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English Academic Writing - JLB065
Anglický název: English Academic Writing
Zajišťuje: Centrum jazykové přípravy (23-KJP)
Fakulta: Fakulta sociálních věd
Platnost: od 2022
Semestr: zimní
E-Kredity: 4
Způsob provedení zkoušky: zimní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: zimní s.:0/2, Zk [HT]
Počet míst: neurčen / 17 (15)
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Poznámka: předmět je možno zapsat mimo plán
povolen pro zápis po webu
Garant: Jana Kunzová, BA
Vyučující: Jana Kunzová, BA
Třída: Courses for incoming students
Termíny zkoušek   Rozvrh   Nástěnka   
Anotace -
The course is designed only for the students enrolled in PPE study program.

NOTE: The minimum required number of PPE students is 6.

Students will practice their speaking and writing skills needed in an academic environment and will assume academic vocabulary at B2 level.

The course aims for students to improve their English language skills.

Poslední úprava: Kunzová Jana, BA (01.10.2022)
Literatura -

The teacher will provide students with all the required material, handouts, and worksheets. They will all be available in the SIS files of the course.

Poslední úprava: Kunzová Jana, BA (10.07.2022)
Metody výuky - angličtina

Students are expected to participate actively in the classes and to meet all the set deadlines.


Applied method: content-based language teaching, student-centered approach; pair work, group work or sometimes individual work.


Students will practise their speaking and writing skills through various exercises and will get an insight into English academic language and writing.

Poslední úprava: Kunzová Jana, BA (10.07.2022)
Požadavky ke zkoušce -

MOODLE MANUAL for the first signing in: (in English)


The following MOODLE course link for English Academic Writing will direct you right to the MOODLE page: https://dl1.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=10558 



!!! Students can miss the deadline no more than 2 times. Students failing the deadline more than 2 times may not proceed to the final test.


1. To pass two written tests scheduled in the winter semester.The tests consist of multiple-choice, gap-filling, word formation, matching, True and False, and other grammar exercises, a short essay/opinion (80 words) on a given topic. The dates of these tests will be announced via mass e-mail. The tests will be based on the set of newspaper articles and on the knowledge gained during our work with additional materials (listening, discussions, etc.). The first test will be based on the articles 1-5 (mid-term test) and the second test- final examination test will be based on  articles 6-10 and the "Glossary" from the area of International Relations (self-study).


Mid-term test is obligatory. It will cover the material from the first half of the semester. The time limit will be 40 minutes.

MID-TERM TEST: on Thursday November 23, 2023.


2. Preparation of News Overview. Structure: each week of the semester one set of news - in total 10 pieces of news in a single Word document (students will provide the video or article link), 7 key words and a brief summary (5-7 sentences). Please make sure to run the spell check prior to sending the overview to your teacher. 

Deadline: December 16 

The News Overview template is available in our SIS files and is called PPE News Overview template.

The News Overview sample is available in our SIS files and is called PPE NEWS OVERVIEW-SAMPLE Ms Negreeva.


3. Active Participation and Attendance (in total 4 points)


4. Vocabulary Sheets sent via Moodle 1 in the course of semester. A filled-out Vocabulary Sheet has to be sent no later than the midnight preceding the class in which this Vocabulary Sheet is treated, for this course it's Wednesday.

NOTE 1: We use Moodle 1 (and not MOODLE 2) for our course.

NOTE 2: You do not send Worksheets to your teacher (you keep them to yourselves), only Vocabulary sheets.


5. WRITING ASSIGNMENTS - uploaded via Moodle on a weekly basis; see the syllabus for further details




2 photographs that will capture something you admire about the Czech Republic and 2 photographs showing something you are embarrassed about regarding this country, something that needs further improvement, etc. You yourselves have to author these photographs; therefore, do not use any photos from the internet. Go to the streets with your eyes wide open.

