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    • Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences
    • Type of study: Master's (post-Bachelor)
    • Language of instruction: English
    Study programme/branch Faculty Study programme Form of study Type of study Language of instruction Standard length of study More info...
    Balkan, Eurasian and Central European Studies Faculty of Social Sciences Balkan, Eurasian and Central European Studies full-time Master's (post-Bachelor) English 2 years Detail
    Corporate Strategy and Finance in Europe Faculty of Social Sciences Corporate Strategy and Finance in Europe full-time Master's (post-Bachelor) English 2 years Detail
    Economics and Finance Faculty of Social Sciences Economics and Finance full-time Master's (post-Bachelor) English 2 years Detail
    European Politics and Society: Vaclav Havel Joint Master Programme Faculty of Social Sciences European Politics and Society: Vaclav Havel Joint Master Programme full-time Master's (post-Bachelor) English 2 years Detail
    Finance and Data Analytics Faculty of Social Sciences Finance and Data Analytics full-time Master's (post-Bachelor) English 2 years Detail
    Geopolitical Studies Faculty of Social Sciences Geopolitical Studies full-time Master's (post-Bachelor) English 2 years Detail
    International Economic and Political Studies Faculty of Social Sciences International Economic and Political Studies full-time Master's (post-Bachelor) English 2 years Detail
    International Relations Faculty of Social Sciences International Relations full-time Master's (post-Bachelor) English 2 years Detail
    International Security Studies Faculty of Social Sciences International Security Studies full-time Master's (post-Bachelor) English 2 years Detail
    Master in Area Studies Faculty of Social Sciences Master in Area Studies full-time Master's (post-Bachelor) English 2 years Detail
    Master in Economic Research Faculty of Social Sciences Master in Economic Research full-time Master's (post-Bachelor) English 2 years Detail
    Media and Area studies Faculty of Social Sciences Media and Area studies full-time Master's (post-Bachelor) English 2 years Detail
    Public and Social Policy Studies Faculty of Social Sciences Public and Social Policy Studies full-time Master's (post-Bachelor) English 2 years Detail
    Society, Communication and Media Faculty of Social Sciences Society, Communication and Media full-time Master's (post-Bachelor) English 2 years Detail
    Sociology of Contemporary Societies Faculty of Social Sciences Sociology of Contemporary Societies full-time Master's (post-Bachelor) English 2 years Detail
    Results 1-15 of 15 1