The main mission of the subject "ICT in Education" is to introduce student teachers to a position arole of ICT and fundamental patterns how to apply ICT in teaching and learning from different aspects. A main accent is given not only to theoretical questions joint to using ICT in educational process including process of lifelong learning, but also to practical questions and classification a set of models how to integrate ICT into education in school. The subject contributes to student teacher competencies development to be able to teach ICT subjects, to use ICT for solving problems and also as a component of an educational environment and to be able to develop ICT skills and knowledge of pupils in schools. In the subject "ICT in Education" the question "why and how to integrate ICT into the education in primary and secondary school education" is a key question for understanding how ICT integrate in education, which role ICT play in education, how to change education, strategy and instruction by ICT.
Last update: CERNOCHO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (24.01.2010)
The main mission of the subject "ICT in Education" is to introduce student teachers to a position arole of ICT and fundamental patterns how to apply ICT in teaching and learning from different aspects. A main accent is given not only to theoretical questions joint to using ICT in educational process including process of lifelong learning, but also to practical questions and classification a set of models how to integrate ICT into education in school. The subject contributes to student teacher competencies development to be able to teach ICT subjects, to use ICT for solving problems and also as a component of an educational environment and to be able to develop ICT skills and knowledge of pupils in schools. In the subject "ICT in Education" the question "why and how to integrate ICT into the education in primary and ysecondary school education" is a key question for understanding how ICT integrate in education, which role ICT play in education, how to change education, strategy and instruction by ICT. Last update: CERNOCHO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (25.01.2008)
BRANDSFORD, J.D., BROWN, A.L. COCKING, R.R. How People learn? National Academy Council, 1999. http://newton.nap.edu/html/howpeople1/
BRDIČKA, B. Role Internetu ve vzdělávání. Studijní materiál pro učitele snažící se uplatnit moderní technologie ve výuce. AISIS : Kladno, 2004. ISBN 80-239-0106-0.
ČERNOCHOVÁ, M., KOMRSKA, T., NOVÁK, J. Využití počítače při vyučování. Náměty pro práci dětí s počítačem. Praha : Portál, 1998.
DOCKTERMAN, D., A. Great Teaching in the One Computer Classroom. Tom Snyder Productions, 1990.
KALAŠ, I. Digitálne technológie a vízie moderného vzdelávania. In Sborník DIDINFO2006. Informatika na slovenských školách. Vývoj a perspektívy. UMB : Banská Bystrica, 2006.
KALHOUS, Z., OBST, O. a kol. Školní didaktika. Praha : Portál, 2002.
MAREŠ, J. Styly učení žáků a studentů. Praha : Portál, 1998. ISBN 80-7178-246-7.
MOYER,P.S. BOLYARD,J.J., SPIKELL,M.A. What Are Virtual Manipulatives? In Teaching Children Mathematics. 2002.
PRŮCHA, J. Moderní pedagogika. Věda o edukačních procesech. Praha : Portál, 1997.
RAMBOUSEK, V. a kol. Práce s počítačem. Praktické činnosti. Praha : Fortuna, 2003. 1. a 2. díl.
INFOVEK. http://www.infovek.sk/
TELMAE. http://telmae.eu
Učitelský spomocník. http://it.pedf.cuni.cz/
WWW4teachers. http://www.4teachers.org/ Last update: CERNOCHO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (25.01.2008)
POSITION AND ROLES OF ICT IN EDUCATION Why to integrate ICT into school education? ICT as a school subject, ICT as a tool to solve problems, ICT as an educational enwironment and a main component of working space of puplis and teacher. ICT as a catalyst for changes and innovations in education.
HOW TO IMPLEMENT ICT INTO EDUCATION? Some models how to integrate ICT in education from different point of view: number of PC in classroom, SW, school subject, technology, stages of teaching, users, etc. Examples how to integrate ICT in school subjects. Project education and activities with ICT. A role of ICT in project education.
ICT IN TEACHER PROFESSION ICT in teacher activities in different stages of instruction.
ICT IN LEARNERS ACTIVITIES ICT in problem solving activities. A role of ICT in develeopment of learner competencies to be able to learn. Concepts of digital and information thinking, digital learning. Concept maps, Virtual Manipulatives, knowledge management. Last update: CERNOCHO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (25.01.2008)