Teoreticko-metodologický seminář - stroegyptská filologie
PTOLEMAIC TEXT EDITION I AND II 2016–2017: I) ZS 2016 and II) LS 2017 (2 hours/week) PhDr Filip Coppens, PhD (filip.coppens@ff.cuni.cz) ANNOTATION The doctoral seminar, in the form of a workgroup, will focus on a single Ptolemaic bandeau inscription to be studied in detail. Next to the transliteration, translation and grammatical analysis of the inscription, students will also search for and compare with parallel or similar texts, focus on the transmission and re-edition of older passages in the Ptolemaic text(s), and interpret the general context in which the inscription occurs. The aim of the seminar is to provide the students an insight into all aspects entailed in presenting and publishing an inscription (whether Ptolemaic or other) in a scientific and critical manner. The final result of the two part seminar (ZS 2016 and LS 2017) should be a critical edition of the text in question in the form of an article and/or conference presentation. The seminar is predominantly aimed at beginning PhD students, but MA students are also welcome to participate. All participating students (PhD and MA) are however expected to be familiar with the Ptolemaic writing system, the apparatus (sign lists, grammars, lexica etc) available and the scientific methods used for the transliteration, translation and analysis of Ptolemaic texts. Poslední úprava: Landgráfová Renata, Mgr., Ph.D. (14.09.2016)
Ptolemaic – A Selective Bibliography
General Introduction * J. F. Quack, “Was ist das “Ptolemaïsche”?”, Die Welt des Orients 40/1 (2010), 70–92. * D. Kurth, “Zur Definition des Ptolemaïschen”, GM 229 (2011), 65–79. * C. Leitz, Quellentexte zur ägyptischen Religion I. Die Tempelinschriften der griechisch-römischen Zeit, in L. Gestermann – C. Leitz (eds.), Einfhrungen und Quellentexte zur Ägyptologie II, Münster 2004. Also: * S. Sauneron, “L’écriture ptolémaïque”, in Textes et Languages de l’Egypte Pharaonique. Cent cinquante années de recherches 1822–1972. Hommage à Jean-François Champollion, (BdE 64/1), Cairo 1972, 45–56. * S. Sauneron, “La grammaire des textes ptolémaïques”, in Textes et Languages de l’Egypte Pharaonique. Cent cinquante années de recherches 1822–1972. Hommage à Jean-François Champollion, (BdE 64/1), Cairo 1972, 151–156. * S. Sauneron, “La philosophie d’une écriture”, in Sauneron, S., Esna VIII. L’écriture figurative dans les textes d’Esna, Cairo 1982, 47–80. Grammar * D. Kurth, Einführung ins Ptolemäische. Eine Grammatik mit Zeichenliste und Übungsstücken I-II, Hützel 2007-2008 [Review: J. F. Quack, WdO 39 (2009), 130–139 and 272–282].
The Ptolemaic Writing System * D. Kurth, “Die Lautwerte der Hieroglyphen in den Tempelinschriften der griechisch-römischen Zeit — Zur Systematik ihrer Herleitungsprinzipien”, ASAE 69 (1983), 287–309. Also: * H. W. Fairman, “An Introduction to the Study of Ptolemaic Signs and their Value”, BIFAO 43 (1945), 51–138. * H. W. Fairman, “Notes on the Alphabetic Signs Employed in the Hieroglyphic Inscriptions of the Temple of Edfu”, ASAE 43 (1943), 193–310. * H. W. Fairman, “Ptolemaic Notes”, ASAE 44 (1944), 263–277.
Sign Lists - F. Daumas (ed.), Valeurs phonétiques des signes hiéroglyphiques d’époque gréco–romaine I–IV, Montpellier 1988–1995. - S. Cauville, Le fonds hiéroglyphique au temps de Cléopâtre, Paris 2001. - C. Leitz, Quellentexte zur ägyptischen Religion I. Die Tempelinschriften der griechisch-römischen Zeit, in L. Gestermann – C. Leitz (eds.), Einfhrungen und Quellentexte zur Ägyptologie II, Münster 2004, 153–175.
Dictionaries and Lexika * P. Wilson, A Ptolemaic Lexikon. A Lexicographical Study of the Texts in the Temple of Edfu, (OLA 78), Leuven 1997 [Reviews: D. Meeks, BiOr 54 (1999), 569-594; A. von Lieven, WdO 30 (1999), 151-158; C. Peust, LingAeg 7 (2000), 245-260)]. * Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache I-V, Leipzig–Berlin 1940–1959. * Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, http://aaew.bbaw.de/tla/ * LGG = C. Leitz – D. Budde – P. Dils – L. Goldbrunner – D. Mendel – e.a., Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen I–VIII, (OLA 110–116 and 129), Leuven 2002–2003.
Bibliographies of Ptolemaic Temple Texts - C. Leitz (ed.), Kurzbibliographie zu den übersetzen Tempeltexten der griechisch–römischen Zeit, (BdE 136), Cairo 20156. The sixth edition can be downloaded at: http://www.ifao.egnet.net/publications/catalogue/978-2-7247-0667-3/.
