The course introduces Area Studies and focuses on theoretical as well as methodological approaches to the subject. The critical dichotomy between area specific knowledge and general theory will be highlighted. Practical implications of area studies research will be covered throughout the class as well. Poslední úprava: Kozák Kryštof Přemysl, PhDr. Mgr., Ph.D. (28.09.2024)
The goal of the course is for the students to comprehend basic approaches in Area Studies including relevant theories and methodologies. The critical distinction between area studies approach and other social science disciplines shall be addressed. The students shall apply acquired knowledge to address current issues as well as to their own research projects. Poslední úprava: Kozák Kryštof Přemysl, PhDr. Mgr., Ph.D. (28.09.2024)
Conditions for completing the course are detailed in the syllabus section. Grading is based on the Dean's Measure no. 20/2019: https://fsv.cuni.cz/deans-measure-no-20/2019
Poslední úprava: Kozák Kryštof Přemysl, PhDr. Mgr., Ph.D. (28.09.2024)
Literature for this course is located in the 'files' section above and can be downloaded by the student. Reading the weekly literature is mandatory and will make up part of the final exam. List of required readings is in the syllabus section. Poslední úprava: Kozák Kryštof Přemysl, PhDr. Mgr., Ph.D. (28.09.2024)
The course method is based on close readings of mandatory texts and subsequent class discussion of key ideas and concepts. Students are also required to have an in-class presentation relevant to the theme of the course. Poslední úprava: Kozák Kryštof Přemysl, PhDr. Mgr., Ph.D. (28.09.2024)
Each student shall have a 10 minute presentation (20% of the grade), write a paper based on the presentation or the topic of the class (30% of the grade, minimum 12 600 characters with spaces) and shall write a final exam (50% of the grade). The exam shall cover the mandatory readings and lectures from the classes. Please fill in this google sheet with your name and presentation/paper topic before week 8: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wT2kHwaWXDO83GjHfH0lhSHemix1uJxiHhT4cimW0mY/edit?usp=sharing Research paper guidelines
Final Exam Guidelines Specific dates for final exams will be announced in early December. Students need to sign up for the exam in the SIS system. The final exam will cover the readings and lecture subjects from the course.
The grading shall be as follows:
For instance, an overall result of 50.5% corresponds to the grade E (after rounding up to the full percentage).
Based on the Dean's Measure 20/2019: https://fsv.cuni.cz/deans-measure-no-20/2019 Poslední úprava: Kozák Kryštof Přemysl, PhDr. Mgr., Ph.D. (28.09.2024)
Week 1— Course introduction, syllabus KK/ZL 9.30.2024 Preliminary ideas about Area studies - where are we coming from? What do we want to achieve?
Week 2 — What is Area Studies? KK 7.10.2024 Szanton, David L., The Politics of Knowledge: Area Studies and the Disciplines, University of California Press, 2004. Introduction.
Week 3 — World-systems analysis and area studies ZL 14.10.2024 World-systems analysis - Immanuel Wallerstein (2013) The Modern World-System as a Capitalist World Economy - Immanuel Wallerstein 2004 (Chapter 2)
Week 4 – Conducting Area Studies Research 21.10.2024 Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams: The Craft of Research. University of Chicago Press, 2005. (Part I, pp. 1-15, 35-72) David E. McNabb: Research Methods for Political Science, M.E.Sharpe, New York, 2004 (pp. 13-33, 67-78). NO CLASS 28.10.24 Week 5— Week 5: Periphery, Semi-periphery, and Core in the Modern World-system ZL 4.11.2024 Rise And Demise: Comparing World Systems - Christopher Chase-dunn, Thomas D Hall 79-98 (1997)
Week 6 — Physical geography and Area Studies KK 11.11.2024 Ricardo Hausmann: Prisoners of Geography. Foreign Policy, January, 1999. Daron Acemoglu, James Robinson: Why Nations Fail?, Profile Books, 2012., chapters 1, 2, 13, 14, 15.
Week 7— Current issues through Area Studies: Poverty & Development ZL 18.11.2024 A framework for understanding poverty -Benjamin Curtis and Serena Cosgrove (p.1-23)
The Slum - Al Jazzera Pick at least one episode to watch https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzGHKb8i9vTzzdepVrNsOATf9u44nfIXH
Week 8 — Identity and Area Studies KK 25.11.2024 Benedict Anderson: Fictional Communities, Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, Verso, 1991, Introduction (pp.1-9) Benedict Anderson: Fictional Communities, Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, Verso, 1991, The Origins of National Consciousness (pp. 37-47)
Week 9: Current Issues through Area Studies: Climate Change and Migration ZL - 2.12.2024 Report on the Impact of Climate Change on Migration - 2021 (Sections I & II)
Week 10: Area Studies in Practice: the Case of the U.S. KK 9.12.2024 Jorge Castaneda: America Through Foreign Eyes, Oxford University Press, 2020. Chapters 1, 9, 10
Please focus on how the author combines knowledge of several disciplines to make more general arguments about the U.S.
Week 11 — Student Presentations KK/ZL - 16.12.2024
Week 12 – Student Presentations KK/ZL - 6.1.2025
Poslední úprava: Kozák Kryštof Přemysl, PhDr. Mgr., Ph.D. (02.12.2024)