potůček Martin, prof. PhDr., CSc., M.Sc. (17.11.2024)
Course Syllabus
Course Title: PUBLIC POLICY. Course number: JSM518 Semester: Winter 2024/2025 All instructions will be delivered in the Faculty of Social Sciences building, U Kříže 8, Prague 5 - Jinonice. The volume of instruction: 2/1 Number of credits: 9
Course leader: Prof. PhDr. Martin Potůček, CSc. MSc., potucek@fsv.cuni.cz Assistant course leader: Mgr. Mirna Jusić, Ph.D., mirna.jusic@fsv.cuni.cz English seminar facilitators: Mgr. Mirna Jusić, Ph.D., mirna.jusic@fsv.cuni.cz Itturino Vilchez Fiorella, 33054047@fsv.cuni.cz Czech seminar facilitators: Mgr. Bernadeta Baroková, 31919085@fsv.cuni.cz Prof. PhDr. Martin Potůček, CSc. MSc., potucek@fsv.cuni.cz Assistant Czech seminar facilitator: Bc. Barbora Musilová, 57407058@fsv.cuni.cz
Consultations: https://konzultace.fsv.cuni.cz
Moodle: https://dl1.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=14997 To apply, use your username and password for the Central Authentication Service of Charles University.
Rooms and time: Lectures: FSV UK, U Kříže 8, Praha 5, Jinonice room C122, Mondays, 15:30 - 18:20 Czech seminars: Prezenční výuka proběhne v místnosti C220, pondělí 15:30 – 16:50, 17:00 – 18:20. English seminars: In-person teaching will take place in room C221, Mondays, 15:30 – 16:50.
Registration prerequisite: This course is offered exclusively to students of the Master’s programs of Veřejná a sociální politika (VERASP), Public and Social Policy (PASP), and students of the International Economic and Political Studies (IEPS) program of the academic year 2022/23 and older. Note: Students of the International Economic and Political Studies (IEPS) program starting from the academic year 2023/24 should enroll in their compulsory twin course JSM588 Theory of Public Policy. Students of doctoral programs of Veřejná a sociální politika (VERASP) and Public and Social Policy (PASP) should enroll in the course JSD009 Public Policy for doctoral students. Goals of instruction: The course aims to introduce students to the study of public policy as a scientific discipline, to exemplify public policy’s practical application, and the ways public policy attempts to apprehend social problems and devise solutions thereof. It defines its key terms and theories in a broader context of the development of contemporary societies. Students will be engaged in critical thinking and studying, systematic work with scholarly literature, and active participation in lectures and seminars.
The timeline of lectures and seminars. Mondays.
Student activities: An indicative overview of time demands
Anti-plagiarism, usage of AI, citing rules
Plagiarism refers to cases where students are not properly citing sources in an assignment, but copying other authors' work, ideas, materials, or data, and passing them off as their own. This also pertains to copying parts of earlier work without properly acknowledging it.
Charles University treats instances of plagiarism very seriously. Any form of plagiarism is unacceptable and will be dealt with using official procedures. Therefore, students are advised to take special precautions and make sure that they cite all the sources they are using in their assignments properly.
Students are obliged to indicate in texts or PowerPoint submissions whether, where, and how they applied AI programs.
Sources shall be consistently credited in line with the latest version of the ISO 690 standard or another internationally accepted referencing standard (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard). For more information, please see the following guide on bibliographic citation of our faculty: More on LECTURES Students will be encouraged to participate in discourses about various relevant topics.
The evaluation of students´ written critical reflections on November 18th:
Note: Consider looking at chapters B2, B3, and B4 of the Public Policy textbook for inspiration on how to apply public policy theories. Upozornění: Zvažte studium kapitol B3, B4 a B5 učebnice Veřejná politika s příklady uplatnění teorií veřejné politiky.
Seminars are an integral part of the course. Participation in seminars is compulsory. Their major goal is to complement lectures by giving more in-depth knowledge in the student's area of interest. Moreover, the seminars: · Encourage practical interaction in small groups to elaborate on materials presented in lectures and on specific topics of practical experience and apply theoretical knowledge, · Improve students’ analytical skills and skills in writing scientific texts, · Develop their presentation and argumentation skills.
To ensure maximum interaction among students, the entire class will be divided into 2 main classes, one English- and one Czech-speaking. During the lecture on September 30, 2024, every student is expected to choose their respective class (English or Czech-speaking) and the time of their preference (15:30 – 16:50 English seminars, 15:30–16:50, or 17–18:20 Czech seminars). Once registered, students can change neither their group nor their time of preference due to additional subdivisions and tasks assigned over time. Students who wish to register for an additional seminar can do so with the approval of their seminar coordinators.
Each seminar group will be divided into four teams (A, B, C, D). This helps students actively engage in their group assignments. During the first seminar session, teams will be formed, and the email contact of each team coordinator will be given to seminar facilitators.