Iconography * S. Cauville, L’offrande aux dieux dans le temple egyptien, Leuven 2011. * E. Vassilika, Ptolemaic Philae, (OLA 34), Leuven: Peeters 1989, esp. 83–123 and catalogue 293–398. Poslední úprava: Landgráfová Renata, Mgr., Ph.D. (14.09.2016)
Teoreticko-metodologický seminář - staroegyptská filologie Ptolemaic Text Edition I and II
2016–2017: I) ZS 2016 and II) LS 2017 (2 hours/week) PhDr Filip Coppens, PhD (filip.coppens@ff.cuni.cz)
Annotation The doctoral seminar, in the form of a workgroup, will focus on a single Ptolemaic bandeau inscription to be studied in detail. Next to the transliteration, translation and grammatical analysis of the inscription, students will also search for and compare with parallel or similar texts, focus on the transmission and re-edition of older passages in the Ptolemaic text(s), and interpret the general context in which the inscription occurs. The aim of the seminar is to provide the students an insight into all aspects entailed in presenting and publishing an inscription (whether Ptolemaic or other) in a scientific and critical manner. The final result of the two part seminar (ZS 2016 and LS 2017) should be a critical edition of the text in question in the form of an article and/or conference presentation.
The seminar is predominantly aimed at beginning PhD students, but MA students are also welcome to participate. All participating students (PhD and MA) are however expected to be familiar with the Ptolemaic writing system, the apparatus (sign lists, grammars, lexica etc) available and the scientific methods used for the transliteration, translation and analysis of Ptolemaic texts.
Ptolemaic – A Selective Bibliography
General Introduction * J. F. Quack, “Was ist das “Ptolemaïsche”?”, Die Welt des Orients 40/1 (2010), 70–92. * D. Kurth, “Zur Definition des Ptolemaïschen”, GM 229 (2011), 65–79. * C. Leitz, Quellentexte zur ägyptischen Religion I. Die Tempelinschriften der griechisch-römischen Zeit, in L. Gestermann – C. Leitz (eds.), Einfhrungen und Quellentexte zur Ägyptologie II, Münster 2004. Also: * S. Sauneron, “L’écriture ptolémaïque”, in Textes et Languages de l’Egypte Pharaonique. Cent cinquante années de recherches 1822–1972. Hommage à Jean-François Champollion, (BdE 64/1), Cairo 1972, 45–56. * S. Sauneron, “La grammaire des textes ptolémaïques”, in Textes et Languages de l’Egypte Pharaonique. Cent cinquante années de recherches 1822–1972. Hommage à Jean-François Champollion, (BdE 64/1), Cairo 1972, 151–156. * S. Sauneron, “La philosophie d’une écriture”, in Sauneron, S., Esna VIII. L’écriture figurative dans les textes d’Esna, Cairo 1982, 47–80. Grammar * D. Kurth, Einführung ins Ptolemäische. Eine Grammatik mit Zeichenliste und Übungsstücken I-II, Hützel 2007-2008 [Review: J. F. Quack, WdO 39 (2009), 130–139 and 272–282].
The Ptolemaic Writing System * D. Kurth, “Die Lautwerte der Hieroglyphen in den Tempelinschriften der griechisch-römischen Zeit — Zur Systematik ihrer Herleitungsprinzipien”, ASAE 69 (1983), 287–309. Also: * H. W. Fairman, “An Introduction to the Study of Ptolemaic Signs and their Value”, BIFAO 43 (1945), 51–138. * H. W. Fairman, “Notes on the Alphabetic Signs Employed in the Hieroglyphic Inscriptions of the Temple of Edfu”, ASAE 43 (1943), 193–310. * H. W. Fairman, “Ptolemaic Notes”, ASAE 44 (1944), 263–277.
Sign Lists - F. Daumas (ed.), Valeurs phonétiques des signes hiéroglyphiques d’époque gréco–romaine I–IV, Montpellier 1988–1995. - S. Cauville, Le fonds hiéroglyphique au temps de Cléopâtre, Paris 2001. - C. Leitz, Quellentexte zur ägyptischen Religion I. Die Tempelinschriften der griechisch-römischen Zeit, in L. Gestermann – C. Leitz (eds.), Einfhrungen und Quellentexte zur Ägyptologie II, Münster 2004, 153–175.
Dictionaries and Lexika * P. Wilson, A Ptolemaic Lexikon. A Lexicographical Study of the Texts in the Temple of Edfu, (OLA 78), Leuven 1997 [Reviews: D. Meeks, BiOr 54 (1999), 569-594; A. von Lieven, WdO 30 (1999), 151-158; C. Peust, LingAeg 7 (2000), 245-260)]. * Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache I-V, Leipzig–Berlin 1940–1959. * Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, http://aaew.bbaw.de/tla/ * LGG = C. Leitz – D. Budde – P. Dils – L. Goldbrunner – D. Mendel – e.a., Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen I–VIII, (OLA 110–116 and 129), Leuven 2002–2003.
Bibliographies of Ptolemaic Temple Texts - C. Leitz (ed.), Kurzbibliographie zu den übersetzen Tempeltexten der griechisch–römischen Zeit, (BdE 136), Cairo 20156. The sixth edition can be downloaded at: http://www.ifao.egnet.net/publications/catalogue/978-2-7247-0667-3/.
Iconography * S. Cauville, L’offrande aux dieux dans le temple egyptien, Leuven 2011. * E. Vassilika, Ptolemaic Philae, (OLA 34), Leuven: Peeters 1989, esp. 83–123 and catalogue 293–398. Poslední úprava: Landgráfová Renata, Mgr., Ph.D. (14.09.2016)