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    Branch programme/details

    Civil Sector Studies (0312VD250001)

    Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
    Study programme: Civil Sector Studies (P0312D250001)
    Form of study: full-time
    Type of study: doctoral
    Language of instruction: Czech
    Standard length of study: 4 years
    Application type: Online

    Rate of admitted and total applicants in the past academic year

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      Application submission date: 30.04.2024
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      Charge for an on-line application: 780
      Note: If you apply online, our information system will generate individual variable symbol for your application.
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      The main goal of this study program is to prepare highly qualified experts in the field of the civil sector with a solid overview of the relevant theoretical approaches to political though, public policy, and economic sociology. The graduates are well equipped to manage the methodology of sociological research and a thorough knowledge of the current state of affairs and practical issues related to the field of study in the Czech Republic and abroad. The study program is interdisciplinary and draws on knowledge of sociology, political science, economy, philosophy, anthropology and international relations, and other relevant specializations of social sciences and humanities. Interdisciplinary nature of the study program is reflects in the diversity of doctoral dissertation themes and in the research projects of lecturers and students alike. This study program is unique not only at Charles University but in the Czech Republic as well.
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      The oral part of the exam consists of a discussion about the dissertation thesis project (max. 12 points) and a check of English proficiency (max. 3 points). The entrance examination will check the ability of the applicant to deal with the dissertation project. Applicants will prepare an oral presentation of their project (maximum length of 10 minutes).

      To enter the entrance examination process it is necessary to submit the following attachments:
      - dissertation thesis project (recommended sections: outline of the research problém and research questions, an overview of the current state of research, explanation of the selected methodology and research techniques, the proposed approach to the problém, list of relevant literature, time schedule of the research, explanation of the relevance of the theme for the study program Civil Sector Studies); recommended length of the project: 3-5 pages (1800 characters per page); the project should contain the proposal of a tutor (name), selected from the list of tutors approved by the Program Council.
      - a list of literature that the candidate has studied with regard to his/her individual interest and the chosen topic of the dissertation project;
      - brief professional biography;
      -list of publications and other scholarly activities of the applicant (participation at conferences, participation in research projects, etc.);
      -other relevant documents (e.g. international certificate of a foreign language or a certificate of state exam).

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      Admission to Doctoral studies is conditioned by successful completion of a Master's study programme.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 10.06.2024 Until: 18.06.2024
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 25.06.2024 Until: 28.06.2024
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      The graduate of the doctoral study program Civil Sector Studies is a highly qualified specialist endowed with a deep understanding of the fundamental theoretical approaches to the civil and not-for-profit sector, relevant analytical skills, and solid knowledge of the civil sector in the Czech Republic and other countries as well as in the European Union.
      The study program provides necessary qualifications to those willing to work in basic and applied research at research institutes and Universities of the given thematic orientation. The graduates are also well prepared to occupy managerial and creative positions at all kinds of civil sector organizations and are qualified to work at such positions in public service or the private sphere where familiarity with the civil sector is an indispensable asset.