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Výsledky projektu Typy partnerských vztahů v transformující se společnosti


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(Celkem 8 zázn.)
Semchenko, A.Y., Havlicek, J. Costs and Benefits of Mate Poaching. In Shackelford T., Weekes-Shackelford V.. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019: Springer, Cham, 2020. s. 1–6. ISBN 978-3-319-16999-6. []
Lewis, D.M.G., Al-Shawaf, L., Semchenko, A.Y., Evans, K.C.. Error Management Theory and biased first impressions: How do people perceive potential mates under conditions of certainity?. Evolution and Human Behavior, 2022, sv. 43(2), s. 87–96. ISSN 1090-5138. IF 4.178. []
Lewis, D.M.G., Al-Shawaf, L., Senveli, Z., Flores, J., Forrest, M.R.L, Ranson, J., Read, O., Semchenko, A.Y., & Buss, D.M., (in revision, submitted in December, 2020). Human lordosis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (impact factor: 2.97) []
Lewis, D.M.G, Evans, K., Semchenko, A.Y., & Al-Shawaf, L., (required reviews completed, waiting for a decision, submitted in September, 2020). Hot or not? Using error management theory to discover two previously unknown biases in initial person perception. Evolution and Human Behavior (impact factor: 2.96) []
Semchenko, A.Y., Evsel, G., Csajbok, Z., Kaya-Kurtman, P., Sterbova, Z.,& Havlicek, J. , (in revision, submitted in November, 2020). Exploring variation among romantic relationship types in Turkey through qualitative studies. Archives of Sexual Behavior (impact factor: 3.46) []
Semchenko, A.Y., Lewis, D.M.G., Linear mixed-effect model analysis showed that men rated the blurred images as more attractive than the clear images and this effect was driven exclusively by unattractive targets. Men's ratings of the images were higher when they saw the blurred images first compared to when they saw the blurred images second in the block. Blurriness and order of presentation had no significant effect on women's ratings. Women viewing attractive targets gave lower ratings to the blurred images while women viewing unattractive targets gave higher ratings to the blurred images compared to the clear images. []
Semchenko, A.Y., Evsel, G., Csajbok, Z., Sterbova, Z., Kaya-Kurtman, P., Havlicek, J., The analysis of the interviews identified various types of relationships (e.g., marriage, friends with benefits, arranged marriage with/out consent, and rebound relationships) and relationship characteristics (e.g., planning a future, friendship, temporality, commitment, family approval, and consensuality). The content analysis of the latter study resulted in additional relationship types (e.g., pre-engagement, and patchwork relationships) and relationship characteristics (e.g., genetic relatedness between partners, approval from social network, perceived warmness, overtness in familial/social/public environment, and having mutual respect) compared to the previous study. []
Semchenko, Ayten Yesim; Evsel, Gulsevim; Csajbok, Zsofia; Havlicek, Jan, Our aim was to explore the different types of romantic relationships and the dimensions differentiating those types among heterosexual individuals in Turkey, where both conservative and non-conservative individuals can be found. The community sample consisted of 20 female (M(age) = 25.25, SD = 2.07) and 20 male participants (M(age) = 25.35, SD = 2.10) recruited via snowball technique in Ankara. The different forms of relationships (e.g., arranged marriages with consent, friends with benefits, online relationships) were reported. Our qualitative dimension analysis indicated that temporality and commitment are to some extent independent dimensions. Various other dimensions (e.g., exclusivity, friendship, and not/having a future plan) were also found. []