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Articles for review – examples.pptx | List of articles for review | RNDr. Jan Kofroň, Ph.D. |
War the state and society II(previously ON WAR II) freely follows up on the course WSS I. It covers military issues after the 1st WW. The course debates the role of technological development on the strategic, operational and tactical levels. We will debate namely (i) factors of battlefield effectivity, (ii) societal predictors of ability to generate military power. While the On WAR I. is focused rather on broader implications of war(fare) or on the strategic level of military operations, the course On War II is much more oriented toward the operational and tactical levels of war. In other words, we will focus on the issues directly connected with warfighting and affecting effectivity of military operations. Having said this, it does not, however, mean that we would not debate broader implications of war(fare) affecting for example conduct of international politics or state-building.
At the end of the semester students should be able to understand basic patterns present in modern wars and modern warfare (at the tactical, operational and strategic level). Students should be able to analyze the significance of recent (and some probable future) technological changes for the conduct of war. They should be able to analyze current conflicts and develop broader understanding of military tactics and operational arts, which has important implications for come IR theories (namely neo-realism).
Unlike other courses, the WSS II. does not have a classical exam at its end. Instead, students play an operational/strategic game that is structured by a theory of military effectivity. Poslední úprava: Kofroň Jan, RNDr., Ph.D. (19.02.2020)
Key literature: ANDRESKI, S. (1954): Military Organization and Society.UniversityofCaliforna Press, Berkeley,Los Angeles, 238 s. BIDDLE, S., FRIEDMAN, J. (2008): The 2006LebanonCampaign and the Future of Warfare: Implications for Army and Defense Policy.United StatesArmyWarCollege,Carlisle, 90 s. BIDDLE, S. (2007): Strategy in War, Political Science & Politics. 40, č. 3, s. 461-456. BIDDLE, S. (2004): Military Power, Explaining Victory and Defeat in ModernBattle.PrincetonUniversityPress,Princeton, 337 s. BIDDLE, S. (1997): Victory misunderstood, What the Gulf War tells us about the future of conflict. International Security, 21, č. 2, s. 139-179. BIDDLE, S., ZIRCKLE, R. (1996): Technology, Civil-Military Relations, and War-fare in the Developing World. Journal of Strategic Studies, 19, č. 2, s. 171-212. BROOKS, S. (2005): Producing Security.PrincetonUniversityPress,Princeton, 316 s. CEDERMAN, L., WARREN, C., SORNETTE, D. (2011): Testing Clausewitz: Nationalism, Mass Mobilization, and the Severity of War. International Organization, 65, č. 4, s. 605-638. CLAUSEWITZ, C. (2008): O válce. Academia, Praha, 749 s. DESCH, M. (1996): War andStrongStates, Peace andWeakStates? International Organization, 50, č. 2, s. 237-268. DEUDNEY, D. (2007): A Republic for Expansion: The Roman Constitution and Empire and Balance-of-Power Theory. In: Kaufman, S., Little R., Wohlforth, W. (eds.): The Balance of Power in World History,Palgrave,New York, s. 148-175. ECKSTEIN, A. (2006): Mediterranean Anarchy, Interstate War, and the Rise ofRome.UniversityofCaliforniaPress, Berkeley, 394 s. EVANS, M. (2004):ContinentalSchoolof Strategy. Land Warfare Studies Centre, Study paper no. 305,Canberra, 173 s. FARRELL, T. (2008): The Dynamics of British Military