SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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ELT Methodology II - OPMN0A215B
Title: Didaktika AJ II
Guaranteed by: Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/2, C [HT]
Capacity: unknown / 20 (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: doc. PhDr. Klára Uličná, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): Mgr. Barbora Müller Dočkalová
doc. PhDr. Klára Uličná, Ph.D.
Pre-requisite : OPMN0A212B
Is pre-requisite for: OPMN0A218B, OPMN0A217B
Annotation -
The course takes a close look at teaching language sub-skills (or language systems), i. e. vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and spelling, to young learners. Various presentation and practice techniques will be demonstrated, experienced, and discussed in relation to theory. In the roles of teachers, the participants will prepare and realize short micro-teaching sessions and reflect upon them using theoretical knowledge and literature. They will then use the new insights as well as previously gained skills and knowledge to create full lesson plans integrating two or more sub-skills.
Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (10.09.2022)
Aim of the course -

The aim of this course is to equip future primary school teachers with the knowledge and skills to effectively teach language subskills, namely vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and spelling. 

Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (19.09.2024)
Descriptors - Czech
Přímá výuka (18 hodin), studium odborné literatury (15 hodin), příprava prezentace (5 hodin), plnění průběžných úkolů (10 hodin), tvorba portfolia (2 hodin), tvorba přípravy na hodinu (5 hodin), příprava na interview (5 hodin).
Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (10.09.2022)
Course completion requirements -

1. Active participation (no more than 2 missed classes)

2. Completing all week-to-week reading assignments

3. Completing a collection of ideas for your portfolio:

- At least three examples of well-formulated lesson aims for each sub-skill (vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, spelling)

- At least five ideas of making your students aware of the lesson aims (focusing on sub-skills) and an end-of-lesson reflection connected to those specific aims

- At least three ideas for an activity for helping the students develop each sub-skill (3 for vocabulary, 3 for grammar, 3 for pronunciation, 3 for spelling)

4. A lesson plan focused on helping young learners develop vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation (a full 45-minute lesson plan, structured, detailed, the requirements will be specified in class)

5. An oral interview based on the submitted lesson plan. The candidate will present and defend the lesson plan using theoretical knowledge. Max. 2 retakes.

Criteria for passing:

- the lesson plan meets the requirements set in class

- the selected techniques and activities reflect the theory of teaching language sub-skills

- the candidate is able to explain all steps in the lesson using theoretical knowledge and proper terminology

Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (10.09.2022)
Literature -

Required reading:

Hancock, M.: A map of pronunciation teaching. In: Speak Out, February 2014, Issue 50.  

Thornbury, S.: How to Teach Grammar. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 1999. (selected chapters)

Thornbury, S.: How to Teach Vocabulary. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2002. (selected chapters)

Recommended reading:

Cameron, L.: Teaching Languages to Young Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (10.09.2022)
Syllabus -

1.  Skills and sub-skills. Teaching vocabulary: an introduction. 

2.  What is vocabulary? Knowing a word. How words are learned. Formulating goals. Presenting new vocabulary.

3.  Practicing vocabulary. Helping children to become independent vocabulary learners.   

4. Teaching grammar: an introduction. Why teach grammar? Inductive and deductive grammar teaching. 

5. Presenting a new grammar point. Noticing, re/structuring.

6. Practicing grammar. Proceduralizing.  

7. Teaching pronunciation.

8. Teaching spelling.

9. Working with textbooks. Planning a lesson focused on language sub-skills.

Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (10.09.2022)
Learning outcomes -

The students will be able to situate language subskills within the broader context of communicative competence.

The students will be able to formulate clear objectives for teaching vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and spelling in lessons and activities.

The students will differentiate between various aspects of knowing a word and apply this understanding in lesson planning.

The students will be able to explain the processes involved in memory and retention of vocabulary and identify key factors that support effective vocabulary learning and acquisition. The students will demonstrate an understanding of the mental lexicon.

The students will define and explain key terms related to vocabulary teaching, such as cognitive depth and other terms introduced in the designated reading.

The sutdents will be able to explain key processes involved in grammar learning and acquisition (noticing, restructuring, prodeduralising).

The students will evaluate the use of inductive and deductive approaches in grammar teaching, identifying when each is most appropriate, and analyzing their advantages and disadvantages.

The students will be able to define the term 'internal grammar' and describe different ways of its development.

The students will analyze the role of language chunks in the learning and acquisition of both vocabulary and grammar.

The students will define the aims of teaching pronunciation and identify key areas of focus in the Czech teaching context.

The students will be equipped with techniques to help learners develop their pronunciation on segmental level, suprasegmental level, and in connected speech, with specific emphasis on challenges faced by Czech learners.

The students will recognize key concepts in teaching spelling to young learners and explore strategies that support the developments of spelling skills, including the use of phonics.

The students will create a lesson plan that integrates the teaching of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, demonstrating the ability to apply theoretical knowledge effectively. The students will defend their lesson plan using relevant terminology and theoretical concepts, showcasing their understaning of language teaching methodology. 

Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (19.09.2024)
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