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Global Political Philosophy - JPM398
Anglický název:
Global Political Philosophy
Katedra politologie (23-KP)
Fakulta sociálních věd
od 2023
Způsob provedení zkoušky:
letní s.:
Rozsah, examinace:
letní s.:1/1, Zk [HT]
Počet míst:
neurčen / neurčen (50)
Minimální obsazenost:
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu:
Stav předmětu:
Jazyk výuky:
Způsob výuky:
předmět je možno zapsat mimo plán povolen pro zápis po webu při zápisu přednost, je-li ve stud. plánu
Kdo přidal
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 01 - HUMAN NATURE & Political Philosophy - Heywood.pdf
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 01 - HUMAN NATURE & Political Philosophy
Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 03 - LIBERTY Negative Positive etc - Berlin & Knowles.pdf
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 03 - LIBERTY Negative Positive
Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 04 - EQUALITY - Arneson in Goodin & Temkin in Christiano.pdf
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 04 - EQUALITY
Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 05 - POLITICAL OBLIGATION - Knowles & Simmons.pdf
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 05 - POLITICAL OBLIGATION
Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 06 - CONFUCIAN Politics & Liberal Democracy.pdf
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 06 - CONFUCIAN Politics & Liberal Democracy
Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 08 - Communitarianism and Conservatism - in Christman.pdf
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 08 - Communitarianism and Conservatism
Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 09 - RUSSIAN CONSERVATISM by Elena Chebankova - Carleton University.pdf
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 09 - RUSSIAN CONSERVATISM
Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 10 - ISLAMIC Political Thought & Human Rights.pdf
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 10 - ISLAMIC Political Thought & Human Rights
Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 11 - Anti-Cosmopolitanism - Shapcott.pdf
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 11 - Anti-Cosmopolitanism - Shapcott
Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 12 - Global Poverty and Global Justice - Shapcott.pdf
Reading for Lecture in WEEK 12 - Global Poverty and Global Justice
Janusz Salamon, Ph.D.
Metody výuky - angličtina
Classes will be conducted in a hybrid form, with students based in Prague participating in person (in Pekarska campus), while those based abroad will join online:
Poslední úprava: Salamon Janusz, Ph.D. (22.03.2023)