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    Branch programme/details

    General Medicine (0912tA350009)

    Faculty: Third Faculty of Medicine
    Study programme: General Medicine (M0912A350009)
    Form of study: full-time
    Type of study: Master's
    Language of instruction: English
    Expected minimum number of accepted students Expected number of accepted students: 90
    Standard length of study: 6 years
    Application type: Online
    Possibility of exemption from entrance examination: yes

    Rate of admitted and total applicants in the past academic year

    80 / 381

    • You cannot apply for study of this programme/branch now.

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      Application submission date 1: 31.03.2024
      Note on date 1: For entrance exams in May 2024
      Application submission date 2: 30.04.2024
      Note on date 2: For entrance exams in June end July 2024
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      Charge for an on-line application: 880 CZK
      Note: Please, print your name and surname and „Admission Fee“ in the comment. The applicant is to cover all bank expenses.
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      The standard duration of study is six years. The form of study is full-time only. Graduates of the programme receive a complete medical education and are awarded the title MUDr. (M.D.) after successful completion of studies, entitling them to apply for positions in all M.D. specialization fields.
      Since the academic year 1996/97, tuition takes place adhering to a modernized and revised study programme that allows students to gain integrated knowledge in theoretical and preclinical fields. Common clinical problems are explained using problem-oriented learning and clinical training focuses not only on the application of theoretical knowledge, but also on developing practical skills. Tuition goals are in accordance with the European Program for Medical Faculties Euroskills, which the Third Faculty of Medicine is taking part in. Study at the Third Faculty of Medicine is compatible with study at other medical faculties.
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      The entrance examinations will be in several dates from May to Jun 2024.

      The exact dates are on

      The entrance examinations have 2 parts.
      1. part - writen multiple - choice tests in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics ot Physics
      The applicant gets the tests in Mathematics and Physics, he or she chooses, which one he or she will take. After choosing it, the change is impossible. There is 90 questions, 30 questions in each subject. There is only one correct answer out of four.
      Minimal and maximal possible number of points is: minimum 0 - maximum 90

      The dean will set the minimal number of points to proceed to the second part of the examination based on the results of the first part of the entrance exams.

      2. part - an interview, which envolves: interpretation of a popular - scientific text, general overview, the ability of the independent judgment, communication skills
      Minimal and maximal possible number of points is: minimum 12 - maximum 62

      The number of point required for admission is dermined by the Dean based on the entrance exams results.

      Study programme is implemented without specialization (according to article 3, paragraph 1 of Code of Admission procedure for Charles University Applicants.)

      Assumed number of accepted applicants is: 90
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      Admission to Master's studies is conditioned by completed secondary education confirmed by a school-leaving certificate. Admission to Post-Bachelor studies (Master's programme) is likewise conditioned by completed education in any type of study programme.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 24.05.2024 Until: 28.06.2024
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 02.07.2024 Until: 02.07.2024
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      In accordance to Section 49 of 111/1998 Coll. The Higher Education Act, as amended, and also to Article 2 Section 3 of the Statute of Charles University – Admission Procedure Regulations, there are different requirements for admission of applicants who finished studies of another program or its part or who study another program at a university in the Czech Republic or abroad.
      Different requirements for admission: for students of other medical or health studies faculties
      The dean will decide about the admission of the student if all requirements mentioned hereafter are met:

      1. Basic requirements for admission:
      The basic requirement for admission is the successful conclusion of the year at the faculty from which the applicant transfers in the academic year, that directly precedes the academic year for which the applicant applies to be accepted.

      A successful conclusion of a year means, that the student not only meets all requirements for enrolling into the next year of studies, but also fulfills all study obligations, that he or she took during the relevant section (year) of his or her studies.
      2. Other requirements for admission:
      2.1) Submitting a paper application on the prescribed form (the SEVT form) and paying the fee for processes related to the admission procedure amounting to CZK 930 until September 2, 2024,
      2.2) Presenting an officially verified copy of a confirmation of finished secondary education. Applicants, who graduated a high school abroad will present an officially verified copy of any of folloowing documents: a document proving general recognition of the equivalence or validity of a foreign document (so-called “nostrification”),a document proving the awarding of a European Baccalaureate,a document deemed automatically equivalent without any further administrative procedure, a foreign document concerning a foreign secondary education completed with the “maturita” examination, if it is deemed automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic in accordance with its international agreements without any further administrative procedures – these are documents proving obtainment of the equivalent of Czech “maturita” in Slovakia, Poland (“swiadectwo dojrzalosci”), Hungary (“érettségi bizonyítvány”), and Slovenia or a foreign document concerning a foreign secondary education, which will be assessed by the faculty for fee CZK 930. Detailed information on how to demonstrate the fulfillment of the conditions for achieving secondary education with a school leaving certificate for graduates of foreign secondary schools can be found on the Faculty's web site, the section " Applicants " link “when admitted”. Documents must be sent in paper to the faculty address: Third Faculty of Medicine of Charles University,study division, Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 10, until September 2, 2024.
      The nostrification fee will be paid by the applicant at the same time as the payment of the admission fee or at the moment when he / she asks for the assessment of his / her foreign education in the admission procedure for studying in the Czech language account number: 115-6882900277 / 0100, v.s.: 9021113, for study in English language account number: 0500081433 / 0300, SWIFT: CEKOCZPP, IBAN: CZ 82 0300 0000 0005 0008 1433;

