Přednášky probíhají v anglickém jazyce, proto je i anotace níže uvedena anglicky. V případě potřeby lze samozřejmě prokonzultovat terminologii nebo
koncepty, pokud by pro české posluchače nebyly srozumitelné.
This course is designed to introduce the student to the ecologically and economically important phenomenon of biological invasions, and to the related biological discipline that underwent a major boom in recent years. The course will provide information about processes facilitating invasions, invasion pathways, impacts, and possible mitigation strategies. Examples will be shown of globally important animal and plant invasive species, as well of those of importance in Central European context. The lectures will particularly focus on invasions as an ecological phenomenon, and on conservational implications (i.e., while pests and pathogens important in agriculture are considered when relevant, they won’t be main focus of the course).
The course assumes basic knowledge of ecological principles. It is suitable for wide range of audience, from advanced undergraduate students with interest in ecology, biodiversity and environmental issues, to doctoral students.
Poslední úprava: Petrusek Adam, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (23.10.2019)
This course is designed to introduce the student to the ecologically and economically important phenomenon of biological invasions, and to the related biological discipline that underwent a major boom in recent years. The course will provide information about processes facilitating invasions, invasion pathways, impacts, and possible mitigation strategies. Examples will be shown of globally important animal and plant invasive species, as well of those of importance in Central European context. The lectures will particularly focus on invasions as an ecological phenomenon, and on conservational implications (i.e., while pests and pathogens important in agriculture are considered when relevant, they won’t be main focus of the course).
The course assumes basic knowledge of ecological principles. It is suitable for wide range of audience, from advanced undergraduate students with interest in ecology, biodiversity and environmental issues, to doctoral students.
Poslední úprava: Petrusek Adam, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (12.12.2018)
Literatura -
Hlavním studijním zdrojem jsou prezentace, jež jsou frekventantům k dispozici v PDF. Dále lze využít mnohé internetové zdroje.
Z české literatury lze doporučit zejména následující knihy:
Netwing W. (2014): Nevítaní vetřelci: Invazní rostliny a živočichové v Evropě. Academia, Praha. Mlíkovský J., Stýblo P., eds. (2006): Nepůvodní druhy fauny a flóry České republiky. ČSOP Praha.
Z anglické literatury kteroukoli z mnoha učebnic zaměřených na tuto tématiku, a dále monografii zaměřenou na invaze v Evropě:
DAISIE (2009) Handbook of Alien Species in Europe. Springer (Dordrecht, The Netherlands): 1-399.
Poslední úprava: Petrusek Adam, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (23.10.2019)
The main study material are the presentations, provided in the PDF format to the students enrolled in the course.
There are numerous websites dedicated to biological invasions, which may be consulted depending on the specie sof interest.
Any recent book on invasion ecology may be also used for extended reading. Particularly useful may be the key ouput of the project DAISIE, which also included the chapter with species accounts of "the worst 100" in Europe:
DAISIE (2009) Handbook of Alien Species in Europe. Springer (Dordrecht, The Netherlands): 1-399.
Poslední úprava: Petrusek Adam, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (23.10.2019)
Požadavky ke zkoušce -
Předmět je ukončen ústní zkouškou (v angličtině, češtině nebo slovenštině). Začíná prezentací, kterou si student(ka) připraví na invazním druhu dle svého výběru. Prezentace by měla být představit druh, jeho původ, způsoby introdukce, současné rozšíření, dopady a případné další zajímavosti. Následně zkouška pokračuje diskuzí o vybraných tématech z přednášek. Pro úspěch je důležitější porozumět koneptům a správně je interpretovat a aplikovat, než se naučit seznamy druhových jmen nebo konkrétní čísla...
