Special Education - Individuals with Auditory Impairment II - OBPS18023
Communication methods of people with hearing disorders, oral method, bilingual method, total communication,
hand-language. Compensational aids, hearing aids, FM systems, cochlear implant. Introduction to educational problems of
child with hearing disorders, special education support of child´s growing up, rehabilitation after CI (hearing education,
speech education, lip-reading). Implementation of respective special education support of child´s development, institutional
education, center for early care, special education center, kindergarten, basic school, secondary school, possibilities of
university studies. Historical outline of care development of people with hearing disorders. The Program of Guided
Reflection is a part of the classes.
Last update: MLCKOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (26.06.2009)
SOVÁK,M. Uvedení do logopedie. Praha, SPN, 1978-1982. SOVÁK,M. Logopedie. Praha SPN 1. (1966,1971,1974) (1978,1980) NOVÁK,A. Foniatrie a pedaudiologie I. Poruchy komunikačního procesu způsobené sluchovými vadami. Unitisk spol.s.r.o.Praha 1994 KRAHULCOVÁ, B. Komunikace sluchově postižených. Praha, Karolinum 2002 POUL, J. Nástin vývoje vyučování neslyšících. MU Brno 1996 JANOTOVÁ, N., ŘEHÁKOVÁ, K. Surdopedie I, II. SPN Praha, 1990 HOUSAROVÁ, B. (ed). Speciálněpedagogická čítanka. Praha: UK, 2003. ISBN 80-7290-109-5. Last update: MLCKOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (26.06.2009)