1. Cariology, structure of course, information resources
? Dental caries ? holistic concept of oral health impairment
? Cariology ? theoretical base of prevention, diagnostics and therapy of dental caries
? Individual and public aspects of dental caries
? Epidemiology of dental caries
? Survey of textbooks and electronic information resources
? Survey of e-learning tools
2. Physiology and microbiology of oral environment
? Ontogenesis and phylogenesis of oral environment
? Biologic and functional determinants of oral environment
? Oral cavity as an opened microbial ecosystem
? Dental caries as an impairment of the oral environment balance
? Iatrogenic influences in oral environment
o Medicamentous
o Topical (restorative and prosthetic care)
3. Histology and histogenesis of tooth
? Micromorphologic picture of dental hard tissues
o Enamel
o Dentin
o Acquired pellicle
? Pathomorphology of developmental and acquired non-carious defects of dental hard tissues
? Development of deciduous and permanent dentition
? Concept of critical developmental period
4. Microbiology of dental caries
? Ontogenesis of oral microbial ecosystem
? Cariogenic microorganisms
o Streptococcus mutans
o Heterofermentative lactobacilli
o Other oral microorganisms
? Dental caries as an infectious disease
o Concept of the window of infectivity
o Mechanisms of oral infection
o Contributing factors
5. Histopathology of carious lesion, remineralisation and demineralisation
? Balance of re- and demineralisation on the enamel surface
? Physical-chemical aspect of the enamel mineral stability
? Mechanism of initial carious lesion
? Mechanisms of cavitation and carious lesion progression
? Histopathology of carious lesion
o Enamel caries
o Dentin caries
o Cementum caries
6. Saliva and its function
? Physiology of big salivary glands
? Mixed saliva composition
o Minerals
o Proteins
o Antimicrobials
o Buffering capacity of saliva
7. Nutrition and dental caries
? Definitions: nutrition, foods, diet, food habits, eating habits
? Alimentary versus local influence of nutrition on dental hard tissues
? Nutrition and the development of dentition
o Influence of nutrition in post eruptive period
o Physical, mechanical and chemical properties of foods
o Sweeteners, natural, replacement, artificial
o Metabolic pathways of saccharides
? Food and eating habits
? Fluorides
? Theoretical base of nutrition counselling
8. Clinical picture of dental caries and non-carious defects, classification
? Non- carious defects of dental hard tissues
? Clinical picture of dental caries
? Classification of carious defects ? Black?s classification, classification by Mounte and Hume
9. Detection of dental caries
? Clinical and instrumental methods of caries detection
o Visual
o Visual + tactile
o X-ray
o Electro conductance
o Laser fluorescence
? Sensitivity and specificity of detection methods
10. X-ray imaging methods
? X-ray picture of carious lesion
? Radiovosiography
? Bitewings
? Digital subtraction and digital x-ray picture analysis
? X-ray protection of patient
11. Iatrogenic causes of dental caries, adverse effects of restorative materials and technologies
? Risk of iatrogenic damage in tactile detection of caries
? Risk of cavity preparation
? Influence of dental filling materials on dental hard tissues and dental pulp
? Adverse effects of oral hygiene on dental hard tissues
? Survey of oral hygienic means
? Techniques of tooth cleaning
? Dental abrasion, dental erosion
o Dentinal hypersensitivity
? Tooth bleaching
13. Early childhood caries, rampant caries caries arrested caries
? Concept of early childhood caries
o Clinical picture, mechanisms, strategy of prevention/care
? Rampant caries
o Clinical picture, mechanisms, strategy of prevention/care
? Arrested caries
o Clinical and x-ray picture, mechanisms
? Public health aspects of early childhood caries and rampant caries
14. Behavioural aspects of dental caries, assessment of dental caries activity
? Essential of oral health psychology ? beliefs, attitudes, behaviour
o Oral health beliefs
o Locus of oral health control
o Auto regulation of behaviour
o Self-efficacy to oral health
? Quality of life and oral health
o Influence of oral health on the quality of life
o Influence of oral health on physical, psychical and social efficacy
? Behavioural health education ? motivation to oral health
o Psychodiagnostcs and psychotherapy in dental caries prevention
? Social aspects of oral health
o Dental caries as a social phenomenon
? Assessment of the dental caries activity
o Analysis of beliefs, attitudes, expectations and behaviour in decision making process on treatment/restorative care
15. Strategy of treatment/restorative dental caries care
? Risk analysis
o Assessment of clinical picture
o Familiar dental anamnesis
o Individual dental anamnesis
o Level of preventive knowledge and behaviour
o Socio-economic status
o Personal expectations and compliance
? Decision making process in treatment/restorative dental caries care
? Survey of options in dental caries treatment/restorative strategy
? Fluorides
Poslední úprava: Dušková Jana, prof. MUDr., MBA, DrSc. (11.06.2008)