Poslední úprava: Petrusek Adam, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (28.05.2019)
The course ends by oral exam (in English, Czech or Slovak). The exam is oral, on one-by-one basis (not in front of the whole class). It lasts for about 20-30 minutes (depending on student's performance), and start with students'brief (ca 5 min) presentation of a non-native/invasive species of their choice (prepared as a standard PowerPoint/PDF slide show). The presentation should introduce the species, its origin, introduction pathways, present distribution, impacts, and any other facts of biological or socioeconomical significance. Subsequently, the exam continues with "scholarly discussion" on selected topics from the course, with the presentation used as a starting point. To succeed in the exam, it is more important to understand the concepts and interpret them than to memorize lists of names or numbers.
As usual, if the student fails the exam, there are two more attempts, but we skip the presentation part.
Poslední úprava: Petrusek Adam, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (04.10.2024)
Sylabus -
Přednášky probíhají v aglickém jazyce.
1. Biological invasions: introduction - phenomenon of biological invasions - invasion biology as a young scientific field vs. biological invasions as an old phenomenon - how species become invasive - modes of ecological and economical impacts - main functional and taxonomic groups of invasive species
2. Invasion process and pathways - stages of invasion process - barriers to invasions - hypotheses explaining success of invasive species - pathways of introduction (human-mediated vs. natural) - evolutionary processes involved in biological invasions - genetics of invasions
3. Animal and plant invasions in terrestrial environments 4. Invasions in freshwater and marine environments (both above-mentioned lectures should have similar structure): - main pathways of invasions specific for plants, vertebrates and invertebrates in the respective environments - environment-specific modes of impact - specific examples of important invasive species (taken from the lists of 100 worst invaders of the world and in Europe, respectively) demonstrating various aspects of invasions; these will always include: o region of origin o primary and secondary invasion pathway(s) o history and dynamics of spread o interaction with native species and communities o other impacts
5. Emerging invasive diseases - examples of emerging, important invader pathogens of wildlife (crayfish plague, chytridiomycosis of amphibians, white nose disease of bats, etc.) - origin, impact and detection of the pathogens - methodological approaches for detecting invasive pathogens
6. Conclusions: Impact and mitigation of biological invasions - available procedures to prevent or stop invasions - economic impacts and how to estimate them - examples of successes and failures - EU legislation on invasive alien species
Předmět je vyučován za podpory projektu Zvýšení kvality vzdělávání na UK a jeho relevance pro potřeby trhu práce, reg.č. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002362.
Poslední úprava: Rubešová Jana, RNDr., Ph.D. (05.09.2019)
1. Biological invasions: introduction - phenomenon of biological invasions - invasion biology as a young scientific field vs. biological invasions as an old phenomenon - how species become invasive - modes of ecological and economical impacts - main functional and taxonomic groups of invasive species
2. Invasion process and pathways - stages of invasion process - barriers to invasions - hypotheses explaining success of invasive species - pathways of introduction (human-mediated vs. natural) - evolutionary processes involved in biological invasions - genetics of invasions
3. Animal and plant invasions in terrestrial environments 4. Invasions in freshwater and marine environments (both above-mentioned lectures should have similar structure): - main pathways of invasions specific for plants, vertebrates and invertebrates in the respective environments - environment-specific modes of impact - specific examples of important invasive species (taken from the lists of 100 worst invaders of the world and in Europe, respectively) demonstrating various aspects of invasions; these will always include: o region of origin o primary and secondary invasion pathway(s) o history and dynamics of spread o interaction with native species and communities o other impacts
5. Emerging invasive diseases - examples of emerging, important invader pathogens of wildlife (crayfish plague, chytridiomycosis of amphibians, white nose disease of bats, etc.) - origin, impact and detection of the pathogens - methodological approaches for detecting invasive pathogens
6. Conclusions: Impact and mitigation of biological invasions - available procedures to prevent or stop invasions - economic impacts and how to estimate them - examples of successes and failures - EU legislation on invasive alien species
The course is taught with the support of the project reg. number CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002362
Poslední úprava: Rubešová Jana, RNDr., Ph.D. (14.09.2019)