The World of Television is a course for 4EU + students as a cross-sectional view of the still dominant medium, which in recent years has absorbed the principles of cinema. It will focus on three levels: a) the medium as an institution (production organization, economic aspects, what is the television market, how rights, tv formats and so-called packages are traded) b) the medium as a creative space for creating media content (including genres, their changes in relation to current trends), c) the world that television mediates (to what extent it can compete with other types of communication, especially social networks).
Poslední úprava: Štoll Martin, prof. MgA., Ph.D. (30.01.2023)
The aim of the course is to perceive television as a strong medium that retains a significant role in today's fragmented digital world, which it had to adapt to. The purpose is to show the various aspects of the world of television and the world that television depicts, and to take a step towards committing this medium. Lecturer is therotician and practician of television, he worked for TV as a slot editor and editor of documentary films, seires and programmes, and as a external director of documentary films.
MOODLE: Kurz: World of Television (cuni.cz) Poslední úprava: Štoll Martin, prof. MgA., Ph.D. (04.01.2023)
Requirements: 100 % the Moodle test + the practical task Final grade spectrum: A: 91-100 B: 81-90 C: 71-80 D: 61-70 E: 51-60 Fail: <51 Poslední úprava: Štoll Martin, prof. MgA., Ph.D. (15.02.2024)
Course literature: a lot of texts and tasks in Moodle. BREN, P. The greengrocer and his TV: The culture of Communism after the 1968 Prague Spring. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2010 CREEBER, Glen. The Television Genre Book. London : British Film Institute, 2008. MANDER, Jerry. Four Arguments fot the Elimination of Television. New York : HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 1978, reprint 2002 MILLER, Toby. Television studies: The basics. London - New York : Routledge, 2010. WILLIAMS, Raymond. Television. London : Routledge, 2008. OʼDONNEL, Victoria. Television Criticism. California : Sage, 2007. OUELETTE, Laurie. Reality TV: Remaking Television Culture. New York : New York University Press, 2008. PEREBINSSOFF, Philippe - GROSS, Brian - GROSS, Lynne S. Programming for TV, Radio & the Internet. Burlington : Focal Press, 2005. SPIGEL, Lynn - OLSSON, Jan (eds.). Television after TV: Essays on Medium in Transition. Durham : Duke University Press, 2004. STOLL, M. Television and totalitarianism in Czechoslovakia from the first democratic republic to the fall of Communism. London: Bloomsbury, 2019 van ES, Karin: Netflix & Big Data: The Strategic Ambivalence of an Entertainment Company. Television & new media, 2022, p.152747642211257 IORDACHE, Katalina: Netflix in Europe: Four Markets, Four Platforms? A Comparative Analysis of Audio-Visual Offerings and Investment Strategies in Four EU States. Television & new media, 2022, Vol.23 (7), p.721-742 DELLER, Ruth (2020) : Reality television : the television phenomenon that changed the world. Bingley, United Kingdom : Emerald Publishing Poslední úprava: Bednařík Petr, PhDr., Ph.D. (10.03.2023)
2. Television as a building and an institution (26st February 2024) 3. Television between the market and the public service (4th March 2024) 4. Author and his possibilities (law frames, creative challenges...) (11th March 2024) 5. Creative process of the tv programme (from the plot to postproduction), the matter of tv formats (17th March 2024) 6. Dramaturgy of programme, VOD platforms vs. programmed TV (25th March 2024) 10th April - Easters 7. Spectactors´context (8th April 2023) 8. CANCELLED (Task in Moodle) (15th April 2024) 9. What world TV presents I - entertaining (22nd April 2024) 10. What world TV presents II - serious and tragic world (29th April 2024) 11. What world TV presents III - everything is the competition (6th May 2024) 12. What world TV presents IV - role of tv archives and other types of communication/arts (theatre, music, cinematography, art.... (13th May 2024) The lectures will run on principle of everyweek meetings via platform MS Teams. Students will be informed. Poslední úprava: Štoll Martin, prof. MgA., Ph.D. (15.02.2024)