An introductory course to set theory.
Last update: G_I (28.05.2004)
Naučit základy teorie množin Last update: T_KTI (26.05.2008)
Written exam. Last update: Kynčl Jan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (31.05.2019)
Last update: Šámal Robert, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (02.03.2017)
For the English class, the exam will be written based on the material that was presented. Last update: Kynčl Jan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (14.02.2019)
1. Historical background, axioms of ZFC. 2. Basic operations: inclusion, intersection, difference, pairs, cartesian product, relation, function. 3. Ordering, well-ordering, ordinal numbers, natural numbers, basics from ordinal arithmetic. 4. Countable and uncountable sets, cardinal numbers, Cantor-Bernstein theorem, cardinal arithmetics. 5. Classes and relations, transfinite induction and recursion. 6. Axiom of choice and its equivalents. 7. Elements of infinitary combinatorics: Konig's lemma, Compactness principle, Ramsey theorem.
For details see https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~samal/vyuka/1718/Sets/
In 2019/2020, there is an optional exercise for this course (Exercises from set theory - NAIL124). Last update: Kynčl Jan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (13.02.2020)