Learning outcomes of the course unit The subject is focused on controlled continuous pedagogical practice of students at secondary schools under supervision of didactics. In connection with the teaching of vocational subjects and didactic disciplines, continuous practice enables students to apply the acquired procedures in secondary school teaching and to gain practical experience with working with secondary school students. Students supervise the teaching of experienced teachers, have the opportunity to get acquainted with the materials and tools that have been proven by the teachers. Students participate in teaching subjects in which the school meets the health education program, or organize thematic blocks on a cross-curricular basis. Students' independent outputs are analyzed from the point of view of content accuracy and selected methodical procedures. Emphasis is placed on self-reflection. Students are also interested in problems associated with the occurrence of socially pathological phenomena in secondary school students, school programs for health promotion and prevention of socially pathological phenomena, ways of their implementation and evaluation. Special attention is paid to the specific problems of health education at secondary school, in comparison with the situation at lower levels of school.
Learning outcomes of the course unit The subject is focused on controlled continuous pedagogical practice of students at secondary schools under supervision of didactics. In connection with the teaching of vocational subjects and didactic disciplines, continuous practice enables students to apply the acquired procedures in secondary school teaching and to gain practical experience with working with secondary school students. Students supervise the teaching of experienced teachers, have the opportunity to get acquainted with the materials and tools that have been proven by the teachers. Students participate in teaching subjects in which the school meets the health education program, or organize thematic blocks on a cross-curricular basis. Students' independent outputs are analyzed from the point of view of content accuracy and selected methodical procedures. Emphasis is placed on self-reflection. Students are also interested in problems associated with the occurrence of socially pathological phenomena in secondary school students, school programs for health promotion and prevention of socially pathological phenomena, ways of their implementation and evaluation. Special attention is paid to the specific problems of health education at secondary school, in comparison with the situation at lower levels of school.
The subject is focused on controlled continuous pedagogical practice of students at secondary schools under supervision of didactics. In connection with the teaching of vocational subjects and didactic disciplines, continuous practice enables students to apply the acquired procedures in secondary school teaching and to gain practical experience with working with secondary school students. Students supervise the teaching of experienced teachers, have the opportunity to get acquainted with the materials and tools that have been proven by the teachers. Students participate in teaching subjects in which the school meets the health education program, or organize thematic blocks on a cross-curricular basis. Students' independent outputs are analyzed from the point of view of content accuracy and selected methodical procedures. Emphasis is placed on self-reflection. Students are also interested in problems associated with the occurrence of socially pathological phenomena in secondary school students, school programs for health promotion and prevention of socially pathological phenomena, ways of their implementation and evaluation. Special attention is paid to the specific problems of health education at secondary school, in comparison with the situation at lower levels of school.
Last update: Kovaříková Miroslava, PhDr., Ph.D. (14.05.2019)
Předmět je zaměřen na řízenou souvislou pedagogickou praxi studentů na středních školách pod supervizí oborového didaktika. V návaznosti na výuku odborných předmětů a didaktických disciplín umožňuje souvislá praxe studentům aplikovat osvojené postupy ve výuce na střední škole a získat praktické zkušenosti s prací se středoškolskými studenty. Last update: Kovaříková Miroslava, PhDr., Ph.D. (13.05.2019)
Portfolio from practice. Last update: Kovaříková Miroslava, PhDr., Ph.D. (31.10.2019)
BENDL, S.- KUCHARSKA, A. (eds.) Kapitoly ze školní pedagogiky a školní psychologie. Praha : PedF UK, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7290-366-5 MAREŠ, J.; KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. Komunikace ve škole. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 1995. 210 s. ISBN 80-210-1070-3 PASCH, M. et al. Od vzdělávacího programu k vyučovací hodině. Praha : Portál, 2005. 416 s. ISBN 80-7367-054-2 PETTY, G. Moderní vyučování. Praha : Portál, 2006. 380 s. ISBN 80-7367-172-7 PRŮCHA, J. Moderní pedagogika. Praha : Portál, 2005. 481 s. ISBN 80-7367-047-X Rámcový vzdělávací program pro gymnaziální vzdělávání. MŠMT, 2008. Rámcové vzdělávací programy pro střední odborné vzdělávání. . MŠMT, 2009. SLAVÍK, J. Hodnocení v současné škole: východiska a nové metody. Praha : Portál, 1999. 190 s. ISBN 80-7178-262-9 ŠVEC, V.; FILOVÁ, H.; ŠIMONÍK, O. Praktikum didaktických dovedností. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2003. 90 s. ISBN 80-210-1365-6 Last update: Kovaříková Miroslava, PhDr., Ph.D. (31.10.2019)
Pedagogická praxe (hospitace, samostatné výstupy) v rozsahu požadavků, odevzdání portfolia. Last update: Kovaříková Miroslava, PhDr., Ph.D. (13.05.2019)
BENDL, S.- KUCHARSKA, A. (eds.) Kapitoly ze školní pedagogiky a školní psychologie. Praha : PedF UK, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7290-366-5 MAREŠ, J.; KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. Komunikace ve škole. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 1995. 210 s. ISBN 80-210-1070-3 PASCH, M. et al. Od vzdělávacího programu k vyučovací hodině. Praha : Portál, 2005. 416 s. ISBN 80-7367-054-2 PETTY, G. Moderní vyučování. Praha : Portál, 2006. 380 s. ISBN 80-7367-172-7 PRŮCHA, J. Moderní pedagogika. Praha : Portál, 2005. 481 s. ISBN 80-7367-047-X Rámcový vzdělávací program pro gymnaziální vzdělávání. MŠMT, 2008. Rámcové vzdělávací programy pro střední odborné vzdělávání. . MŠMT, 2009. SLAVÍK, J. Hodnocení v současné škole: východiska a nové metody. Praha : Portál, 1999. 190 s. ISBN 80-7178-262-9 ŠVEC, V.; FILOVÁ, H.; ŠIMONÍK, O. Praktikum didaktických dovedností. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2003. 90 s. ISBN 80-210-1365-6 Last update: Kovaříková Miroslava, PhDr., Ph.D. (31.10.2019)