In this course we explore the entanglements of gender, nature and culture that have been at the heart of feminist
theory and activism. These concerns have gained renewed feminist attention in the era some call the
Anthropocene where human activities irreparably have impacted on geological, biotic and climatic processes.
What does it mean to live in the ruins of capitalism and what life and specifically feminist and queer politics can be
generated when there is no simple cure or going back to pre-industrial times? These questions will take us to
theories of racism and colonialism as much as gender and queer studies and human animal studies.The course
will proceed through engaging case studies, as well as an exercise of creative ‘energy writing’ that will take us out
of the classroom to expand our always more than human sensorium, train our writing skills and attune us the
1. Welcome to the Anthropocene
2. Thinking with Natureculture Entanglements
3. Queer Animals? Thinking Trans* with Nonhuman Animals
4. Nonlinear Biology and Sympoeisis
5. Queer Ecologies and Politics
6. Petro- and Plastic Capitalist Cultures
7. (Non)Western Ontologies: Querying Life and Nonlife & Midterm Review
8. Expanding the Human Sensorium: The Art of Noticing & Fieldtrip
9. Caring for Nonhuman Kin
10. Agential Realism
11. Nuclearity: Memory, Affect and Politics of Nonhuman Witnessing
12. The Politics of Waste & Review of Concepts
13. The Politics of Nature: an (Eco)Cosmopolitan Proposal & Roleplay
Poslední úprava: Macková Kristýna, Bc. (28.02.2019)
1. To develop a critical appreciation of the entanglements of gender, nature and culture 2. To explore classic and contemporary conceptions of natureculture, petrocultures; matter(ing), materiality 3. To rethink key feminist concepts such as sex, care, agency, response-ability and cosmopolitics from more than human perspectives 4. To undertake (gender) analysis of inanimate matters in and around ‘us’ 5. To advance students’ English academic and creative writing skills Poslední úprava: Lorenz - Meyer Dagmar, M.A., Ph.D. (21.01.2023)
Assessment will be continuous and includes individual and group work through the semester. Instead of a final exam students will write a final paper, individually or in pairs. Individual work: Ø Active participation in weekly class discussions based on weekly assigned reading: 25 % Ø Short concept paper (700 words): write about a concept from the course further readings that you find interesting: where does it come from, how is it defined? Illustrate what the concepts allow us to sense and do by providing your own example. 15% Ø Creative writing paper/weather writing (600 words): write a short piece based on a fieldtrip we do together – you can add drawings, photographs and sound recordings. 10% Group work (in small groups of 2-4 students) Ø Choose a session that you want to run with your peers: prepare a summary of the main course reading (500 words) and 3-4 questions for class discussion: 15% Ø Final paper: analyse and expand on a course topic of your choice, drawing on further readings and at least two main readings (2500 words individually or 3500 words in pairs). A short 200 word abstract is due before the last class. 35%
Poslední úprava: Lorenz - Meyer Dagmar, M.A., Ph.D. (21.01.2023)
This course will be divided between short introductions and a discussion of weekly required readings. Class discussions will be prepared by small groups of students who will meet online with the class teacher before class and will be responsible for this session. you will also go on a fieldtrip and experiment with creative writing. You will receive detailed feedback on two written assignments.
Poslední úprava: Lorenz - Meyer Dagmar, M.A., Ph.D. (21.01.2023)
a detailed syllabus will be distributed at the beginning of the semester. weekly topics include queer ecologies, ecoheteronormativity and anthropcentrism; anthropocene, plantationocene and planthropocene; extinction, petrocultures, companion species; care for the more than human world; mutltispecies resistance; indigenous analytics and epistemologies; indigenous energy futurism. * Compulsory: Poslední úprava: Lorenz - Meyer Dagmar, M.A., Ph.D. (21.01.2023)