Academic English - OPBZ0A115C
The course is focused on the acquisition and practical use of basic academic skills needed for the university environment. The topics that will be covered are as follows:
1. Introduction to Academic English (it grammar and vocabulary) 2. Work with electronic resources available for students of the Faculty of Education, Demonastration of Academic English characteristics based on texts found in the database 3. Giving speech/presentation: vocabulary and grammar needed for giving a valuable speech/presentation 4. IELTS and other language certificates useful for students
Last update: Lašťovička Petr, Mgr. (26.11.2021)
Hewings, Martin. Cambridge Academic English Upper-intermediate, Student´s book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. ISBN 978-0521165235 McCarthy, Michael, O´Dell, Felicity. English Vocabulary in Use - Advanced. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. ISBN 978-0521677479 Aktuální doplňkové materiály Last update: Lašťovička Petr, Mgr. (26.11.2021)
-Attendance 70 percent -written exam from the covered gram., lexical. terminology ... passing point 70 percent (3 attempts) -short presentation on a given topic Last update: Lašťovička Petr, Mgr. (26.11.2021)