Except for the introductory session and the first seminar session on October 7, the rest respect the following structure: · One team will always prepare a presentation on the topic (see below) and upload the PowerPoint presentation on the Wednesday before the seminar week using Moodle. When preparing the presentation, please consult the assigned readings for that week. · Based on the concepts from the assigned readings, the second team will conduct a peer review with the authors of the presentation. The peer review means that each student who is part of the group conducting it needs to pose at least two questions to the presenting group. This team needs to submit their peer reviews on Friday right after the seminar day (Monday). These should be in the form of a reflection on the course of the presentation and its evaluation and the subsequent peer review. Peer reviews should not exceed 6,000 characters (including spaces). · Length of presentation: 25 minutes, length of peer review: 20 minutes, and the remaining time is always devoted to concluding remarks, and organizational and technical matters. · The distribution of activities of the four teams is as follows:
OVERVIEW OF GRADING Points can be earned in the following ways:
Written examinations will take place in computer rooms B229, B230. Their results will be the proof of students´ continuous study and engagement in lectures and seminars. It will be presented in the format of several thematic issues to be answered in Word, without access to the Internet and any electronic device. Duration three hours.
The final grading shall be based on the following formula:
Basic Sources in English Potůček, M. et al. 2017. Public Policy. A comprehensive introduction. Prague, Karolinum Press. Knill, Ch., J. Tosun. 2020. Public Policy. A New Introduction. Bloomsbury Academic. Both e-textbooks are available for students of Charles University free of charge at https://cuni.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?vid=420CKIS_INST:UKAZ&lang=cs Potůček, M., LeLoup, L., Jenei, G. and Váradi, L. 2003. Public Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: Theories, Methods, Practices. Bratislava: NISPAcee. https://www.nispa.org/files/publications/ebooks/PP-in-CEE.pdf
Základní literatura v češtině Potůček, M. a kol. 2016. Veřejná politika. Praha: C. H. BECK. Jde o základní učebnici pro tento kurs v českém jazyce (dostupná pouze v knižním vydání). Obsahově odpovídá její anglické verzi. Potůček, M. a kol. 2005 (2. vyd. 2010). Veřejná politika. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství. Potůček, M., Pavlík, M. a kol. 2015. Veřejná politika. Brno: Masarykova univerzita. https://is.muni.cz/el/econ/jaro2020/MPV_ANVP/um/blok_1_samostudium/Verejna_politika_final.pdf Veselý, A., Nekola. M. (eds.) 2008. Analýza a tvorba veřejných politik: Přístupy, metody a praxe. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství.
Other recommended sources Fischer, F. Policy Expertise and the Argumentative Turn. 2013. Revue Francaise de Science Politique. 63(3-4) 579-601. https://www.cairn-int.info/article-E_RFSP_633_0579--policy-expertise-and-the-argumentative.htm Goodin, R. E., M. Rein, M. Moran. 2008. The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy. Oxford University Press. https://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199548453.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199548453-e-001 Howlet, M., Ramesh, M., Perl, A. 2009. 3rd edition. Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Peters, Guy B.: 2015. Advanced Introduction to Public Policy. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing. Potůček, M. Experts as researchers and policy actors: Czech pension reform. International Journal of Social Welfare, January 2023, 32(1), 58-66. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ijsw.12525 Routledge Handbook of Public Policy. 2013. London and New York: Routledge. Smith, K.B., Larimar, CH.W. 2017. The Public Policy Theory Primer. Boulder: Westview Press.
Notes on reading Further reading will be provided during individual lecture presentations. Students are expected to follow the media that cover policy problems on an ongoing basis.
Journals Public Policy Journal of Public Policy: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=PUP Journal of European Public Policy: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjpp20/current Journal of European Social Policy: http://esp.sagepub.com/ Central European Journal of Public Policy (CEJPP): https://sciendo.com/journal/CEJPP Policy and Society: https://academic.oup.com/policyandsociety Public Policy and Administration: http://ppa.sagepub.com/ Global Policy: https://www.globalpolicyjournal.com/
Policy Analysis European Policy Analysis: http://www.ipsonet.org/publications/open-access/epa Evaluation: http://evi.sagepub.com/ Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fcpa20/current Review of Policy Research: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15411338
Governance, Public Administration Gouvernement et action publique: http://www.cairn-int.info/about_this_journal.php?ID_REVUE=E_GAP Governance: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1468-0491 Lex localis - Journal of local self-government: http://journal.lex-localis.press NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy: http://www.nispa.org/journal.php Public Administration: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1467-9299 Public Management Review: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rpxm20
Political Science Critical Policy Studies: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rcps20 Policy and Politics http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tpp/pap;jsessionid=68u3luqoo56n6.victoria Policy Sciences: http://link.springer.com/journal/11077 Policy Studies Journal: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15410072 Politiques et Management Public: http://pmp.revuesonline.com/accueil.jsp
Internet sources European Union: http://www.europa.eu/ European Union Policy Agendas Project: http://www.policyagendas.eu/ International Conference on Public Policy: http://www.icpublicpolicy.org/ Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee): http://www.nispa.org/ Organization for Economic Collaboration and Development: http://www.oecd.org/ Policy Design Lab: http://policy-design.org/ Public Policy Exchange, UK: http://www.publicpolicyexchange.co.uk/ The Comparative Agendas Project: http://www.comparativeagendas.net/ The Institute for Public Policy Research, UK: http://www.ippr.org/ The World Bank: http://www.worldbank.org/
Poslední úprava: Potůček Martin, prof. PhDr., CSc., M.Sc. (17.11.2024)