Migrace a mobilita v Evrope - Mobility & migration in France and Europe
The lesson questions the migration phenomena in European countries during the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. Special attention is paid on the relation between social sciences and politics and its link with migration and social mobility in Europe. Poslední úprava: Bauer Paul, Dr. (07.02.2024)
The lesson aims at providing an introduction to the migration phenomena that occurred in European countries during the 20th century and the beginning of the 21th century. In 12 lessons, we will question the relation between sciences and politics within the definition of migration problematics in Europe. Poslední úprava: Bauer Paul, Dr. (07.02.2024)
According to the Dean's provision, the teacher evaluates the student's performance in the percentages assigned to grades A to F (https://fsv.cuni.cz/opatreni-dekanky-c-20/2019):
Poslední úprava: Bauer Paul, Dr. (07.02.2024)
viz Sylabus Poslední úprava: Bauer Paul, Dr. (07.02.2024)
The lesson is a seminar structured on the reading and the comment of scientific articles coming from political sciences, sociology, anthropology, and history. Venue: Jinonice, room B318, 17:00 to 18:20 Final exam: 6th of May, will cover topics from classes, mandatory readings as well as student presentations. Poslední úprava: Bauer Paul, Dr. (01.02.2024)
Requirements: Active participation (10%) Students are required do read the mandatory texts for each class and be prepared to answer questions related to it in the class. Repeated failures to answer questions in class will lower student’s score. Protocol to the texts presentation (20%) What will be expected: 15 mn presentation: - A brief general presentation of the text: subject, date, author. - Situate the text in the social and political context, public debates, scientific fields, discipline, and approach. - Present the main bibliographical references used by the author. Try to determine the sources used by the authors (primary or secondary sources). - Present the argumentation and discuss it. Highlight the structure of the text - Highlight key lessons and main conclusion. - Limit of the text: point out the strengths and weaknesses. - Confront with the proposition of another author, another case study, research, texts.
Paper based on the texts presentation (20%) Students will write a short paper about the chosen text. The paper shall follow the structure of the presentation. Minimum length: 6400 characters with spaces. Send the paper to Pauli Bauer (paulibauer@gmail.com). Due date for the paper: May 26th, 2024. No late submissions accepted! Upload your paper in moodle follwing this link: https://dl2.cuni.cz/mod/turnitintooltwo/view.php?id=132363
Final exam (50%): Final exam will cover topics from classes, mandatory readings as well as student presentations. Venue Room B 318, 6 May, 2024
Grades system A: 100-91 Points B: 90-81 Points C: 80-71 Points D: 70-61 Points E: 60-51 Points F: 50 Points and less Poslední úprava: Bauer Paul, Dr. (01.02.2024)