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Výsledky projektu Studium neutronových hvězd v jádře galaxie


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(Celkem 15 zázn.)
Zajaček, Michal. Neutron stars near a galactic centre. Prague: Charles University in Prague, 2014. 156 s. []
Zajaček, Michal, Karas Vladimír, Eckart, Andreas. Dust-enshrouded star near supermassive black hole: predictions for high-eccentricity passages near low-luminosity galactic nuclei. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2014, sv. 565, s. 1–15. ISSN 0004-6361. IF 4.479. []
Eckart, A.; Horrobin, M.; Britzen, S.; Zamaninasab, M.; Muzic, K.; Sabha, N.; Shahzamanian, B.; Yazici, S.; Moser, L.; García-Marin, M.; Valencia-S., M.; Borkar, A.; Bursa, M.; Karssen, G.; Karas, V.; Zajacek, M.; Bronfman, L.; Finger, R.; Jalali, B.; Vitale, M.; Rauch, C.; Kunneriath, D.; Moultaka, J.; Straubmeier, C.; Rashed, Y. E.; Markakis, K.; Zensus, A.. The infrared K-band identification of the DSO/G2 source from VLT and Keck data. In L. O. Sjouwerman, Cornelia C. Lang, Jürgen Ott. The Galactic Center: Feeding and Feedback in a Normal Galactic Nucleus. : Cambridge University Press, 2014. s. 269–273. []
Zajaček, Michal, EWASS 2014, Geneva. June 30–July 4, 2014. Title: Modelling the Tidal Disruption of Circum-stellar Disks near the SMBH: role of orbit orientation. Short Abstract available at: https://events.kuoni-dmc.com/ei3/images/EWASS14/EWASS_Abstract/Abstracts_2014/ index.htm []
Eckart, A.; Valencia-S., M.; Peissker, F.; Grosso, N.; Mossoux, E.; Porquet, D.; Karas, V.; Dovciak, M.; Smajic, S.; Yazici, S.; Moser, L.; Shahzamanian, B.; Garcia-Marin, M.; Zajacek, M.; Karssen, G. D.; Bursa, M.; Kunneriath, D.; Straubmeier, C., Monitoring the Dusty S-cluster Object (DSO/G2) on its orbit towards the Galactic Center Black Hole: Periapse not yet reached, The Astronomer's Telegram, #6285 []
Zajaček, Michal, 99 years of Black Holes – from Astronomy to Quantum Gravity, Potsdam, Germany. May 20–22, 2014. Title of the talk: Galactic Centre Minispiral: Interaction Modes of Neutron Stars. (http://www3.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/div/meetings/potsdam/pdf-files/agenda.pdf) []
Zajaček, Michal, INTEGRAL/BART Workshop, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. April 23, 2014. Title of the talk: Galactic Center Minispiral: Interaction modes of neutron stars. (http://www.ibws.cz/program/) []
Zajaček, Michal, IAUS 309, Vienna. July 7–July 11, 2014. Title: Gaseous environment in LLAGN: modes of interaction with compact star nuclear population. Abstract book available at: https://galaxy3d.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/k_galaxy3d/Abstracts_Book_ galaxy3D.pdf []
Zajaček, Michal, FERO Meeting, Krakow, August 28.-30. 2014, Talk abstract available at https://www.camk.edu.pl/static/konferencje/fero2014/abstracts_fero2014.pdf. []
Zajaček, Michal, Poster at the workshop: 7 years in Chile: The Accomplishments and Goals of Czech Astronomers at ESO, Prague, Czech Republic. April 14 – 16, 2014. Short Abstract available at http://astro.physics.muni.cz/cz-eso-2014/images/Zajacek.pdf. []
Zajaček, M.:, Talk at the international student conference INAP 2013: Joint Student Conference, December 2-4, 2013, Prague. (Abstract of the talk available at: http://inap2013.physics.cz/index.php/participants-submitted-abstracts/list-of-abstracts) []
Zajaček, M.:, Talk at the Cologne-Prague Workshop in Kiel (CPK13), Germany: Galactic Nuclei – From Observational Challenges to Relativistic Modelling. August 6-8, 2013. Short Abstract available at: http://wjd.astrophysik.uni-kiel.de/CPK13/Abstracts.html []
Zajaček, M.:, Expo-Sciences International 2013 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. September 15 – 17, 2013. Title of the talk: Galactic Centre – A Cosmic Laboratory (http://www.esi2013.ae/Activities/Workshops/Pages/16SEP.aspx) []
Zajaček, M., Karas, V.: , Models of a dust cloud near a galactic centre. Proceedings of the Czech-Slovak Student Conference in Physics. Bratislava, 2013, page 372 - 380 (available online: http://neon.dpp.fmph.uniba.sk/svk13/download/Zbornik_CSSVK_2013.pdf ) []
Zajaček, M., Karas, V., Eckart, A.:, Talk at the international conference The Galactic Center Black Hole Laboratory, Granada, November 18-22. Title of the talk: Encounter of a dust cloud with the supermassive black hole (abstract available online: http://galacticcenter.iaa.es/) []