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Course, academic year 2024/2025
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History of the Czech literature II - OPBC2L111A
Title: Dějiny české literatury II
Guaranteed by: Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2022
Semester: both
E-Credits: 6
Hours per week, examination: 2/2, Ex [HT]
Capacity: winter:unknown / unknown (unknown)
summer:unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
Guarantor: prof. PhDr. Tomáš Kubíček, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): PhDr. Jiří Smrčka, Ph.D.
Pre-requisite : OPBC2L108A
Is pre-requisite for: OPBC2L113A, OEBLL1704Z, OPBC2L119A, OEBLL1704, OPBLL2110Z, OEBLL2118Z, OEBLL2108Z, OPBC2L116A
Annotation -
Learning outcomes of the course unit The course enables to understand the basic developmental and thematic processes in the Czech literature of the twentieth century. It is based on the principle of synchronous slices on a diachronous background. It is not a matter of traditional creation of chronological units, which attempt to cover within a limited period of time various processes and areas of literature development, but it is the creation of thematically focused units that follow basic topics or basic functions that influenced and influence the Czech literature. However, they create basic developmental lines that vary in different historical contexts throughout the twentieth century and thus create a long-term specificity of Czech literature in the context of world literature. The course is not focused on textocentric literary history, but shows literature as part of specific cultural and social models (cultural fields or cultural maps) that influenced the form of Czech art and Czech thought in the twentieth century. The aim of the course is to enable students to understand permanent or long-term processes in the history of literature, but also in the history of Czech society, which are a vital part of our current experience with national culture. The basic unit becomes the cultural model, its principles students should understand, which will serve not only literary works, but also examples of other types of art. Students should thus get an idea of ​​a more complex structure of art (ie they will not perceive literature as a separate area) and at the same time they should acquire knowledge of the processes that have shaped and shaped the current world (literary, cultural and social). expression in literature or through literature. Through this course, the history of literature will become a specific instrument of knowledge that leads to national and individual self-reflection.
Last update: Smrčka Jiří, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.10.2019)
Course completion requirements -


- verification of knowledge in the scope of Czech literature of the 20th century (ie in the scope of courses History of Czech Literature I and II)

Conditions for admission to the examination

· Attendance (max 3 absences)

· Preparation and group presentation in the seminar

Last update: Smrčka Jiří, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.10.2019)
Literature -

Brabec, Jiří: Panství ideologie a moc literatury. Studie, kritiky, portréty. Praha, Akropolis 2010.

Pešat, Zdeněk – Strohsová, Eva (eds.): Dějiny české literatury IV. Praha, Victoria Publishing 1995.

Strohsová, Eva: Zrození moderny. Praha, Československý spisovatel 1963.

Hodrová, Daniela (ed.): Poetika české meziválečné literatury. Proměny žánrů. Praha, Československý spisovatel 1987.

Hrabáková, Jaroslava – Janáčková, Jaroslava (eds.): Česká literatura na přelomu století. Jinočany, H&H 2001.

Kubíček, Tomáš – Wiendl, Jan: Moderna/Moderny, Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc 2013.

Kubíček, Tomáš – Merhaut, Luboš – Wiendl, Jan: Na téma umění a život, Brno, Host 2007

Kubíček, Tomáš – Wiendl, Jan: Víra a výraz. Východiska a perspektivy české křesťanské poezie a prózy 20. století, Brno, Host 2005.

Kubíček, Tomáš: Felix Vodička. K dějinám českého strukturalismu

Jařab, Josef a kol.: Literární modernismus ve světě, Univerzita Palackého 2014

Papoušek, Vladimír (ed.): Dějiny nové moderny: česká literatura v letech 1905–1923. Praha, Academia 2010.

Papoušek, Vladimír a kol. Dějiny nové moderny 2, Praha, Akademia 2.

Papoušek, Vladimír: Gravitace avantgard. Praha, Akropolis 2007.

Putna, Martin C.: Česká katolická literatura 1918-1945. Praha, Torst 2010.

Brousek, Antonín: Podřezávání větve. Praha, Torst 1999.

Černý, Václav: Skutečnost svoboda. Kulturněpolitické stati a polemiky z let 1945-1948. Praha, Český spisovatel 1995.

Čulík, Jan: Knihy za ohradou. Česká literatura v exilových nakladatelstvích 1971-1989. Praha 1991.

Doležal, Bohumil: Netrpěná literatura, Praha, Torst 2007.

Holý, Jiří (ed.): Český Parnas. Literatura 1970-1990. Interpretace vybraných děl 60 autorů. Praha, Galaxie 1993.

Gruntorád, Jiří: Katalog knih českého exilu 1948-1994. Libri prohibiti, Praha, Primus 1995.

Chalupecký, Jindřich: Tíha doby. Stati o časových souvislostech a situacích kultury 1968-1988, Olomouc, Votobia 1997.

Janoušek, Pavel a kol.: Dějiny české literatury 1945-1989, sv. I. – IV., Praha, Academia 2007- 2008.

Knopp, František: Česká literatura v exilu 1948-1989. Bibliografie, Praha, Makropulos 1996.

Kubíček, Tomáš a kol.: Literární Morava, Brno, MVS 2002.

Last update: Smrčka Jiří, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.10.2019)
Syllabus -
1.-2. The Czech Question and the Controversy over the Purpose of Czech History - (the influence of literature on the formation of national identity, the identification function of literature)

(a) H. G. Schauer and T. G. Masaryk

(b) the emergence of an independent State

c) Second Republic (transformation of the literary situation after 1 October 1938 or 167 days in the literary life of Czechoslovakia)

(d) simultaneous search for national identity in a globalized world


3-4. State-building (state-forming and patriotic function of literature)

a) authors around Lidové noviny,

b) the idea of an ordinary person: developing reading for the majority reader (inspired by popular genres),

c) the educational function of literature of the legionary myth x Hašek's Švejk


5.-6. Anti-modern opposition (warning function of literature)

a) skepticism of modernity and antiutopia as a hygienic tool of critical thinking in literature

b) the rise and fall of Catholic literature after 1918 and its development in the twentieth century


7. Literature of historical trauma (reaction to World War I, World War II, narrative of the traumatic past, therapeutic function of literature)

a) World War I and its image in literature

b) the first wave of response to World War II in both prose and poetry between the Soviet Union and Panychida

c) human fates (second wave of reflection and theme of Jewish fate in Czech literature)

d) a new form of thematization of war experience after the advent of a strong generation of authors (Tučková, Denemarková, Katalpa)

8 .-. 9. Socialist realism and petrification of literary development (political function of literature, literature and non-literary norms, the role of literature in the politicized world)

(a) social sensitivity in literature after 1900

b) socialist realism

c) building novel - prototype of non-functional machine

d) Where our life is halfway with its pilgrimage and deconstruction of the communist myth

e) the return of everyday life (everyday poetry, reports, features, Life Around Us)

f) rebellion against ordinariness (experiment and absurd literature)

g) a socially critical novel on the road to Prank and world literature

(h) standardization and resumption of control


10. Restoration of chaos in Czech literature after 1989 (literature as a part of the postmodern world)

(literary life after 1989, blending of generations and streams, demise of platforms, creation of literary magazines, ghettoisation, programmatic, decline of literary criticism, decline of craft of writing, xenophobia and literature, searching for topic, advent of authors; and where is children's literature and comics?)


11. Karel Čapek - Czech literary situation in the first half of the 20th century

12. Milan Kundera - Czech literary situation in the second half of the 20th century

Last update: Smrčka Jiří, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.10.2019)
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