Transformation. International Affairs, vol. 84, no. 4, 777-808. Foley, R. (2012): A Case Study in Horizontal Military Innovation: The German Army, 1916-1918. Journal of Strategic Studies, DOI:10.1080/01402390.2012.669737, 29 s. GILPIN, R. (1981): War and Change in World Politics.Cambridge,CambridgeUniversity Press, 272 s. GOLDHAGEN, D. (1996): Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. Vintage, 656 s. GRAY, C. (1999): Inescapable Geography. In: Sloan, G., Gray, C. (eds.): Geopolitics, Geography and Strategy. Frank Kass,London, s. 161-178. HANSON, V. (1988): TheWestern Wayof War.UniversityofCaliforniaPress, Berkeley, 320 s. HANSON, V. (2006): A War Like No Other: How the Athenians and Spartans Fought the Peloponnesian War. Random House,New York, 416 s. HOROWITZ, M. (2010): The Difusion of Military Power.PrincetonUniversityPress,Princeton, 273 p. HOWARD (1977): War in Euroepean History.OxfordUniversityPress,London, 192 p. Kadercan, B. (2012): Military Competition and the Emergence of Nationalism: Putting the Logic of Political Survival into Historical Context. International Studies Review, 14 č.3, s. 401-428. KAUFMAN, S., WOHLFORTH, W. (2007): Balancing and Balancing Failure in Biblical Times: Assyria and the Ancient Middle Eastern System, 900-600 BCE, In: Kaufman, S., Little R., Wohlforth, W. (eds.): The Balance of Power in World History,Palgrave,New York, s. 47-70. KEEGAN, J. (2004): Historie válečnictví. Beta, Praha, 364 s. KIRBY, M., GOODWIN, M. (2008): Operational Research as Counterfactual History: A Retrospective Analysis of the Use of Battlefield Nuclear Weapons in the German Invasion of FranceandFlanders, May-June 1940. Journal of Strategic Studies, 31, č. 4, s. 633-660. KOBER, A. (2008): TheIsraelDefense Forces in the SecondLebanonWar: Why the Poor Performance? Journal of Strategic Studies, 31, č. 1, s. 3-40. KREPINEVICH, A. (1994): Cavalry to Computer; the Pattern of Military Revolutions. The National Interst, 37, fall 1994, s. 30-42. MANDELBAUM, M. (1998): Is Major War Obsolete? Survival, 40, č. 4, s. 20-38. MEARSHEIMER, J. (2001): Tragedy of Great Power Politics. Norton & company, New York, 555 s. MEARSHEIMER, J. (1983): Conventional Detterence.CornellUniversityPress,New York, 296 s. OVERY, R. (1998):Russia’s War. Penguin,New York, 432 s. PAPE, R. (1996): Bombing to Win.CornellUniversityPress, 366 s. POSEN, B. (1985): The Sources of Military Doctrine:France,Britain, andGermanyBetween the World Wars.CornellUniversityPress,Ithaca, 288 p. POSEN, B. (1993): Nationalism, the Mass Army, and Military Power. International security, 18, č. 2, s. 80-124. POSEN, B. (2000): The War for Kosovo:Serbia’s Political-Military Strategy. International Security, 24, č. 4, s. 39-84. POSEN, B. (2003): Command of the Commons, International Security, 28, č. 1, s. 5-46. PRESS, D. (2001): The Myth of Air Power in the Persian Gulf War and the Future of Warfare. International Security, 26, č. 2, s. 5-44. Rommel, E. (1937 [2011]): Attacks. Athena Pr., 325 pp. SHAMIR, E. (2010): The Long andWinding Road: TheUSArmy Managerial Approach to Command and the Adoption ofMissionCommand (Auftragstaktik). The Journal of Strategic Studies, 33, č. 5, s. 645-672. SHEVE, D., STASAVAGE, D. (2010): Conscription of Wealth. International Organization, 64, č. 4, s. 529-561. STRACHAN, H. (2005): The Lost Meaning of Strategy. Survival, 47, č. 3, s. 33-54. TALIAFERRO, J. (2006):StateBuildingfor Future War: Neoclassical Realism and the ResourceExtractiveState. Security Studies, 15, č. 3, s. 