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Information about part of collection

Part of collection name
Books of examination protocols of State Examination Commisions at the German University in Prague
Kept in archive
Institute of History of the Charles University and the Archive of the Charles University
Place of creation
Time range
5.5 linear meters inventorised 
Collection source
Faculty of Law of the German University in Prague 
Description of subject
The part of collection contains official records of State Examination Commisions. 
Finding aid
RATAJOVÁ, Jana: Právnická fakulta Německé univerzity v Praze. Knihy zkušebních protokolů státních zkušebních komisí při PF NU v Praze. Dílčí inventář. [Faculty of Law of the German University in Prague. Books of examination protocols of State Examination Commisions at LF GU in Prague. Partial inventory.] Praha 2015.