Send your photographs via email, put "PHOTO PROJECT" in the subject line and do not attach your commentaries to the email. You will present your commentaries in the class (3-4 minutes long) in which your photos are shown to the class.  Part of your commentary should also be a proposal for an improvement/elimination of the problem which you captured in the photos of those aspects of the Czech Republic which you do not like.  

If you are an international student and have been in the Czech Republic for a short time only, still try to capture in photographs what you like and dislike about the Czech Republic.

Deadline: 28 October 


If you happen to fail any deadline, you will be deducted 1 point on the test that follows (i.e. either a mid-term or complex test) and you may have to be assigned some extra work. So please check all the deadlines thoroughly and write them down.


  • If a student fails to pass the mid-term test, s/he will have to take a complex examination test in the course of examination period - the passing level will be 70% of correct answers out of 100 points. The complex test will be based on all the study material treated throughout the semester. Students will have in total 3 trials- one regular, two retakes. The time limit of the complex test will be 90 min. If a student fails to pass the credit test, s/he will have to take a complex examination test as well.
  • Honesty: This course applies the policy of academic integrity. No books, notes, cell phones or other material assistance may be used at any of the tests. Violation of this policy results in failing the test.
  • Attendance in class is mandatory and no more than three absences a term are tolerated. A student missing more than 3 lessons is required to contact his/her teacher


Grading scale:

100-91% of correct answers - A 

90-81% - B 

80-71% - C 

70-61% - D 

60-51% - E 

50-0% - F 


 NOTES: A grade - (the student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations), B - (the student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations), C - (the student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills), D - (the student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level of competence in the processes and skills), E - (the student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of the content and has achieved very limited competence in some of the processes and skills), F – (insufficient knowledge, more effort needs to be made).

Cumulative grading in our course:

  • 1 point = 1 %

Max number of points: 100


DATES: November 23, 2023

  • If you fail the mid-term, you will have to write a complex test in the examination period.

35 points (minimum required number of points: 21 points),

Time limit: 45 minutes

Final test

  • If you fail the final test, you will have to write a complex test in the examination period.

35 points (minimum required number of points: 21 points)

Time limit: 45 minutes

Complex test

70 points (complex test is written when a student fails a mid-term or final test; 1 regular and 2 re-takes are allowed) - minimum required number of points: 42 points

Time limit: 90 minutes

Active participation and attendance

4 points 

News overview

10 points (necessary compliance with all the requirements – see our syllabus)

Writing Assignments

16 points (in total 8 writing assignments, max 2 points each)

Vocabulary sheets – filled-out and submitted via Moodle 1 on a weekly basis

No points are awarded; however, submission of all the vocabulary sheets is a pre-requisite for the final grading



SYLLABUS PPE Winter Semester of 2023

Ø  Please submit all your writing assignments via Moodle 1 (English Academic Writing), on a weekly basis

Ø  Also remember to send filled-out Vocabulary sheets via Moodle 1, on a weekly basis

Ø  Photo project – deadline October 28 (send via regular email)

Ø  News Overview – deadline December 16 (send via Moodle 1)









WRITING LAB (for more details on writing assignments, see individual Worksheets)

Introductory class/ October 5




TOPIC no. 1/October 12

Leaders and Leadership

Writing introductions and a topic sentence/Introductory adverbs/Negative prefixes

Writing introductory paragraph of opinion essay (deadline October 18)

TOPIC no. 2/ October 19


A number of vs. the number of/rise vs. raise/Academic phrasal verbs/Connecting phrases/Causality

Cause-Effect essay (deadline October 25)

TOPIC no. 3/ October 26

International Relations

Comparing and contrasting/Describing graphs and trends/Referring to figures and tables/Referring backwards and forwards

Comparing/Contrasting essay (deadline November 1)

TOPIC no. 4/ November 2

Wars and Conflicts / PHOTO PROJECT

Counter-words/Writing a formal summary/Reporting verbs I

Writing a formal summary (deadline November 8)

TOPIC no. 5/ November 9

Government, Parliament, President / PHOTO PROJECT

“out” nouns and verbs/the bigger...the more.../by vs. until/Cohesive devices

(no writing assignment – revising for the mid-term)

