Contact information | ||
Street: | Magdalény Rettigové 4 | |
Municipality: | Praha 1 | |
Postcode: | 116 39 | |
Municipality: | Prague | |
WWW: | |
Bachelor's study programmes | ||
Contact person: | Silvie Netopilová | |
Phone number: | +420221900225 | |
E-mail address: | | |
Other information | ||
Information on the admission procedure: | Admissions Procedure is governed by Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws, Constitution of Charles University, Code of Admissions Procedure, the Rules of Admissions Procedure for the academic year 2025/2026 and Rector's and/or Dean's Directive. Admissions procedures are governed by. The Admissions Procedure is covered by Act No 500/2004 Sb., unless stated otherwise in Act No 111/1998 Sb. The Faculty of Education of Charles University offers the following three accredited study programmes: Bachelor’s degree programme, follow-on Master’s degree programme and long-cycle Master’s degree programme. As of academic year 2022/2023, all successful applicants are enrolled in study programmes covered by the umbrella of institutional accreditation granted to the Charles University. The study programmes are realized: · in teaching-oriented and non-teaching-oriented study programmes with comprehensive and self-contained study plans (formerly known as single-major study programmes) · in teaching-oriented study programmes which associate two study plans, a major (i.e. the primary study plan) or minor (i.e. associated or secondary study plan) – formerly known as a double-major study programme. These study programmes offer complete major-plus-minor combinations – once the applicant clicks on the particular combination, s/he will be immediately informed as to whether there a mirror combination is also available (e.g. Russian language oriented at education – major, Chemistry oriented at education – minor and, alternatively, Chemistry oriented at education – major, Russian language oriented at education – minor). Associated study programmes also contain other fields of study, as the major is complemented with educational propedeutics (pedagogical and psychological preparation, didactics related to the major field of study, courses attended by all students at the Faculty of Education). Students of this programme also write their final projects, either bachelor’s thesis (finalizing the undergraduate study) or master’s thesis (finalizing the magisterial study). The standard length of Bachelor’s degree programme is three years and is completed by passing a final state examination and defending a Bachelor’s thesis. Graduates are awarded the academic title of “Bachelor”. The basic condition for admission to a Bachelor's degree is applicant’s completion of higher secondary education. Under Article 4 (5) of the Admissions Procedure Code the faculty will send to the applicant an invitation letter to the exam along with the notification of its rules, no later than thirty days before the exam is being held. The invitation letter will be sent through the University Electronic Information System. If the faculty sends an invitation to an alternative entrance examination date, the time period may be shortened accordingly. After submitting an application, the applicant will receive a password for the University Electronic Information System. If the applicant submits more than one application to more faculties of Charles University or different universities, the Faculty of Education cannot guarantee that entrance examination dates do not overlap. The results of admissions procedure are published after the meeting of the Admission Committee at: (module Admission).
Entrance examinations Entrance examination may consist of one or more parts and have one or more rounds. The entrance examination or its part may be written, oral, aptitude, practical, or a combination thereof. All parts of the entrance examination may be taken either in one day or over several days. Entrance examination is taken in Czech language (Slovak citizens may use Slovak language), unless stated otherwise in requirements of a given field of study. Examination instructions are in Czech, unless proficiency of a foreign language is tested. Aptitude examination assesses applicant’s prerequisites for studying. Written part of entrance examination consists of relevant subjects prescribed by a given field of study. Some Bachelor’s degree programmes may include additional Test of General Academic Prerequisites. Oral examinations review candidates’ prerequisites to study, their motivation and fulfilment of other requirements for admission. The applicant can follow an admission procedure status and partial results at: (module Admission). Should an applicant with special needs apply for modified entrance examination, the application must be submitted by 28 February 2025 along with properly grounded reasons (medical certificate, in case of specific learning disabilities recommendation from a Pedagogical and Psychological Counselling Centre). The application will be assessed by the Dean on recommendation of the department or guarantors of relevant fields of study who can assess all medical or other demands placed on applicants that are needed for successful completion of all their study obligations and assessment of their study. The candidate who submitted more applications for full-time or combined study of two-subject Bachelor’s degree programme Specialization in Education (i.e. English language and literature/Music and English language and literature/Czech language and literature) takes the test (written or oral part) of the overlapping subject only once and the result will be recognized in both study programmes. The same applies to candidates who submitted applications for full-time and combined study form of the same field of study. For instance, an applicant who submitted for one-subject study programme of Mathematics in full-time form and two-subject study programme of Mathematics and Chemistry in combined form will take only one entrance examination of Mathematics and the result will be recognized in both study forms. Admissions requirements and detailed score information are published in each study programme that will be open for the academic year 2025/2026. The exemption from entrance examination or its part is possible in some