course can be enrolled in outside the study plan enabled for web enrollment priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
Academic Study - (taking part in a discussion, exchanging ideas and opinions and becoming familiar with academic vocabulary) Learning Styles and Critical Thinking - (evaluating learning styles - Kinaesthetic, Visual and Auditory) Philosophies of Teaching - (Essentialism, Perennialism, Existentialism, and Behaviorism)
Last update: Lašťovička Petr, Mgr. (05.08.2017)
Oxford EAP - English for Academic Purposes and introductory materials from Philosophy of Education
Last update: Lašťovička Petr, Mgr. (05.08.2017)
Requirements to the exam
The final project for the course is for each student to prepare and lead a 20 minute lecture (in English) on a topic which is of interest to them with the consideration of age, learning style and teaching philosophy.
Last update: Lašťovička Petr, Mgr. (05.08.2017)
The course is 20% reading/listening and 80% discussion.