Výuka fyziologie je vyučována v zimním a letním semestru II. ročníku. Zahrnuje přednášky (celkem 37 hod. v ZS, 42 hod. v LS) a praktická cvičení (15 cvičení v zimním a 8 cvičení v letním semestru). Přednášky zimního semestru zahrnují fyziologii buňky, obecnou neurofyziologii včetně fyziologie svalů, krev, oběhový, dýchací a trávicí systém. Letní semestr je věnován regulacím, na kterých se podílejí ledviny, hormonální systém a centrální nervový systém. Praktická výuka je zaměřena na ověření teoretických znalostí a výuku určitých dovedností, a to jak experimentálně na zvířeti, tak i vyšetřováním některých funkcí lidského organismu a jejich regulací. Výuka je doplněna počítačovými modely. Účast na přednáškách není povinná, nicméně se doporučuje, účast na praktických cvičeních je povinná. Bodový systém praktických cvičení - požadavky: Písemné či ústní přezkoušení z vypsaného tématu v úvodu praktických cvičení (nutná samostatná domácí teoretická příprava), aktivní účast na všech prováděných úlohách konkrétního praktika jsou podmínkou pro úspěšné absolvování praktických cvičení
Poslední úprava: Kuriščák Eduard, MUDr., Ph.D. (13.10.2017)
The Physiology subject is read in winter and summer semesters. There are 37 lectures in winter semester and 42 lectures in summer semester. The lectures in the winter semester include physiology of the cell, general neurophysiology including physiology of muscles, blood, circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems. In the summer semester, regulation in which kidneys, the endocrine system and central nervous system take part are dealt with.
Practical labs is aimed at verification of theoretical knowledge and at training certain skills through investigation of some functions of the human organism and their regulatory mechanisms as well as through experiments on animals. Computer models and patient simulators complement the labs. There are 15 lab sessions in winter semester, each one lasting 4 teaching hours (60 teaching hours altogether) and 8 lab sessions in summer semester. The conditions for gaining the credits in either semester include active work in particular practical and a successful outcome of the revision tests.
Poslední úprava: Kuriščák Eduard, MUDr., Ph.D. (13.10.2017)
Literatura -
Textbook of Medical Physiology, Edited by Arthur C. Guyton
W.B. Saunders Company, 8th edition or later
Medical Physiology: Principles for Clinical Medicine, Rodney A. Rhoades, David R. Bell
Principles of Physiology, Edited by Robert M. Berne and Matthew N. Levy
Review of Medical Physiology, William F. Ganong
Czech: Lékařská fyziologie - Otomar Kittnar a kolektiv (Grada 2011)
Poslední úprava: Kuriščák Eduard, MUDr., Ph.D. (13.10.2017)
Textbook of Medical Physiology, Edited by Arthur C. Guyton
W.B. Saunders Company, 8th edition or later
Medical Physiology: Principles for Clinical Medicine, Rodney A. Rhoades, David R. Bell
Principles of Physiology, Edited by Robert M. Berne and Matthew N. Levy
Review of Medical Physiology, William F. Ganong
Czech: Lékařská fyziologie - Otomar Kittnar a kolektiv (Grada 2011)
Poslední úprava: Kuriščák Eduard, MUDr., Ph.D. (15.10.2017)
Požadavky ke zkoušce -
Zkouška z fyziologie má tři části:
1. vstupní test
2. jednu otázku z praktických cvičení
3. tři teoretické otázky
Zkouška z fyziologie je skládána ve zkouškovém období na konci 2. ročníku. Úspěšné zvádnutí vstupního testu je podmínkou pokračování ve zkoušce. Neúspěch v jakékoliv části zkoušky znamená její ukončení a hodnocení neprospěl(a). To však neplatí při druhém opravném termínu, kdy bude zkouška pokračovat i při neúspěchu ve vstupním testu.
V prvním i druhém opravných termínech se opakují všechny tři části zkoušky.
Na zkoušku se studenti hlásí prostřednictvím SIS v případě, že splnili podmínky pro udělení zápočtu v ZS i LS (viz Anotace), a přinesou si s sebou:
1. index
2. vyplněné vlastní „Protokoly k praktickým cvičením“ ke kontrole, nelze je ovšem použít k přípravě otázky z praktických cvičení!
