Letní semestr 2021 proběhne on-line (dle prozatím dostupných informací), všechny informace a odkazy naleznete v Moodle: https://dl1.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=11388
Poslední úprava: Pečená Magda, Mgr., Ph.D. (26.01.2021)
This is an introductory course on banking. It provides students with an understanding of microeconomic, macroeconomic and political aspects of banking and financial markets. An analysis of financial institutions/banks is further developed by the assessment of their activities and key associated risks including credit, market, liquidity, market, operational risks and other non-financial risks. The course also outlines banking management techniques trying to create value for shareholders whilst keeping the risks in mind. Last but not least, the regulatory framework of the global banking industry will be discussed.
Summer semester 2021 is conducted online (as far as we know now), all information and links to on-line sessions please find in Moodle: https://dl1.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=11388
Poslední úprava: Pečená Magda, Mgr., Ph.D. (26.01.2021)
Literatura -
Please switch to the english version.
Poslední úprava: SCHNELLEROVA (25.10.2019)
Obligatory textbooks (selected chapters) 1) Mejstřík, M., Pečená, M., Teplý, P. (2014). Banking in theory and practice. Prague: Karolinum Press 2) Mishkin, F S. (2010). The Economics of Money, Banking & Financial markets. Boston: Addison-Wesley
Poslední úprava: Teplý Petr, prof. PhDr., Ph.D. (16.02.2016)
Požadavky ke zkoušce -
Please switch to the english version.
Poslední úprava: SCHNELLEROVA (25.10.2019)
The final grade will consist of three parts. In total you can get 100 points.
1) Mid-term test (30 pts), the date to be confirmed (mid-semester)
2) Final on-line test (65 pts)
3) Bonus points for class activity (max 5 points)
91 – 100 pts
81 – 90 pts
Very good
71 – 80 pts
61 – 70 pts
51 – 60 pts
0 – 50 pts
Poslední úprava: Pečená Magda, Mgr., Ph.D. (16.02.2021)
Sylabus -
Please switch to the english version.
Poslední úprava: SCHNELLEROVA (25.10.2019)
This is an introductory course on banking. It provides students with an understanding of microeconomic, macroeconomic and political aspects of banking and financial markets.
1) Basics of Banking Markets 2) Evaluation of Bank´s Performance 3) Financial Markets 4) Money and Understanding Interest Rates 5) Central Banking 6) Managing Risk in Banking 7) Theory of Bank Regulation 8) Bank Capital 9) Credit Risk and Market Risk 10) Liquidity Risk 11) Operational Risk 12) Financial and Bank Crises
Poslední úprava: Teplý Petr, prof. PhDr., Ph.D. (20.02.2018)