TOPIC no. 6/November 16

Globalization / PHOTO PROJECT

Hedging/Commonly confused words/Restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses

Hedging a passage (deadline NOVEMBER 29)

November 23




TOPIC no. 7/November 30

Poverty and Humanitarian Aid / PHOTO PROJECT

Writing conclusions/Present Perfect form in writing

Writing a conclusion (deadline December 6)

TOPIC no. 8/December 7


Nominalization/Phrasal verbs – recession/Using quotations

Referring to a passage with the use of quotations (deadline December 13)

TOPICS no. 9 and 10/December 14


The European Union and International Organizations / PHOTO PROJECT (we will cover both Topics no. 9 and 10 in this class)

Reporting verbs II/Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing a passage (deadline December 20)

December 21




Poslední úprava: Kunzová Jana, BA (16.11.2023)
Sylabus - angličtina


Students are welcome to suggest any language points or academic skills they find most important to make most of their study at our faculty.

MID-TERM TEST: on Thursday November 23, 2023


SYLLABUS PPE Winter Semester of 2023

Ø  Please submit all your writing assignments via Moodle 1 (English Academic Writing), on a weekly basis

Ø  Also remember to send filled-out Vocabulary sheets via Moodle 1, on a weekly basis

Ø  Photo project – deadline October 28 (send via regular email)

Ø  News Overview – deadline December 16 (send via Moodle 1)

Ø  NOTE: No more than 2 missed deadlines allowed









WRITING LAB (for more details on writing assignments, see individual Worksheets)

Introductory class/ October 5




TOPIC no. 1/October 12

Leaders and Leadership

Writing introductions and a topic sentence/Introductory adverbs/Negative prefixes

Writing introductory paragraph of opinion essay (deadline October 18)

TOPIC no. 2/ October 19


A number of vs. the number of/rise vs. raise/Academic phrasal verbs/Connecting phrases/Causality

Cause-Effect essay (deadline October 25)

TOPIC no. 3/ October 26

International Relations

Comparing and contrasting/Describing graphs and trends/Referring to figures and tables/Referring backwards and forwards

Comparing/Contrasting essay (deadline November 1)

TOPIC no. 4/ November 2

Wars and Conflicts / PHOTO PROJECT

Counter-words/Writing a formal summary/Reporting verbs I

Writing a formal summary (deadline November 8)

TOPIC no. 5/ November 9

Government, Parliament, President / PHOTO PROJECT

“out” nouns and verbs/the bigger...the more.../by vs. until/Cohesive devices

(no writing assignment – revising for the mid-term)

TOPIC no. 6/November 16

Globalization / PHOTO PROJECT

Hedging/Commonly confused words/Restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses

Hedging a passage (deadline NOVEMBER 29)

November 23




TOPIC no. 7/November 30

Poverty and Humanitarian Aid / PHOTO PROJECT

Writing conclusions/Present Perfect form in writing

Writing a conclusion (deadline December 6)

TOPIC no. 8/December 7


Nominalization/Phrasal verbs – recession/Using quotations

Referring to a passage with the use of quotations (deadline December 13)

TOPICS no. 9 and 10/December 14


The European Union and International Organizations / PHOTO PROJECT (we will cover both Topics no. 9 and 10 in this class)

Reporting verbs II/Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing a passage (deadline December 20)

December 21





Poslední úprava: Kunzová Jana, BA (17.09.2023)
Vstupní požadavky - angličtina

The course is designed only for the students enrolled in PPE study program.

NOTE: The minimum required number of PPE students is 6.

Students will practice their speaking and writing skills needed in an academic environment and will assume academic vocabulary at B2 level. (see: https://fsv.cuni.cz/en/academics/language-centre/useful-links, Evaluation of language skills).

The course aims for students to improve their English language skills.


Poslední úprava: Kunzová Jana, BA (01.10.2022)
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