Sustainable finance and ESG is a rapidly growing subfield of modern finance spanning across asset pricing, banking, corporate finance, and corporate governance. In this course, we introduce into main terms, topics, instruments, trends, and issues in sustainable finance and ESG. The first part covers reporting, indexing, and risk management. The next part covers green and sustainable bonds and ESG investing. Additionally, we cover the recent theory and evidence on both financial and real consequences of sustainable finance in economies where investors, workers, and consumers have heterogeneous views over the value and impact of ESG. Poslední úprava: Gregor Martin, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (18.12.2024)
Having passed the course, the students will be able to:
Poslední úprava: Gregor Martin, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (18.12.2024)
40% assignments 30% presentation of a selected academic paper (6 teams per 3-4 students) 30% final test, covering the basic terms, formulas, and all presented papers (cumulative, closed book, in Moodle with their computers) If you are an international student and need an early exam (as you are leaving Prague and not returning in January), let us know as soon as possible.
Exam dates Monday, January 13, 14:00, Room 105 Monday, January 27, 14:00, Room 105 Monday, February 10, 14:00, Room 105
Team presentation You are expected to create teams with 4 members and prepare the presentation together. Please choose a paper from the list on the course webpage or find another recent paper with a similar level of analysis (you may use the links provided on the course webpage). Please send the names of the team members and the proposed paper by email to Martin Gregor (martin.gregor AT fsv.cuni.cz) with title “JEM339 Team” until Thursday, October 17. Put emails of all team members into CC. Wait for confirmation by email. The first-come-first-serve rule applies. Be ready to have an alternative paper in the case your paper is not eligible or is already taken by another team. Our aim is to have the list finished on October 22.
Presentations Your team has 30 minutes for presentation. The presentation can be interrupted by clarifying questions from the audience. The papers are very complex: We recommend focusing on the main message, and cover only those details that can be thoroughly explained. On the coursepage, we provide a template for a presentation, but your team can of course change it depending on the content of the paper. The discussion is 10 minutes. We ask all students to be active during discussions. Be ready and able to answer even the trickiest questions.
Evaluating presentations
December 3 Andersen, S., Chebotarev, D., Filali-Adib, F. Z., Nielsen, K. M. (2024). Rich and responsible: Is ESG a luxury good? (No. 202). Danmarks Nationalbank Working Papers.
Moss, A., Naughton, J. P., Wang, C. (2024). The irrelevance of environmental, social, and governance disclosure to retail investors. Management Science, 70(4), 2626-2644. December 10 Krueger, P., Sautner, Z., Tang, D. Y., Zhong, R. (2024). The effects of mandatory ESG disclosure around the world. Journal of Accounting Research.
Ceccarelli, M., Ramelli, S., Wagner, A. F. (2024). Low carbon mutual funds. Review of Finance, 28(1), 45-74.
December 17 Pástor, Ľ., Stambaugh, R. F., Taylor, L. A. (2022). Dissecting green returns. Journal of Financial Economics, 146(2), 403-424.
Levit, D., Malenko, N., Maug, E. (2024). Trading and shareholder democracy. The Journal of Finance, 79(1), 257-304.
Poslední úprava: Gregor Martin, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (10.12.2024)
CFA Institute (2024). Certificate in ESG Investing Curriculum: ESG Investing Official Training Manual, CFA Institute. Edmans, A. (2023). The end of ESG. Financial Management, 52(1), 3-17. Kräussl, R., Oladiran, T., Stefanova, D. (2024). A review on ESG investing: Investors’ expectations, beliefs and perceptions. Journal of Economic Surveys, 38, 476–502. Matos, P. (2020). ESG and responsible institutional investing around the world: A critical review. CFA Institute Research Foundation. Starks, L. T. (2023). Presidential address: Sustainable finance and ESG issues—Value versus values. Journal of Finance, 78(4), 1837-1872. Thompson, S. (2023). Green and sustainable finance: principles and practice. 2nd edition, London: Kogan Page. Preliminary topics for presentations
Consider also choosing a paper of interest from the following lists:
Poslední úprava: Gregor Martin, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (01.10.2024)
A. Introduction to Sustainable Finance and ESG Guest lecture 1: Market for sustainable finance: Banks in the EU (McKinsey) B. Measuring and Reporting Impacts Guest lecture 2: Carbon footprint methodology (PwC Czech Republic) C. ESG and Risk Management Guest lecture 3: ESG data and credit risk management (CRIF Czech Credit Bureau, a.s.) D. Green and Sustainable Bonds E. ESG Equity Investing F. Selected Topics in Sustainable Finance and ESG Poslední úprava: Gregor Martin, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (18.12.2024)