The course is an introduction to the Czech language. Students will get familiar with the grammatical system, pronunciation and basic vocabulary. After completion of the course, students will be able to discuss basic topics of their everyday life, use Czech verbs and apply the rules of the declination system. The expected level of their proficiency at the end of the course is A1.1 according to the European framework of reference for languages.
Poslední úprava: Chejnová Pavla, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.01.2025)
80 % of attendance, active participation in the class, presentation on a given topic. The subject is completed by an exam. Poslední úprava: Chejnová Pavla, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.01.2025)
Main course book:
Holá, L.: Čeština expres 1: A1.1. Akropolis, 2012. (Lekce 1 – Lekce 4)
Other references:
Holá, L.: Česky krok za krokem. A1-A2. Akropolis, 2016 (učebnice) Holá, L.: Česky krok za krokem. A1-A2. Pracovní sešit 1-12. Akropolis, 2016 Holá, L.: Česky krok za krokem. A1-A2. Pracovní sešit 13-24. Akropolis, 2016 Štindl, O.: Easy Czech (Elementary), Akronym, 2008 Rešková, I.: Communicative Czech (Elementary Czech), 2005 (B) Cvejnová J.: Česky, prosím I., 2010 (B) Adamovičová, A.: Basic Czech I., 2013 Fronek, J.: Velký anglicko – český slovník, 2006
Poslední úprava: Chejnová Pavla, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.01.2025)
Exam requirements: Presentation on one of the given topics. Exam topics: 1. Představuji se / Self introduction 2. Orientace ve městě / Orientation in the city 3. Jídlo a pití / Food and drink 4. V restauraci / In the restaurant 5. Moje rodina / My family
Poslední úprava: Chejnová Pavla, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.01.2025)
1. Introduction to Czech languague. Czech letters. Pronunciation – basic rules. Greetings, basic phrases, introducing oneself. Contact information. Formal and informal dialogues. Verbs být, dělat. Personal pronouns. -á conjugation. This is… This is not… Numbers 0–10. The vocative sg. 2. Locations. Where is it? Transportation. Adverbs expressing direction and location. -í conjugation. Numbers 11–100. 3. Food and drink. Communication in a restaurant. The nominative sg. The accusative sg. Mít rád + accusative sg. -e conjugation. Numbers 100–1000. 4. My family. Names and professions. Possessive pronouns. The nominative sg. – adjectives. -ovat conjugation. The accusative sg. Ma and F.
Poslední úprava: Chejnová Pavla, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.01.2025)