fields of study and only based on a written request. Exemption details are to be found at: If the applicant requests exemption from the entrance examination, they must submit a written request along with supplements (unless stated otherwise in requirements of a given field of study) by 28 February, 2025 at the latest. The supplements must contain all necessary particulars stated by fields of study which allow exemption from the entrance examination or its part. If the Dean grants the request for exemption, the applicant receives the decision of exemption from the entrance examination or its part and s/he receives the maximum number of points stated by admissions criteria of the given field of study. If the request is not granted, the applicant must attend the entrance examination date published in the invitation letter. Candidates are admitted to study if they meet all admission requirements: a) to deliver a certified copy of completion of secondary education, b) to pass an entrance examination and reach at least one points and reach required number of points determined by the Dean, c) to meet any other requirements specified by a given field of study. d) czech language requirements for foreign candidates (only for study programmes in CZE)
Certificate of completion of secondary education The candidate applying for a Bachelor’s degree study programme submits (either in person or by post) a certified copy of completion of secondary education to the Study Department of the Faculty of Education immediately after passing the school leaving exam (by 30 September 2025 at the latest). The applicant cannot be admitted without this document. Candidates taking a school-leaving examination in the autumn term must deliver a certified copy of completion of secondary education by 22 October 2025. Candidates who completed secondary education abroad need to present confirmation of the equivalence (when required by the law). If the candidate submits more applications for study at the Faculty of Education of Charles University in Prague, they must provide each application with a certified copy of completion of secondary education.
Documents necessary for bonus points Should the entrance examination include evaluation of candidate’s activities, these must be documented and handed in along with application by 28 February 2025 at the latest. All supporting documents must be confirmed by a relevant institution, employer, etc. Applicant’s declaration of submitted activities does not suffice. In order to submit a pedagogical practice, the candidate should use an electronic form “Potvrzení o pedagogické praxi” available at /studium/prijimacky/index.php or at in section “Uchazeči”. If the candidate submits more applications, supporting documents must be included in each application. Documents delivered after 28 February 2025 will not be granted any bonus points, unless stated otherwise in a given field of study.
Alternative entrance examination date Alternative entrance examination may be granted by the Dean to an applicant who has applied for it in a written form no more than 3 days after the proper date of entrance examination. Alternative entrance examination date may be permitted only based on serious and documented reasons (mainly for health reasons). Studying abroad that prepares an applicant for university constitutes the right for alternative entrance examination date. Another alternative entrance examination date is not permitted.
Other information on admissions procedure Other information on admissions procedure can be continually published at in section “Uchazeči”.
English study programmes information English study programmes are mainly for foreign student – individual fee-payers. There is an annual tuition fee ( Entrance examination is taken in English language. Admissions procedure criteria as well as requirements for admission to study are binding also for foreign students.
Medical Certificate Medical certificate is required in some fields of study. Specifications of medical certificate are to be found in details of particular fields of study. The certificate must not be older than 1 year on the date of submission of the electronic application. Recommended form of the medical certificate is available at: in section “Uchazeči” |
Application form requisites: | The application can be submitted in electronic form. The electronic form of application is available at To submit an application properly we recommend reading help. Please note that after completing an electronic application it is necessary to finalize it by clicking on „ODESLAT“ button, otherwise it is not valid. Electronically submitted application is not to be printed. The application must be submitted and fee paid by 28 February 2025 . Application status can be checked at:, module „Admission“ (application storage, entrance examination dates, admission results, etc.). The candidate wishing to study at the Faculty of Education of Charles University can submit as many applications as they wish. If the field of study is a two-subject study programme, the candidate submits an application for each two-subject study programme. The application cannot be transferred to another field of study. After filling in the application in electronic form, each candidate will receive their unique code necessary for paying the fee. The fee must be paid for each submitted application form and is due on the last day of application submission. If the application form is not properly filled or does not contain required information, the Faculty of Education will ask the candidate to rectify it within a given period. If the application is not rectified in time, admission procedure is terminated. |
Master's study programmes | ||
Contact person: | Silvie Netopilová | |
Phone number: | +420221900225 | |
E-mail address: | | |
Other information | ||
Information on the admission procedure: | Admissions Procedure is governed by Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws, Constitution of Charles University, Code of Admissions Procedure, the Rules of Admissions Procedure for the academic year 2025/2026 and Rector's and/or Dean's Directive. Admissions procedures are governed by. The Admissions Procedure is covered by Act No 500/2004 Sb., unless stated otherwise in Act No 111/1998 Sb.
