Termíny zkoušek - přihlašováníTermíny zkoušek - přihlašování(verze: 227)
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KapacitaPředmětTyp SemestrDatumHodinaBudovaMístnost Garant termínuUčitelOdhlásit doZápis doPřihlašování od
detail 6/9
Biological Invasions (MB162P24) zkouška zimní 09.01.2024 - Úterý 09:30 room 309, dept. of Ecology (Vinicna 7, 3rd floor) 31-162 prof. RNDr. Adam Petrusek, Ph.D. 07.01.2024 23:59 07.01.2024 23:59

We start with a brief presentation of the non-native/invasive species of your choice, and then discuss some aspects of the course.

detail 7/9
Biological Invasions (MB162P24) zkouška zimní 12.01.2024 - Pátek 09:30 room 309, dept. of Ecology (Vinicna 7, 3rd floor) 31-162 prof. RNDr. Adam Petrusek, Ph.D. 10.01.2024 23:59 10.01.2024 23:59

We start with a brief presentation of the non-native/invasive species of your choice, and then discuss some aspects of the course.

detail 8/8
Biological Invasions (MB162P24) zkouška zimní 17.01.2024 - Středa 10:00 room 309, dept. of Ecology (Vinicna 7, 3rd floor) 31-162 prof. RNDr. Adam Petrusek, Ph.D. 15.01.2024 23:59 15.01.2024 23:59
detail 7/9
Biological Invasions (MB162P24) zkouška zimní 22.01.2024 - Pondělí 09:30 room 309, dept. of Ecology (Vinicna 7, 3rd floor) 31-162 prof. RNDr. Adam Petrusek, Ph.D. 20.01.2024 23:59 20.01.2024 23:59

We start with a brief presentation of the non-native/invasive species of your choice, and then discuss some aspects of the course.

detail 3/8
Biological Invasions (MB162P24) zkouška zimní 26.01.2024 - Pátek 09:30 room 309, dept. of Ecology (Vinicna 7, 3rd floor) 31-162 prof. RNDr. Adam Petrusek, Ph.D. 24.01.2024 23:59 24.01.2024 23:59

We start with a brief presentation of the non-native/invasive species of your choice (max 7 min), and then discuss some aspects of the course.

detail 8/9
Biological Invasions (MB162P24) zkouška zimní 29.01.2024 - Pondělí 09:30 room 309, dept. of Ecology (Vinicna 7, 3rd floor) 31-162 prof. RNDr. Adam Petrusek, Ph.D. 27.01.2024 23:59 27.01.2024 23:59

We start with a brief presentation of the non-native/invasive species of your choice, and then discuss some aspects of the course.

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