Jedná se o volitelný kurz.
Krátký modul se zabývá sociologickým pohledem na společenská témata zobrazená ve filmu.
Kurz je poskytován CJP.
Modul je určený především studentům sociologie, kteří už složili zkouškou z předmětu Angličtina pro sociology.
Zahraniční studenti vítáni.
Poslední úprava: Štěpánková Dagmar, Mgr. (02.09.2024)
Sociological Cinema is an optional course provided by Language Centre.
The short module explores social issues presented in films from a sociological perspective.
The module has been designed primarily for students of sociology who have passed the exam in English for Sociology.
Exchange students are welcome.
Poslední úprava: Štěpánková Dagmar, Mgr. (02.09.2024)
Cíl předmětu -
Modul má dvojí cíl:
1) Rozvíjet jazykové dovednosti studentů, a to zejména porozumění mluvenému slovu a schopnost vyjádřit svůj názor v debatě a písemné reflexi.
2) Rozvíjet sociologické chápání filmu a seznámit studenty se způsobem, jakým se film zabývá sociologickými tématy, a jakým poutá pozornost diváka k zamyšlení nad společností.
Poslední úprava: Štěpánková Dagmar, Mgr. (02.09.2024)
There are two main learning objectives of the course:
1) The course aims to improve students’ listening comprehension, develop students’ ability to share their opinions in discussions and in response papers.
2) The course enhances a sociological understanding of cinema and the way cinema deals with sociological themes and engages the public in reflection on society.
Poslední úprava: Štěpánková Dagmar, Mgr. (02.09.2024)
Podmínky zakončení předmětu -
Kurz je zakončen zápočtem. Požadavky k získání zápočtu:
1) aktivní zapojení do debat
2) čtyři písemné reflexe (cca 500 slov každá)
Reflexe posílejte emailem do čtvrtka následujícího týdne.
Pokud nebude zadáno jinak, reflexe mají obsahovat:
1) Název filmu, režie, rok uvedení
2) …místo a čas, kde se film odehrává
3) Výčet společenských problémů, kterými se film zabývá - hlavní a vedlejší, zřejmé i méně zřejmé
4) Zvolte si jeden problém (případně více) a napište o něm (uveďte příklady, konkrétní scény)
5) Jsou některé zobrazené problémy stále aktuální?
6) Co jste si na základě shlédnutí filmu uvědomili? Jaké otázky ve vás film vyvolal?
Poslední úprava: Štěpánková Dagmar, Mgr. (02.09.2024)
Credits will be earned by active involvement in discussions and four written response papers reflecting the film (ca 500 words each).
Unless assigned differently, the response should include:
1) The film’s ID title, director, released in…
2) …set in place and time
3) Identify social issues; major, minor; obvious, less obvious
4) Choose one/some and write about it/ them (Give example/examples of specific scenes)
5) Are any of these issues relevant to your culture today?
6) What have you realised as a result of seeing the film, what questions has the piece raised for you?
Reponse papers should be sent by email by the end of the week following the screening.
Poslední úprava: Štěpánková Dagmar, Mgr. (02.09.2024)
Literatura -
9 October
Education (2020) UK television production, directed by Steve McQueen
Part of the Black British anthology series Small Axe, tells the story of how hundreds of children were taken out of mainstream schools and sent to Educationally Subnormal Schools (ESN schools) in the 1970s
23 October
This Is England (2006) UK drama written and directed by Shane Meadows.
The story centres on young skinheads in the English Midlands in 1983, in the context of the Falklands Conflict.
6 November
Belfast (2021), written and directed by Kenneth Branagh, and based on true story events from his childhood. The film is set against The Troubles, or the tumultuous phase of ethno-nationalist conflict in Northern Ireland that started in the late 1960s and lasted till the late nineties.
20 November
Vinyl Generation (2016), CZ-US documentary by Keith Jones.
It explores how an emerging generation in 1980s Czechoslovakia developed their attitudes and opinions outside of the official system through alternative culture
4 December
Do the Right Thing (1989) US comedy-drama written and directed by Spike Lee.
a Brooklyn neighborhood’s simmering racial tension, which culminates in violence
18 December
Blinded by the Light (2019)
In England in 1987, a teenager from an Asian family learns to live his life, understand his family,Á and find his own voice through the music of American rock star Bruce Springsteen.
Poslední úprava: Štěpánková Dagmar, Mgr. (02.09.2024)
11 October
Education (2020) UK television production, directed by Steve McQueen
Part of the Black British anthology series Small Axe, tells the story of how hundreds of children were taken out of mainstream schools and sent to Educationally Subnormal Schools (ESN schools) in the 1970s
25 October
This Is England (2006) UK drama written and directed by Shane Meadows.
The story centres on young skinheads in the English Midlands in 1983, in the context of the Falklands Conflict.
8 November
Belfast (2021), written and directed by Kenneth Branagh, and based on true story events from his childhood. The film is set against The Troubles, or the tumultuous phase of ethno-nationalist conflict in Northern Ireland that started in the late 1960s and lasted till the late nineties.
22 November
Vinyl Generation (2016), CZ-US documentary by Keith Jones.
It explores how an emerging generation in 1980s Czechoslovakia developed their attitudes and opinions outside of the official system through alternative culture
6 December
Do the Right Thing (1989) US comedy-drama written and directed by Spike Lee.
a Brooklyn neighborhood’s simmering racial tension, which culminates in violence
20 December
Blinded by the Light (2019)
In England in 1987, a teenager from an Asian family learns to live his life, understand his family,Á and find his own voice through the music of American rock star Bruce Springsteen.
Poslední úprava: Štěpánková Dagmar, Mgr. (02.09.2024)
Metody výuky -
Metody výuky
Seminář se bude konat jednou za dva týdny – a bude trvat zhruba o hodinu déle, než je uvedená délka filmu.
Filmy jsou v anglickém jazyce a jsou opatřeny anglickými titulky.
Film bude krátce uveden (max 20 minut, včetně úvodní aktivity), po jeho skončení bude beseda s filmařem Keithem Jonesem.
V případě nutnosti přejít na online výuku, studenti shlédnou film samostatně (všechny filmy budou pro ně bude dostupné online) a debata proběhne online v určenou dobu.
Hybridní výuka není v plánu.
Poslední úprava: Štěpánková Dagmar, Mgr. (02.09.2024)
Sessions will be held once in two weeks (from 5 pm on Wednesdays 12 Oct, 26 Oct, 9 Nov, 23 Nov, and 7 Dec and 21 Dec.) and will be about an hour longer than the film itself.
There will be no class on 17 November, but a film will be available for students to stream.
The films will be shown in English with English subtitles.
Each session, there will be a short introduction of the film and a pre-watching activity. The screenings will be followed by a discussion with Keith Jones.
In case it is neccary to teach online, students will watch the film individually. The films will be mde available. The debate will take place online.
Hybrid learning ia not planned.
Poslední úprava: Štěpánková Dagmar, Mgr. (02.09.2024)