The Faculty of Education offers the following three accredited study programmes: The standard length of a long-cycle Master’s degree programme is five years and is completed by passing a final state examination and defending a Master’s thesis. The basic condition for admission to a long-cycle Master's degree is applicant’s completion of higher secondary or secondary vocational education. Under Article 4 (5) of the Admissions Procedure Code the faculty will send to the applicant an invitation letter to the exam along with the notification of its rules, no later than thirty days before the exam is being held. The invitation letter will be sent through the University Electronic Information System. If the faculty sends an invitation to an alternative entrance examination date, the time period may be shortened accordingly. After submitting an application, the applicant will receive a password for the University Electronic Information System. If the applicant submits more than one application to more faculties of Charles University or different universities, the Faculty of Education cannot guarantee that entrance examination dates do not overlap. The results of admissions procedure are published after the meeting of the Admission Committee at: (module Admission). Entrance examinations The applicant can follow an admission procedure status and partial results at: (module Admission). Should an applicant with special needs apply for modified entrance examination, the application must be submitted by 28 February 2025 along with properly grounded reasons (medical certificate, in case of specific learning disabilities recommendation from a Pedagogical and Psychological Counselling Centre). The application will be assessed by the Dean on recommendation of the department or guarantors of relevant fields of study who can assess all medical or other demands placed on applicants that are needed for successful completion of all their study obligations and assessment of their study. Admissions requirements and detailed score information are published in each study programme that will be open for the academic year 2025/2026. Candidates are admitted to study if they meet all admission requirements:
Certificate of completion of secondary education The candidate applying for a Bachelor’s degree study programme submits (either in person or by post) a certified copy of completion of secondary education to the Study Department of the Faculty of Education immediately after passing the school leaving exam (by 30 September 2025 at the latest). The applicant cannot be admitted without this document. Candidates taking a school-leaving examination in the autumn term must deliver a certified copy of completion of secondary education by 22 October 2025. Candidates who completed secondary education abroad need to present confirmation of the equivalence (when required by the law). If the candidate submits more applications for study at the Faculty of Education of Charles University in Prague, they must provide each application with a certified copy of completion of secondary education.
Alternative entrance examination date Alternative entrance examination may be granted by the Dean to an applicant who has applied for it in a written form no more than 3 days after the proper date of entrance examination. Alternative entrance examination date may be permitted only based on serious and documented reasons (mainly for health reasons). Studying abroad that prepares an applicant for university constitutes the right for alternative entrance examination date. Another alternative entrance examination date is not permitted. Other information on admissions procedure Other information on admissions procedure can be continually published at in section “Uchazeči“. English study programmes information English study programmes are mainly for foreign student – individual fee-payers. Entrance examination is taken in English language. Admissions procedure criteria as well as requirements for admission to study are binding also for foreign students. Medical Certificate Medical certificate is required in some fields of study. Specifications of medical certificate are to be found in details of particular fields of study. The certificate must not be older than 1 year on the date of submission of the electronic application. Recommended form of the medical certificate is available at: in section „Uchazeči“. |
Application form requisites: | The application can be submitted in electronic form. The electronic form of application is available at To submit an application properly we recommend reading help. Please note that after completing an electronic application it is necessary to finalize it by clicking on „ODESLAT“ button, otherwise it is not valid. Electronically submitted application is not to be printed. The application must be submitted and fee paid by 28 February 2025. Application status can be checked at:, module „Admission“(application storage, entrance examination dates, admission results, etc.). The candidate wishing to study at the Faculty of Education of Charles University can submit as many applications as they wish. If the field of study is a two-subject study programme, the candidate submits an application for each two-subject study programme. The application cannot be transferred to another field of study. After filling in the application in electronic form, each candidate will receive their unique code necessary for paying the fee. The fee must be paid for each submitted application form and is due on the last day of application submission.
