Kurz je vyučován v AJ, nikoliv v ČJ
Kurz představuje přístupy k chápání politických procesů v prostoru. Bližší informace v AJ verzi. Poslední úprava: Doboš Bohumil, Mgr., Ph.D. (11.08.2020)
Students will receive a wider understanding of approaches to geopolitics from geographic deterministic to analytical to critical. They will be capable of applying these frameworks to their study of concrete processes and events. Poslední úprava: Doboš Bohumil, Mgr., Ph.D. (11.08.2020)
Short paper - 50%
Oral exam - 50% The oral exam will be based on lectures and readings.
Evaluation is performed in accordance with the Dean’s Provision.
Poslední úprava: Doboš Bohumil, Mgr., Ph.D. (11.08.2020)
Required readings (available in Moodle): Agnew, J. - Globalization and Sovereignty (Chapter 1) Brzezinski, Z. - The Grand Chessboard (Introduction, Chapter 1, 2) Cohen, S. B. - Geopolitics (Chapters 1,2,3) De Seversky, A. - Victory Through Air Power (Chapters 1, 12) Dolman, E. C. - Astropolitik (Chapters 1,2) Dussuoy, G. - Systemic Geopolitics (article) Huntington, S. P. (Chapters 1, 2, 6, 7, 11) Kaplan, R. D. - The Revenge of Geography (Chapter 2) Kaplan, R. D. - The Coming Anarchy (article) Luttwak, E. N. - From Geopolitics to Geoeconomics (article) Khanna, P. - Connectography (Chapter 1,2) MacKinder, H. J. - The Geographical Pivot of History (article) Mahan, A. T. - The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (Introductory, Chapter 1) Ó Tuathail - Critical Geopolitics (Introduction, Chapter 1,2) Rosiere, S., Jones, R. - Teichopolitics (article) Routledge, P. - Anti-Geopolitics IN: Agnew et al. - A Companion to Political Geography. Stogiannos, A. - The Genesis of Geopolitics and Friedrich Ratzel (Chapters 1,2,3) Tilly, C. - The Formation of National States in Western Europe (Chapter 1) Tilly, C. - Coercion, Capital and European States (Chapter 1) Wallerstein, I. - World-System Analysis: An Introduction (Chapter 1,2,3,4)
Recommended literature (list of readings in Moodle) Poslední úprava: Doboš Bohumil, Mgr., Ph.D. (17.08.2020)
Introduction Bloc I - Geopolitics as an extension of geography:
b) Domination through domains - from Mahan to Dolman c) Anglo-Saxon tradition - MacKidner and Spykman
Bloc II - Geopolitics as an extension of the environment:
b) Evolutionary school - Tilly and Wallerstein
Bloc III - Geopolitics as an extension of language:
b) Geopolitics and perceptions - actors´ perception of space c) Systemic geopolitics - combination of critical and classical
Bloc IV - Geopolitics and networks:
b) Connectography vs. Teichopolitics - networks and borders in the 21st century
Geopolitics and practice
Poslední úprava: Doboš Bohumil, Mgr., Ph.D. (31.08.2020)