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Předmět, akademický rok 2024/2025
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Psychology, psychology of sport - PPPD210C
Anglický název: Psychology, psychology of sport
Zajišťuje: Katedra společenskovědního základu v kinantropologii (51-300000)
Fakulta: Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu
Platnost: od 2024
Semestr: letní
Body: 0
E-Kredity: 4
Způsob provedení zkoušky: letní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: letní s.:2/1, Z+Zk [HT]
Počet míst: 13 / 13 (neurčen)
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Poznámka: předmět je možno zapsat mimo plán
povolen pro zápis po webu
při zápisu přednost, je-li ve stud. plánu
Garant: PhDr. Ivana Harbichová, Ph.D.
Vyučující: PhDr. Ivana Harbichová, Ph.D.
Cíl předmětu - angličtina

Course Goals:

- the aim of the course is to provide students with a basic orientation in the broad field of psychological knowledge

- acquaint students with basic knowledge of general psychology and sports psychology, with contemporary approaches, concepts and methods of psychology and their application in the context of sports

Learning outcomes:

- characterize general psychology as a basic psychological discipline and describe its links to other fields, especially sports psychology, which is very closely related to sports activities and the environment

- clarify the importance of studying psychology and sports psychology, their function and mission

- orientate and think systematically in the vast field of psychological knowledge and adequately use psychological terminology

- formulate basic knowledge from general psychology and sports psychology based on different psychological approaches to aparadigms, can compare them with each other and have a critical approach to them

- give examples of the application of psychological knowledge in the field of sports, especially with a focus on the relationship between psychology and physical activity

- explain the importance of psychological preparation and its principles for sports performance itself (which is still neglected in sports practice)

- apply psychological knowledge and principles of psychological preparation to training and competitions, use the knowledge gained in coaching, teaching or lecturing activities for different age groups

- use various techniques and strategies for self-regulation and regulation of psychological states

Poslední úprava: Harbichová Ivana, PhDr., Ph.D. (30.11.2023)

General Psychology

NOLEN-HOEKSEMA, S., FREDRICKSON, B. L., LOFTUS, G. R., WAGENAAR, W. A. (2009). Atkinson & Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology, 15th Edition. Wadsworth Pub Co.

WORTMAN, C. B., & LOFTUS, E. F. (1992). Psychology. Fourth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.

WORTMAN, C. B., & LOFTUS, E. F. (1999). Student study guide to accompany psychology. Fifth Edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Sport Psychology

HARDY, L., JONES, G., GOULD, D. (2003). Understanding psychological preparation for sport. New York: Wiley.

MORAN, A.P. (2004). Sport and Exercise Psychology: A Critical Introduction. London, Routledge.

MURPHY, S. (2005). The Sport Psychologist´s Handbook. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.

WEINBERG, R. S., GOULD, D. (2011). Foundations of sport and exercise psychology. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.

Poslední úprava: Harbichová Ivana, PhDr., Ph.D. (19.02.2021)
Požadavky ke zkoušce - angličtina

Requirements to the exam:

Written test

Poslední úprava: Harbichová Ivana, PhDr., Ph.D. (19.02.2021)
Sylabus - angličtina


1. Introduction to psychology, aims of psychology

2. History of psychology, selected psychological disciplines

3. Consciousness, perception, attention

4. Memory

5. Learning, basic types of learning

6. Emotions, motivation

7. Personality, theoretical approaches to personality

8. Movement, psyche, performance

9. Psychological analysis of sport activity

10. Cognitive functions in sports

11. Personality in the sport context

12. Emotion, motivaton, volition in the sport context

13. Social interactions, facilitation and social groups in sport

14. Agression in the sport context, sport spectators, doping


1. Memory, memory assessment

2. Attention, attention assessment

3. Personality, intelligence, assessment of personality and intelligence

4. Methodology of sport psychology

5. Relaxation in sports

6. Groups in sports (sociometry)

7. Written test

Poslední úprava: Mudrák Jiří, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (24.09.2020)
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