The course introduces students to social education and its conceptions in different countries, its aims, focus, functions, main tasks, specifics, and its relations to other disciplines. Attention is paid to the historical development of social education together with the major representatives of its theoretical and practical streams.
Last update: Papajoanu Ondřej, PhDr., Ph.D. (11.01.2020)
Main aim of the course is to provide students with the basic insight into social education as an academic discipline and to show students in which aspects of school life the findings from social education can be applied. Last update: Papajoanu Ondřej, PhDr., Ph.D. (11.01.2020)
Setkání se studenty budou probíhat skrze platformu Google Meet. K dispozici bude kurz v Moodle s dalšími podklady a úkoly. Last update: Papajoanu Ondřej, PhDr., Ph.D. (29.01.2021)
Bendl, S. (2014). Nárys sociální pedagogiky: studium: Vychovatelství, Pedagog volného času; kurz: Sociální pedagogika. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Pedagogická fakulta. Bendl, S. (2015). Vychovatelství: Učebnice teoretických základů oboru. Praha: Grada Publishing. Bendl, S. (2016). Základy sociální pedagogiky. V Praze: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Pedagogická fakulta. Kraus, B. (2014). Základy sociální pedagogiky (Vyd. 2). Praha: Portál. Procházka, M. (2012). Sociální pedagogika. Praha: Grada. Last update: Papajoanu Ondřej, PhDr., Ph.D. (11.01.2020)
· Studying the recommended literature · Fulfilling and presenting the assigned tasks Last update: Papajoanu Ondřej, PhDr., Ph.D. (28.01.2021)
· historical development of social education · major representatives of social education · relations of social education to other disciplines · aims, focus, definition, specifics of social education · functions and tasks of social education Last update: Papajoanu Ondřej, PhDr., Ph.D. (11.01.2020)