Basic Course in Social Managment - OBSP18401
Classes are organized at 6 blocks. Each block includes 4 lectures. Terms are settled with the respective students always at
the beginning of semester.
1st block: 4 hours - Characteristics of non-profit sector (types of NGOs, legislation, view of basic types, functions and
sphere of action, basic economics information, financial sources)
2nd bock: 2 hours - Voluntarism (legislation, funcio, sphere of action) , 2 hours - Introduction to problems of system of
providing social services in the CR (legislation, characteristics of types and kinds of services)
3rd block: 2 hours - Completition of introduction to problems of system of providing social services in the CR (legislation,
characteristics of types and kinds of services), 2 hours - introduction to problems of persons taking care of a child with
disability (needs of care providers from the view point of parents and specialists, terms and characteristics of supervising)
4th block: 4 hours - introduction to problems of persons taking care of a child with disability (needs of care providers from the
view point of parents and specialists, terms and characteristics of supervising, samples of supervision)
5th block: 4 hours - Basics of project management (what it is a project, project elaboration, view of endowment proceedings
in the CR)
6th block: 4 hours - Basics of project management - Defence of sample project (based on block 5 each student will
prepare a sample project, introduse if to the others, the project is evaluated and commented)
Last update: MLCKOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (08.06.2009)
CHRAVÁTOVÁ, D. Metody sociální práce. Praha : SPN, 1990. KRÁLOVÁ, J. Speciální techniky v sociální práci. Praha : MPSV ČR, 1995. MATOUŠEK, O. Základy sociální práce. Praha : Portál, 2001. NAVRÁTIL, P. Úvod do teorií a metod sociální práce. Brno : NCR, 1999. ŘEZNÍČEK, I. Metody sociální práce. Praha : Slon, 1994. SCHIMMWERLINGOVÁ-NOVOTNÁ Sociální práce, její vývoj a metodické postupy. Praha : UK 1992. ÚLEHLA, I. Umění pomáhat. Praha : Slon, 1999. Last update: Mlčková Marie, Mgr., Ph.D. (18.10.2006)