Detailed acquaintance and reliable orientation in the key parts and scores of important composers of the Classicist period in European music and in this context also Czech music. Instrumental literature is studied in connection with the development of the composer's personality and at the same time in the context of the social, cultural and economic development of Europe. Part of the course is listening comprehension. A permanent part of all aspects of the course is an insight into the history and present of interpretive art. Students are led to independent creative pedagogical and artistic work with instrumental literature. The literature of the instrument is closely related to the subject Instructive literature, it is its theoretical basis. This course is a motivating basis for future theoretical work of students, for creating a repertoire of both their own and their future students, and for dramaturgical work.
Poslední úprava: Kadrnožková Monika, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.10.2020)
Preparation for teaching: Expected preparation time for 1 hour lecture - 30 minutes Expected preparation time for 1 tutorial - 30 minutes Self-study of literature (per semester) - 16 hours Work with study materials (per semester) - 10 hours Completion of continuous assignments (per semester) - 3 hours Coursework: Seminar papers - 8 hours Preparation for credit - 15 hours Poslední úprava: Palkovská Jana, doc. MgA. (12.09.2023)
Curricula vitae of composers and performers related to the topic.
SADIE, S., GROVE, G. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Macmillan Publishing Company Oxford 2001 Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Kassel, Basel, London, New Yourk: Baerenreiterverlag, 1989. ISBN 3-7618-5913-9.
Konzertbuch-Klaviermusik A-Z (kol. autorů). Leipzig 1988, ISBN 3-370-00146-2 SCHOENBAUM, D. The Violin : A Social History of the World's Most Versatile Instrument. New York: WW Norton 2013. ZEYRINGER, F. Literatur für Viola. Hartberg: Verlag Julius Schonwetter 1976. BADURA-SKODA, P. Interpreting Mozart on the Keyboard. London, 1962. SOLOMON, M: Beethoven. New Yourk. 1977 SCHONBERG, H. C. The Lives of the Great Composers. W. W. Norton and Company, Inc. : New York, 1997.
Poslední úprava: Kadrnožková Monika, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.10.2020)
he study includes listening to and studying works of the historical period, reading scores, and discussion. Poslední úprava: Palkovská Jana, doc. MgA. (12.09.2023)