Farmakokinetika, farmakodynamika, individuální variabilita, nežádoucí účinky, interakce, hodnocení nových léčiv, účelná farmakoterapie, lékopis, lékové formy ,základy recepturychemické mediátory, nervový systém, látky ovlivňující cévy a srdce, hemostáza, tromboza, diuretika, dislipoproteinémie, dýchací a trávicí ústrojí, uterotonika a tokolytika, antiflogistika a imunosupresiva, rtg kontrastní látky, radiofarmaka, lokálně působící látky, desinficiencia, antiseptika, chemoterapie infekčních a nádorových onemocnění, hormony, vitaminy, základy toxikologie, fytoterapie, fytotoxikologie
Poslední úprava: BURIANKO (26.04.2005)
GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF PHARMACOLOGY1. Rang-Dale-Ritter: Pharmacology - 6th Edit., (Churchill - Livingstone). 2. Dale - Haylett: Pharmacology Condensed, (Churchill - Livingstone) 3. British National Formulary (latest edition)
Special pharmacology 1. H.P.Rang, M.M.Dale, P.K.Moore: Pharmacology (Churchill Livingstone) 2. M.M.Dale, D.G. Haylett: Pharmacology condensed (Churchill Livingstone) 3. A.J.Trevor, B.G.Katzung, S.B.Masters: Katzung and Trevor?s Pharmacology McGraw - Hill Poslední úprava: Zemenová Irena (11.10.2010)
Credit requirements:
Attendance at seminars, passing two interim tests, oral presentation covering latest news in pharmacy and therapeutics, submission of computer simulated experiments report and passing a credit test (covering the materials from the seminars) are compulsory. There is one regular date and two resit dates for the credit test.
Credit in SIS and signed credit in Credit Book is needed.
Poslední úprava: Zemenová Irena (22.05.2018)
LECTURES: 1. Pharmacodynamics – specific and non-specific mechanism of drug action. 2. Pharmacodynamics - quantitative aspects of drug-receptor interaction. 3. Pharmacokinetics - drug permeation through biomembranes, basic pharmacokinetic processes, and parameters. Absorption. 4. Pharmacokinetics - distribution and metabolism of drugs. 5. Pharmacokinetics - drug excretion. Elimination according to 1st and 0th order kinetics, pharmacokinetic parameters of elimination, and their significance. 6. Pharmacokinetic basis of drug dosing, single and repeated drug administration. 7. Individualization of pharmacotherapy: pharmacogenetics, gene therapy. Biological treatment. 8. Chemical mediators and vegetative nervous system - sympathetic. 9. Vegetative nervous system - parasympathetic. 10. Antiepileptics. 11. Psychopharmaceuticals - antidepressants, thymoprophylactics, antipsychotics. 12. Psychopharmaceuticals - anxiolytics, hypnotics. 13. Central and peripheral muscle relaxants. General and local anaesthetics. 14. Infusion therapy, enteral and parenteral nutrition. Vitamins, minerals.
Poslední úprava: Dědečková Eva, PharmDr. Bc. (27.02.2021)