If the application form is not properly filled or does not contain required information, the Faculty of Education will ask the candidate to rectify it within a given period. If the application is not rectified in time, admission procedure is terminated. |
Contact person: | Silvie Netopilová | |
Phone number: | +420221900225 | |
E-mail address: | | |
Other information | ||
Information on the admission procedure: | Admissions Procedure is governed by Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws, Constitution of Charles University, Code of Admissions Procedure, the Rules of Admissions Procedure for the academic year 2025/2026 and Rector's and/or Dean's Directive. Admissions procedures are governed by. The Admissions Procedure is covered by Act No 500/2004 Sb., unless stated otherwise in Act No 111/1998 Sb. The Faculty of Education of Charles University offers the following three accredited study programmes: Bachelor’s degree programme, follow-on Master’s degree programme and long-cycle Master’s degree programme. As of academic year 2022/2023, all successful applicants are enrolled in study programmes covered by the umbrella of institutional accreditation granted to the Charles University. The study programmes are realized:
Associated study programmes also contain other fields of study, as the major is complemented with educational propedeutics (pedagogical and psychological preparation, didactics related to the major field of study, courses attended by all students at the Faculty of Education). Students of this programme also write their final projects, either bachelor’s thesis (finalizing the undergraduate study) or master’s thesis (finalizing the magisterial study). The standard length of Bachelor’s degree programme is three years and is completed by passing a final state examination and defending a Bachelor’s thesis. Graduates are awarded the academic title of “Bachelor”. The basic condition for admission to a Bachelor's degree is applicant’s completion of higher secondary education. Under Article 4 (5) of the Admissions Procedure Code the faculty will send to the applicant an invitation letter to the exam along with the notification of its rules, no later than thirty days before the exam is being held. The invitation letter will be sent through the University Electronic Information System. If the faculty sends an invitation to an alternative entrance examination date, the time period may be shortened accordingly. After submitting an application, the applicant will receive a password for the University Electronic Information System. If the applicant submits more than one application to more faculties of Charles University or different universities, the Faculty of Education cannot guarantee that entrance examination dates do not overlap. The results of admissions procedure are published after the meeting of the Admission Committee at: (module Admission).
Entrance examinations Entrance examination may consist of one or more parts and have one or more rounds. The entrance examination or its part may be written, oral, aptitude, practical, or a combination thereof. All parts of the entrance examination may be taken either in one day or over several days. Entrance examination is taken in Czech language (Slovak citizens may use Slovak language), unless stated otherwise in requirements of a given field of study. Examination instructions are in Czech, unless proficiency of a foreign language is tested. Aptitude examination assesses applicant’s prerequisites for studying. Written part of entrance examination consists of relevant subjects prescribed by a given field of study. Some Bachelor’s degree programmes may include additional Test of General Academic Prerequisites. Oral examinations review candidates’ prerequisites to study, their motivation and fulfilment of other requirements for admission. The applicant can follow an admission procedure status and partial results at: (module Admission). Should an applicant with special needs apply for modified entrance examination, the application must be submitted by 28 February 2025 along with properly grounded reasons (medical certificate, in case of specific learning disabilities recommendation from a Pedagogical and Psychological Counselling Centre). The application will be assessed by the Dean on recommendation of the department or guarantors of relevant fields of study who can assess all medical or other demands placed on applicants that are needed for successful completion of all their study obligations and assessment of their study. The candidate who submitted more applications for full-time or combined study of two-subject Bachelor’s degree programme Specialization in Education (i.e. English language and literature/Music and English language and literature/Czech language and literature) takes the test (written or oral part) of the overlapping subject only once and the result will be recognized in both study programmes. The same applies to candidates who submitted applications for full-time and combined study form of the same field of study. For instance, an applicant who submitted for one-subject study programme of Mathematics in full-time form and two-subject study programme of Mathematics and Chemistry in combined form will take only one entrance examination of Mathematics and the result will be recognized in both study forms. Admissions requirements and detailed score information are published in each study programme that will be open for the academic year 2025/2026. The exemption from entrance examination or its part is possible in some fields of study and only based on a written request. Exemption details are to be found at: If the applicant requests exemption from the entrance examination, they must submit a written request along with supplements (unless stated otherwise in requirements of a given field of study) by 28 February, 2025 for study programmes in ENG at the latest. The supplements must contain all necessary particulars stated by fields of study which allow exemption from the entrance examination or its part. If the Dean grants the request for exemption, the applicant receives the decision of exemption from the entrance examination or its part and s/he receives the maximum number of points stated by admissions criteria of the given field of study. If the request is not granted, the applicant must attend the entrance examination date published in the invitation letter. Candidates are admitted to study if they meet all admission requirements: a) to deliver a certified copy of completion of secondary education, b) to pass an entrance examination and reach at least one point and reach required number of points determined by the Dean, c) to meet any other requirements specified by a given field of study. d) czech language requirements for foreign candidates (only for study programmes in CZE)
Certificate of completion of secondary education The candidate applying for a Bachelor’s degree study programme submits (either in person or by post) a certified copy of completion of secondary education to the Study Department of the Faculty of Education immediately after passing the school leaving exam (by 30 September 2025 at the latest). The applicant cannot be admitted without this document. Candidates taking a school-leaving examination in the autumn term must deliver a certified copy of completion of secondary education by 22 October 2025. Candidates who completed secondary education abroad need to present confirmation of the equivalence (when required by the law). If the candidate submits more applications for study at the Faculty of Education of Charles University, they must provide each application with a certified copy of completion of secondary education.