      2.3) – Studies in English – Proving of knowledge of the Czech language at the B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (this does not concern students, who passed high school final exams from the Czech or Slovak language) and proving of knowledge of the English language at the C1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (does not concern applicants, whose previous university studies from which they apply were in English)

      A student proves his or her knowledge of the relevant language in the following way: English language (min. level C1) – by presenting a certificate of passing the IELTS international exams (International English Testing System) or CAE (Certificate in Advanced English), CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English), TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages Qualification); Czech language (B2 or C1 level) – by presenting a certificate of passing an exam: CCE (Czech Language Certificate Exam for foreigners), ECL (International language certificate of the EU member and EU candidate countries), national language exam (a certificate approved by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic).

      Students, who apply for transfer, but have not passed an exam from the Czech language, can do so at the faculty at one of the following dates: 6. 5. 2024, 14. 5. 2024, 21. 5. 2024, 12. 6. 2024 a 29. 8. 2024 (at 9:30 AM).
      It is necessary to register for the exam at the email address: 2 week before the exam date.

      2.4) Successfully concluded year in the academic year 2023/2024 – i.e. the student fulfilled all study obligations for the relevant section (year) of studies and met all requirements for enrolling into the next year of studies – the student needs to present a transcript of fulfilled study obligations, that he or she took in the academic year 2023/2024 and a confirmation from the respective faculty about meeting requirements for enrolling into the next year of studies.

      2.5) The study obligations fulfilled according to the study plan will be compatible with the study obligations of the relevant study plan at the Third Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University.

      The maximum of 7 applicants can be accepted into each major and form of study. The arithmetic mean of the grades from all exams and resits for individual years must not be higher than 2.00. Applicants will be ranked according to the arithmetic mean, which will be the sum of arithmetic means of grades for individual years divided by the number of years. The arithmetic mean will be rounded according to the mathematical rules to the nearest hundredth. The average condition can be waived by the dean if all other conditions are met for a documented reason worthy of special consideration - in particular a serious and innocent deterioration of the applicant's social situation.

      Submitting the application
      The applicant, who wants to be accepted according to Section 49 (3) of Act 111/98 Coll. The Higher Education Act, as amended, must:
      • submit a paper application on the prescribed form (the SEVT form) and pay the fee for processes related to the admission procedure amounting to CZK 930

      Alongside with the paper application and the confirmation of the payment of the fee for processes related to the admission procedure, the applicant also presents:
      • a copy of the student’s record book
      • a transcript of grades and study obligations fulfilled during his or her studies
      • a confirmation of having met the requirements for enrolling into the next year of studies
      All these supplements must be confirmed by the student department of the faculty were the student studies.

      • an officially verified copy of a confirmation of conclusion of secondary education or the documents required for the nostrification (according to 2.2)
      • an officially verified copy of a confirmation of the appropriate language proficiency (according to 2.3)

      All documents presented by the applicant according to this point become a part of his or her study file.

      Deadline for submitting the application
      The application and all required documents need to be submitted until September 2, 2024 (including the date).
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      1a) A-level examination results – Physics or Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology:
      Minimum results: A, A, B
      The examination must be carried out in the academic year 2022/2023 at the earliest
      1b) Results of International Baccalaureate (IB) in Area 4 (Experimental Sciences) with Chemistry, Biology and Physics or Mathematics, all in Higher Level:
      Total – minimum sum of points from the given 3 subjects: 19
      The examination must be carried out in the academic year 2022/2023 at the earliest
      1c) Results of a comparable examination (e.g. SAT) in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics:
      Overall minimum score: 85 percentile
      The examination must be carried out in the academic year 2022/2023 at the earliest
      1d) Study average of school leaving exams subjects (applicants attending secondary education in Germany):
      Grade average during the whole period of study: better than 1,30
      The applicant must graduate from secondary education in the academic year 2023/2024
      1e)1.e) The applicant is a graduate of an accredited bachelor's degree program in the field of natural or health sciences at a foreign university.
      The applicant must not have graduated from this study program before the 2020/2021 academic year.

      2) An applicant for study that wishes to be accepted into the first section of study (first year) without an entrance examination is required to submit an application form for the remission of the entrance examination (application form available here in pdf or docx) together with an application form for study to the Study Division of the Faculty to the March 15, 2024 (the date of postage is decisive).
      3) An order of applicants will be drafted based on the criteria above and study grade averages.
      A maximum of 25 applicants may be admitted without an entrance examination.

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      The Third Faculty of Medicine organizes a preparatory Premedical Course running from January till May 2024. Tuition of the following subjects will take place: biology, physics, chemistry, Czech language and medical terminology.

      Further information about the course can be found at
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      After successful completion of study, students receive the title MUDr. (M.D.) and may apply for positions in all M.D. specialization fields.
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      Tuition [CZK] / per period: 420000 CZK / year