The students get oriented in the essential issues concerning ELT methodology. Through observing English lessons, peer-teaching, and reflecting on the experience, they develop the ability to see specific problems, ask questions that go below the surface, and to analyse and evaluate a teaching experience. They also improve their abilities to use English in order to conduct a lesson in English.
Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (30.01.2022)
Přímá výuka (24 hodin), náslech na ZŠ (2 hodiny), studium odborné literatury (25 hodin), sledování videí (4 hodiny), příprava prezentace (5 hodin), plnění průběžných úkolů (12 hodin), tvorba portfolia (6 hodin), příprava na zkoušku (12 hodin). Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (08.02.2022)
Attendance (no more than 2 missed classes) Active participation (includes being prepared, completing all reading and other assignments) Maintaining an ELT portfolio (contains all completed written assignments, observation sheets, the literature you have studied, your personal classroom English phrase book etc.) An oral interview based on your portfolio, on the topics discussed in seminars, and on your reading. Correct use of English and coherent oral performance are necessary. Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (30.01.2022)
Obligatory Cameron, L.: Teaching Languages to Young Learners. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2001 (selected pages). Council of Europe: Common European framework of reference for languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2001 (selected pages). Harmer, J.: The Practice of English Language Teaching. Harlow, Pearson 2007 (selected pages). Scrivener, J.: Learning Teaching. Oxford, Macmillan 2011 (selected pages). Optional Lightbrown, P., Spada, N.: How Languages Are Learned. Oxford, Oxford University Press 2006 Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (30.01.2022)
The exam takes the form of an oral interview based on the presented portfolio, on the topics discussed in seminars, and on the candidate's reading. Correct use of English and coherent oral performance are necessary. Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (30.01.2022)
The young language learner. The English teacher. The aims of English language teaching. Lesson aims. Planning an English lesson. Classroom English. Observations of lessons. Reflections of the observed lessons. Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (30.01.2022)