Applied Social Psychology is based on social-psychological theories and seeks to interconnect the knowledge of fundamental research with the solution of questions and problems relevant to the real life context. Within the course we will focus on a number of selected areas that are beneficial to the health education study program and related pedagogical practice. The aim of the subject is to connect social-psychological thinking with practical application in selected areas relevant to the field of education. Students will be supported in critical thinking on the grounds of knowledge of socio-psychological concepts so that they can use these skills for a more thorough understanding of selected social phenomena. Students will be acquainted with the current development of knowledge in the field, especially in the context of various theoretical and methodological approaches. They will strengthen their skills to critically work with academic texts and deepen knowledge in selected areas.
Subject target:
Acquiring knowledge in the field of applied social psychology, knowledge will not be limited to memorizing, but will shift students and students towards the ability to understand and use selected concepts. Awareness of current discipline development. Developing the ability to interpret research findings. Linking the research with practical application in the sense of deeper understanding of selected real life problems.
Current approaches in social psychology (key theories, methodological approaches)
Identity and subjectivity in contemporary thinking
Psychological development and socio-psychological contexts
Application of social psychology in school
Application of social psychology in environmental field
Application of social psychology within current social problems
Poslední úprava: Hanušová Jaroslava, PhDr., Ph.D. (24.11.2019)
Baštecká, B. (Ed., 2009). Psychologická encyklopedie: aplikovaná psychologie. Praha: Portál. Výrost, J., & Slaměník, I. (1998). Aplikovaná sociální psychologie I. Praha, Portál. Výrost, J., & Slaměník, I. (2008). Sociální psychologie. Praha, Grada. Hayes, N. (2003). Aplikovaná psychologie. Praha, Portál. Vybrané odborné texty z časopisů: Československá psychologie, Personality and social psychology review, Journal of applied social psychology. Poslední úprava: Svoboda Petr, Mgr. (22.11.2019)
On-line studijní opora: Heslo pro hosty: akredkpg19 Poslední úprava: Hanušová Jaroslava, PhDr., Ph.D. (09.12.2019)