464-495. TAYLOR, B., BOTEA, R. (2008): Tilly Tally: War-Making and State-Making in the ContemporaryThird World. International Studies Review, 10, s. 27-56. TILLY, C. (1985): War Making and State Making as Organized Crime, In: Evans, P., Reuscheymer, D., Skocpol, T. (eds.): Bringing the State Back in.CambridgeUniversityPress, Cambridge, s. 169-187. TIN-BOR HUI, V. (2005): War and State Formation in AncientChinaand Early Modern Europe.CambridgeUniversityPress,Cambridge, 294 s. THIES, C. (2005): War, Rivalry, andStateBuildinginLatin America. American Journal of Political Science, 49, č. 3, s. 451-465. THIES, C. (2009): National Design andStateBuildingin Sub-SaharanAfrica. World Politics, 61, č. 4, s. 623-669. WALTZ, K. (1959 [2001]): Man, the State and War, a Theoretical Analysis.University of California Press,New York, 263 s. Poslední úprava: Kofroň Jan, RNDr., Ph.D. (15.09.2013)
In 2023 the course will use Zoom platform (as a backup option for those who cannot attend in person). WSSII TimeTime Feb 14, 2023 05:00 PM Prague Bratislava Every 12 weeks on Tue, until Jul 2, 2024, 7 occurrence(s)Show all occurrencesMeeting IDMeeting ID 917 9754 1127 SecuritySecuritycheckedPasscode198070Hide checked Waiting Room Invite LinkInvite Link https://cuni-cz.zoom.us/j/91797541127?pwd=VjFkWUR3U1JXdEhPbzdRQWdXc0JQZz09https://cuni-cz.zoom.us/j/91797541127?pwd=VjFkWUR3U1JXdEhPbzdRQWdXc0JQZz09 Poslední úprava: Kofroň Jan, RNDr., Ph.D. (14.02.2023)
Assessment: 1) The game - war simulation by the end of the semester (50 or 30 %) - you will play against your pears (+ against layman?) 2) Group task 3) In-class activity 20% ------------------------------ 4) Empirical essay (5 k words) 20 % for those who opt for 30% value of game performance.
Evaluation is performed in accordance to the Dean’s Provision. Poslední úprava: Kofroň Jan, RNDr., Ph.D. (14.02.2023)
ON WAR II. (2nd semester)
1) Organization, deadlines, demands, and a brief outline of the course.
Blok I: Sources of battlefield effectiveness; or how to win a battle
•2) Air support, when and how it is effective? -Strategic bombing (Haun, Jackson 2016) -Tactical bombing - air support (Press 2001) •3) Technology and RMA - hot air or the key variable? - Precision guided munition, its effects (Mearsheimer 1983) -Information-based warfare (Krepinevitch 1994), UAV (Horowitz 2016) •4) Force employment - an alternative to technological theories? -The theory (Biddle 2004) -Operation Goodwood (Biddle 2004) -Desert Storm (Biddle 1996) 5) Building Biddle´s model (excel)
Block II: Generating military might - broader socio-political factors •6) Dictatorial regimes - ultimate threat or paper tigers? (Talmadge 2015) -Personalist regimes •7) Helping now, hurting in the long run; effects of military assistance on the military power of small powers (Talmadge 2015) -South Vietnam -Iraq Group Assignment •8) Political and Societal sources of battlefield performance -Economic development (Beckley 2010) -Political/Social/Class cohesion 8) Analyzing military expenditures within NATO •9) THA presentations/discussion •10) Revising Biddle's model •11) Hybrid and asymmetric warfare - what is so novel? -Lebanon 2006 Case (Biddle, Friedman2008) -Afghanistan 2002-? (Biddle 2005)
Military power - Military expenditures 9) Military spending as a proxy for military power (Beckley 2018) 10) Drivers behind (disaggregated) military spending (Becker 2019) 11) Personnel recruitment systems and military expenditures (Bove, Cavatorta 2012, Kofron, Stauber 2024) Poslední úprava: Kofroň Jan, RNDr., Ph.D. (20.02.2024)