Documents necessary for bonus points Should the entrance examination include evaluation of candidate’s activities, these must be documented and handed in along with application by 28 February 2025 at the latest. All supporting documents must be confirmed by a relevant institution, employer, etc. Applicant’s declaration of submitted activities does not suffice. In order to submit a pedagogical practice, the candidate should use an electronic form “Potvrzení o pedagogické praxi” available at /studium/prijimacky/index.php or at in section “Uchazeči”. If the candidate submits more applications, supporting documents must be included in each application. Documents delivered after 28 February 2025 will not be granted any bonus points, unless stated otherwise in a given field of study.
Alternative entrance examination date Alternative entrance examination may be granted by the Dean to an applicant who has applied for it in a written form no more than 3 days after the proper date of entrance examination. Alternative entrance examination date may be permitted only based on serious and documented reasons (mainly for health reasons). Studying abroad that prepares an applicant for university constitutes the right for alternative entrance examination date. Another alternative entrance examination date is not permitted.
Other information on admissions procedure Other information on admissions procedure can be continually published at in section “Uchazeči”.
English study programmes information English study programmes are mainly for foreign student – individual fee-payers. There is an annual tuition fee ( Entrance examination is taken in English language. Admissions procedure criteria as well as requirements for admission to study are binding also for foreign students.
Medical Certificate Medical certificate is required in some fields of study. Specifications of medical certificate are to be found in details of particular fields of study. The certificate must not be older than 1 year on the date of submission of the electronic application. Recommended form of the medical certificate is available at: in section “Uchazeči”. |
Application form requisites: | The application can be submitted in electronic form. The electronic form of application is available at To submit an application properly we recommend reading help. Please note that after completing an electronic application it is necessary to finalize it by clicking on „ODESLAT“ button, otherwise it is not valid. Electronically submitted application is not to be printed. The application must be submitted and fee paid by 28 February 2025. Application status can be checked at:, module „Admission“ (application storage, entrance examination dates, admission results, etc.). The candidate wishing to study at the Faculty of Education of Charles University can submit as many applications as they wish. If the field of study is a two-subject study programme, the candidate submits an application for each two-subject study programme. The application cannot be transferred to another field of study. After filling in the application in electronic form, each candidate will receive their unique code necessary for paying the fee. The fee must be paid for each submitted application form and is due on the last day of application submission. If the application form is not properly filled or does not contain required information, the Faculty of Education will ask the candidate to rectify it within a given period. If the application is not rectified in time, admission procedure is terminated. |
Ph.D. study programmes | ||
Contact person: | Eliška Šmerdová | |
Phone number: | +420221900213 | |
E-mail address: | | |
Other information | ||
Doors open day: | Open day for doctoral study November 22 nd, 2024 and March 21st. 2025 from 3 pm – 5 pm in building Faculty of Education, M. Rettigová 4, Prague 1.Comprehensive information at 3 p.m. on the relevant training workplaces PedF UK • information about the course and organization of admission • progress information and organization studies • consultation with academics • consultations with students |
Information on the admission procedure: | CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDIES Doctoral study is organized in 4 years. It is intended for applicants who have properly completed Master's degree program. Doctoral program envisages independent research and creative activity. The artistic-pedagogical branches are aimed at independent theoretical and creative activity. The study is realized in 2 forms – full-time and combined. Full-time study assumes learner involvement of student in the activities of the department which realizes the study program. The activity consists in research or teaching activities according to the nature of the department. The combined study assumes contact with the student's workplace on purely educational basis. THE RULES OF ADMISSIONS PROCEDURE The Admissions Procedure is governed by Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws („the Higher Education Act“), Constitution of Charles University, Code of Admissions Procedure, the Rules of Admissions Procedure for the academic year 2025/26 and Rector's and/or Dean's Directive. The Admissions Procedure is covered by Act No. 500/2004 Sb., unless stated otherwise in the Higher Education Act. The standard length of Doctoral’s degree programme is four years and is completed by passing a final state doctoral’s examination and defending a doctoral’s dissertation. Graduates are awarded the academic title of “Doctor”(PhD.). The basic condition for admission to a Doctoral's degree is applicant’s completion Master´s degree programme. Invitation letters to entrance examinations are distributed based on properly filed application form 30 days before the entrance examination date at the latest. If the applicant submits more than one application to more faculties of Charles University or different universities, the Faculty of Education cannot guarantee that entrance examination dates do not overlap. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS The entrance examination is administered in English language.(The study is realized in English. The condition is therefore such knowledge of the English language, what enables the candidate to carry out the above mentioned activities, including taking exams and writing dissertation.) The candidate demonstrates the capability of doctoral studies at the entrance examination. The examination takes the form of a debate on the research project, which the candidate submits together with the application for doctoral studies. The candidate proves own thoughts and thorough knowledge of the research field. TERMS OF ADMISSION Due to the nature and content of study, the applicant should consult the theme, the structure of project and possibilities for its processing with chairs of doctoral boards. The application must be submitted by 31st March 2025. Applicantsare admitted to study if they meet all admission requirements: a) to deliver a certified copy of completion of Master’s degree programme, b) to pass an entrance examination, reach minimum number of point determined by the Dean,c) to meet any other requirements specified by a given field of study. EVALUATION CRITERIA The applicant can get a maximum of ten points, the number of points for the admission to study is getting at least seven points. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION of Master's degree programme The candidate submits a certified copy of Master's degree programme to the Department for research and scientific activities of the Faculty of Education with the Application by 30 September 2025 at the latest. (The applicant cannot be admitted without this document.) Applicants taking a school-leaving examination in the autumn term must deliver a certified copy by 22 October 2025. Applicants who completed Master's degree programme abroad need to present confirmation of the equivalence (when required by the law). If the candidate submits more applications for study at the Faculty of Education of Charles University, they must provide each application with a certified copy of completion of secondary education. ALTERNATIVE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION DATE Alternative entrance examination may be granted only based on a written application. The application is addressed to the Dean via the Department for research and scientific activities within 3 days from the day of the entrance examination. Alternative entrance examination date may be permitted only based on serious and documented reasons (proven incapacity to work, taking school-leaving examination on the date of entrance examination, studying abroad, etc.). Candidate’s participation in other entrance examinations or obligations arising from the applicant's work activities do not constitute the right for alternative entrance examination date. Additional alternative entrance examination date is not allowed. FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE ADMISSION PROCEDURE Further information concerning the organisation of the admissions procedure may be published from time to time on |
Application form requisites: | The application should be submitted in electronic form. The electronic form of application is available at To submit an application properly we recommend reading help. Please note that after completing an electronic application it is necessary to finalize it by clicking on „ODESLAT“ button ("SEND" BUTTON), otherwise it is not valid. Electronically submitted application is not to be printed. The application must be submitted and the fee paid by 31 March 2025. Application status can be checked at:, module „Admission“(application storage, entrance examination dates, admission results, etc.). After filling in the application in electronic form, each candidate will receive the unique code necessary for paying the fee. The fee must be paid for each submitted application form and is due on the last day of application submission. If the application form is not properly filled or does not contain required information, the Faculty of Education will ask the candidate to rectify it within a given period. If the application is not rectified in time, the admission procedure is terminated. If the applicant has completed the previous higher education at a foreign higher education institution, submit one of the following documents: a document obtained in accordance with sections 89 and 90 of the Higher Education Act proving general recognition of foreign higher education in the Czech Republic (so-called “nostrification”); a foreign document concerning a foreign higher education if it is deemed automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic in accordance with its international agreements without any further administrative procedures (a higher education diploma and diploma supplement from Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, or Slovenia); or a foreign document concerning a foreign higher education to be assessed by the Faculty (for a fee of CZK 960). Detailed information about the proof of higher education can be found here: .Proof of previous education should be scanned and send via post office to: Pedagogická fakulta: M. Rettigové 4, 116 39 Praha 1 (Department for research and scientific activities of the Faculty of Education) at least until September 30st, 2025. The diploma recognition and screening can be done after the payment. |
Payment instructions | ||
Constant symbol: | 0379 | |
Constant symbol (for a bank transaction): | 0379 | |
Bank: | Komerční banka | |
Account number: | 85236011/0100 | |
IBAN: | CZ43 0100 0000 0000 8523 6011 | |
Variable symbol: | 920 |