Počet přihlášených na zkoušku není omezen.
Nedostavení se ke zkoušce a omluva
Student, který se nedostaví ke zkoušce a neomluví se řádně předem, tak není klasifikován, ale termín zkoušky propadá. Po propadnutí termínu se lze přihlásit na další termín zkoušky. Opožděnou omluvu lze uznat pouze ze závažných a doložených důvodů. O řádnosti omluvy rozhoduje zkoušející. Student se musí omluvit písemně s vysvětlením a doložením důvodu. O výsledku uznání omluvy bude student informován.
Topics for the Final Exam in Physiology
Exam questions for Dentists:
The cell The cell (cell membrane, nucleus, organelles, function) Transport across cell membranes Ionic currents underlying membrane potentials Contraction in skeletal muscle Sensory transduction Tissue maintenance Body fluids Homeostasis The blood The blood cells Hemostasis Blood groups Mechanisms of immunity Blood circulation Electrical activity of the heart The normal electrocardiogram Events of the cardiac cycle Function of cardiac valves, heart sounds Cardiac output, regulation Blood pressure in the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins Exchange of materials in capillaries Control of the cardiac output Control of the blood pressure Control of the blood volume Control of the regional blood flow Fetal and neonatal circulation The coronary circulation The circulation of the lungs Cerebral circulation Splanchnic circulation The Respiratory System Ventilation Diffusion and transport of respiratory gases Transport of oxygen in blood Transport of carbon dioxide in blood Control of respiration pH regulation in body fluids The Digestive System Motility of the gastrointestinal system Chewing and swallowing Secretion in the gastrointestinal system Digestion Absorption in the gastrointestinal system Functions of the liver Metabolism of nutrients Temperature regulation The excretory system The physiology of the skin Glomerular filtration, its regulation Processing of the filtrate in the proximal and distal tubules Control of extracellular fluid osmolality Control of extracellular fluid volume, sodium and potassium balance Body acid-base state and its regulation Renal regulation of the acid-base balance Micturition The endocrine system Mechanisms of cell signaling The adrenocortical hormones Growth hormone, growth factors, and control of the body growth Regulation of the carbohydrate metabolism Hypothalamo-hypophyseal relations The thyroid hormones secretion and its regulation The adrenal medulla Stress and emergency reaction Control of the calcium and phosphate balance Hormones of the anterior pituitary Neurohypophyseal hormones Endocrine and biological rhythms Reproductive and hormonal functions of the male Reproductive and hormonal functions of the female The ovarial cycle Physiology of pregnancy Fetal and neonatal physiology Principles of neurophysiology Structure and function of nerve cells Membrane potentials Synaptic transmission Integration activity of neurons Reflex arc, classification of reflexes Milieu of the central nervous system The motor system Physiology of the muscle contraction The neural control of movements Muscle tone and its control Motor functions of the spinal cord, brain stem, basal ganglia and the cerebellum Cortical control of motor functions The autonomic nervous system Characteristics of sympathetic and parasympathetic action The sensory physiology Signal transformation in receptor cells and coding Somatic sensations Perception of pain Function of the auditory system The vestibular apparatus Function of the visual system The sense of taste and smell Integrative function of the CNS Function of the spinal cord Function of the limbic system Function of the cerebral cortex Intellectual functions of the brain, language Mechanism of learning and memory Waking and sleeping Bioelectrical activity of the CNS
Practicals: Membrane Potential, Model Tests for Hemosthasis Blood Groups Evaluation Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Estimation Sedimentation of Erythrocytes Blood Pressure Measurement ECG Spirometry Evaluation of Reflexes Evaluation of Vision Hearing Tests
Poslední úprava: Kuriščák Eduard, MUDr., Ph.D. (02.11.2017)
The final exam consist of three parts:
1. Written test (entrance test), containing 20 questions; questions are multiple choice, single correct ones. Time limit 20 min.
