SubjectsSubjects(version: 957)
Course, academic year 2023/2024
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History of the United States - JMB017
Title: Dějiny USA
Guaranteed by: Department of North American Studies (23-KAS)
Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences
Actual: from 2020
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 8
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:4/2, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (70)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech, English
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Additional information:
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: Mgr. Jiří Pondělíček, Ph.D.
Mgr. Jana Sehnálková, Ph.D.
Incompatibility : JMB251, JMB411
Pre-requisite : JMB001, JMB002, JMB004, JMB006, JMB022, JMB023, JMB024, JMB025, JMB113, JMB119
Is incompatible with: JMB411, JTB029, JMM509, JMB251
Examination dates   Schedule   Noticeboard   
Annotation -
The goal of the course is to introduce basic issues in U.S. history in chronological order from the establishment of colonies in North America till the end of the Cold War. The course is taught in Czech.
Last update: SEHNALKO (24.02.2009)
Aim of the course

Description of Toth seminar:

As survey of the history of American society, this seminar will teach skills of critical thinking about categories in American cultures such as race, nationality, gender roles, and sexuality. We will be examining how American ideas about work and success, immigration, rights, duties and privileges, and the role of the U.S. in the world have changed over time not as some natural and triumphant progress, but as a painful struggle between various social groups for their own interests and their dreams about life in theUnited States. This course will be primarily historical and cultural in its approach: it will use a number of media from political documents, critical essays and fiction to songs, paintings, photographs and film clips. This History of theUnited States seminar will introduce you to some of the basic concepts in the scholarly field of American Studies - and it will help you to become an independent thinker about U.S.society.

In another sense, we will be learning about the multiplicity of cultureS in theUnited States. If a culture (roughly defined) is a logical system of beliefs/values and practices, and the U.S. is "a nation of immigrants," has there been anything to unify Americans over time? If there has been a dominant culture in the U.S., whose culture is it? In this nation’s history, how has the dominant culture related to the other social groups? And what would it mean to build a truly "multicultural" society? These are key questions both for the scholarly field of American Studies, and for you as active thinkers about the United States.

Last update: Toth Gyorgy, Assistant Professor, PhD. (17.02.2014)
Literature -

Compulsory reading:

George B. TINDALL, David E. SHI, USA, Praha, 1994, 1996

Recommended reading:

Josef OPATRNÝ, Válka Severu proti Jihu, Praha 1998

Josef OPATRNÝ, Válka Mohykánů: sedmiletá válka v Americe, Praha 1999

Peter SCHÄFER, Prezidenti USA, Praha, 1995

Svatava RAKOVÁ, Anglické kolonie v Americe v 17. století, Praha, HÚ AV ČR, 1997

Gordon S. WOOD, The Creation of the American Republic, Baltimore 1969 (knihovna IMS Rytířská)

T.A. Bailey : A Diplomatic History of the American People. New Jersey,1980;

S.F. Bemis : A Diplomatic History of United States. New York, 1976;

S. Budín : USA - portrét národa. Praha, 1948;

R. Crockatt : The Fifty Years War. New York, 1995;

P. Duignan - L.H. Gann: The USA and the New Europe, 1945 - 1993.

Cambridge, Mass. ,1994;

J.L. Gaddis : The United States and the Origins of the Cold War, 1941 -1947.

New York, 1972;

D. Halberstam : Černobílé desetiletí. Praha, 2002;

O. Handlin : The Americans. A New History of the People of the United States.

Boston, 1963;

M. Kort : The Columbis Guide to the Cold War. New York, 1998;

S.E. Morison: The Oxford History of the American People. Vol. III., 1994;

V. Nálevka : Karibská krize. Praha, 2001;

V. Nálevka : Studená válka. Praha, 2003;

A. Nevins - H. Commager : Dějiny Spojených států. Praha, 1947;

(reedice, Klatovy, 1994;)

J. Opatrný : Španělsko a USA v zápase o Kubu. Praha, 1978;

S. Raková : Politika Spojených států ve střední Evropě po první světové válce.

Praha, 1983;

G.B. Tindall - D. E. Shi : Dějiny USA. Praha, 1994;

J. Wanner: Spojené státy a evropská válka. I - III, Praha, 2001 -2003;

Last update: SEHNALKO (23.02.2009)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

- splnění povinností v semináři k Dějinám USA
- úspěsné složení midtermu (30 procent) a konečné souborné zkoušky (70 procent)



Info o midterm testu:

Midterm bude zahrnovat látku probranou v první půlce semestru (do r. 1865) včetně definice pojmů, identifikace osob a událostí, mapu a otázku, na kterou je třeba odpovědět souvislým, logickým textem. Midterm je možné skládat jen jednou.

Midterm je zaveden v rámci projektu inovace výuky OPPA. Cílem je lepší monitoring výuky studentů.


Last update: SEHNALKO (06.04.2013)
Syllabus -

The survey of U.S. history is only taught in Czech.

Last update: SEHNALKO (23.02.2009)
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