Medial education as a part of communication; medial literacy; mass
communication as institutionalized process encompassing
the production, dissemination, reception, and interpretation
of public sociocultural discourse; the potential impact of media
language upon audiences; the representation of social reality through
language; the possible motives of the senders in media
institutions; the role of audience reception processes; the social influence
of the media in contemporary society
Last update: SMEJKALO (11.04.2005)
Burton, G. - Jirák, J.: Úvod od studia médií. Barristen & Principal, Brno 2001. Jirák, J. - Köpplová, B.: Média a společnost. Portál, Praha 2003. McQuail, D.: Úvod do teorie masové komunikace. Portál, Praha 2002. Pike, G. - Selby, D.: Globální výchova. Grada, Praha 1994. Šebesta, K.: Od jazyka ke komunikaci. Karolinum, Praha 1999.
Last update: SMEJKALO (05.09.2005)
Požadavky k zápočtu: Last update: HOLANOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (28.08.2012)