2. Lab examination. One question from the lab practicals. Time limit for preparation 15 min.
3. Theory examination. Three questions (triplet), one of them is neurophysiology. Time limit for preparation 20 min.
Evaluation of exam:
The final exam takes part during the summer semester exam period. Exam is successfully passed upon successful passing of all four parts of exam. Successful passing of the third term exam (second correction term) does not require successful passing of the written test.
Each exam term consists of all three parts.
Examination requires:
1. Valid SIS exam registration for particular term
detailed dates for examination terms in SS (summer semester) will be announced on SIS and on our webpage:
one preterm during the 15. week
four terms in regular exam period
one term during vacations
two term in September, the last one not later than September 12
2. Physiology credits signed for winter and summer semesters
3. Credit book
Excuse from the exam:
Students are obliged to claim the exam excuse ahead of the particular exam term, otherwise you exam term is spent (lost). Receiving your apology after the respective exam term requires reasonable and documented justification in order to not lose the term.
Topics for the Final Exam in Physiology
Exam questions for Dentists:
The cell The cell (cell membrane, nucleus, organelles, function) Transport across cell membranes Ionic currents underlying membrane potentials Contraction in skeletal muscle Sensory transduction Tissue maintenance Body fluids Homeostasis The blood The blood cells Hemostasis Blood groups Mechanisms of immunity Blood circulation Electrical activity of the heart The normal electrocardiogram Events of the cardiac cycle Function of cardiac valves, heart sounds Cardiac output, regulation Blood pressure in the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins Exchange of materials in capillaries Control of the cardiac output Control of the blood pressure Control of the blood volume Control of the regional blood flow Fetal and neonatal circulation The coronary circulation The circulation of the lungs Cerebral circulation Splanchnic circulation The Respiratory System Ventilation Diffusion and transport of respiratory gases Transport of oxygen in blood Transport of carbon dioxide in blood Control of respiration pH regulation in body fluids The Digestive System Motility of the gastrointestinal system Chewing and swallowing Secretion in the gastrointestinal system Digestion Absorption in the gastrointestinal system Functions of the liver Metabolism of nutrients Temperature regulation The excretory system The physiology of the skin Glomerular filtration, its regulation Processing of the filtrate in the proximal and distal tubules Control of extracellular fluid osmolality Control of extracellular fluid volume, sodium and potassium balance Body acid-base state and its regulation Renal regulation of the acid-base balance Micturition The endocrine system Mechanisms of cell signaling The adrenocortical hormones Growth hormone, growth factors, and control of the body growth Regulation of the carbohydrate metabolism Hypothalamo-hypophyseal relations The thyroid hormones secretion and its regulation The adrenal medulla Stress and emergency reaction Control of the calcium and phosphate balance Hormones of the anterior pituitary Neurohypophyseal hormones Endocrine and biological rhythms Reproductive and hormonal functions of the male Reproductive and hormonal functions of the female The ovarial cycle Physiology of pregnancy Fetal and neonatal physiology Principles of neurophysiology Structure and function of nerve cells Membrane potentials Synaptic transmission Integration activity of neurons Reflex arc, classification of reflexes Milieu of the central nervous system The motor system Physiology of the muscle contraction The neural control of movements Muscle tone and its control Motor functions of the spinal cord, brain stem, basal ganglia and the cerebellum Cortical control of motor functions The autonomic nervous system Characteristics of sympathetic and parasympathetic action The sensory physiology Signal transformation in receptor cells and coding Somatic sensations Perception of pain Function of the auditory system The vestibular apparatus Function of the visual system The sense of taste and smell Integrative function of the CNS Function of the spinal cord Function of the limbic system Function of the cerebral cortex Intellectual functions of the brain, language Mechanism of learning and memory Waking and sleeping Bioelectrical activity of the CNS
Practicals: Membrane Potential, Model Tests for Hemosthasis Blood Groups Evaluation Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Estimation Sedimentation of Erythrocytes Blood Pressure Measurement ECG Spirometry Evaluation of Reflexes Evaluation of Vision Hearing Tests
Poslední úprava: Kuriščák Eduard, MUDr., Ph.D. (02.11.2017)
Sylabus -
Medical Physiology, History of the Subject
Cellular Physiology, Cell Organelles
Cell Membranes
Membrane Transport
Ion Channels, Membrane Potentials and their Propagation