The aim of the course is to get acquinted with the basic five levels of speech technique and their practice, with the emphasis on managing the correct posture and developing the inner tactile sebecity.
Last update: Horská Petra, Mgr., Ph.D. (14.03.2019)
Vyčíslení studijní zátěže: 50 hodin Kontaktní výuka: 8 hodin Samostudium literatury a pramenů: 20 hodin Úvaha, sebereflexe: 12 hodin Last update: Holčáková Vendula, Mgr. (02.02.2023)
Aktivní účast v hodinách, úvaha na dané téma, sebereflexe. Last update: Krátká Jana, PhDr., Ph.D. (17.02.2023)
Povinná literatura: HŮRKOVÁ - NOVOTNÁ,J.,MAKOVIČKOVÁ, H. Základy jevištní mluvy 1. Praha: SPN, 1983. SVOBODOVÁ, R. Základy techniky řeči pro (budoucí) učitele. Praha: Ped.F UK, 1998. ISBN 80-86039-45-5.
Doporučená literatura: KOŤÁTKOVÁ, S. A KOL. Vybrané kapitoly z dramatické výchovy. Praha: Karolinum, 1998. ISBN 80 - 7184 - 756-9. Last update: Horská Petra, Mgr., Ph.D. (14.03.2019)
Course contents: Sore muscular relaxation, mixed ( thoracic- diaphragmatic) breathing, voice texture in resonant cavities and front support, mascular impulse for the voice and work of the muscles of the solar landscape, development of internal- tactile sebacea, relaxed exercise, swing, precise articulation, corresponding standards of the written language, the binding of all technical elements to the correct posture, the active body as a condition of pure voice, voice hygiene and ability to control your voice, work with the basic properties of the voice (height, color, strength) 1. Slower posture in active muscle relaxation 2. Mixed thoracic-diaphragmatic breathing 3. Text of voice in resonant cavities 4. Front support 5. muscular impulse for voice 6. The work of the muscles of the solar landscape 7. Hold bodies and components of speech techniques 8. Practice of relaxed, swinging, precise articulation 9. Active body as a condition of pure voice 10. active body as a condition of voice hygiene 11. the basic characteristics of the voice - height, color, strength 12. Repetition Last update: Horská Petra, Mgr., Ph.D. (14.03.2019)