Lectures: Principles and updates in subspecialties of internal medicine. Seminars/microlectures: Instrumental methods, approach to clinical problems, and case studies. Practicals: Training in history taking and physical examination, discussions over clinical cases, demonstration of investigatory and treatment techniques. Microlectures and practicals are focused mainly on the lectured subspecialties of internal medicine. Poslední úprava: Kašparová Kateřina (02.09.2022)
Compulsory literature
Poslední úprava: Kašparová Kateřina (02.09.2022)
Credit: Credit is given: for attendance at practical classes; one absence is permitted if properly justified, from evaluation of continuous rating - resulting from graded oral or written testing (from sections of the presented material during practical classes), the lowest average passing grade is 3.0. To obtain credit the student must comply with all above requirements. Examination: Credit The test is conditional on the development of a separate medical record. Successful completion of practical and theoretical knowledge. Poslední úprava: Kašparová Kateřina (02.09.2022)
Nerve root, plexus and peripheral nerve lesions. Motor neuron disease, polyneuropathy, myasthenia gravis, muscle disease. (Vališ 3) Diagnostic process, topical diagnosis. Syndromology of the cranial nerves I-XII. Headache and facial pain. (Herzig 3) Syndromology of the brain stem, cerebellar and extrapyramidal disorders. (Herzig 3) Cerebrovascular diseases. Epilepsy. (Herzig 3) Speech disorders. Cognitive disorders. Multiple sclerosis.(Simko 3)
Practical courses & seminars Lecturers
Practical courses
Poslední úprava: Kašparová Kateřina (13.09.2021)