General terms of sociolinguistics (studying from the viewpoint
of linguistics); the ways in which language is integrated with
aspects of human society (social identity, the social situation,
social interaction, and social change). Language planning
and preserving or changing the linguistic norm or the social
status and communication; functions of a written or spoken
language; written and oral norms of Czech; selection of
a norm: the choice of variety or varieties; codification of
the variety selected; the continuing effort to spread the norm;
difference between"language corpus planning"
and "language status planning" (relation between language and/or
varieties of a given language); the cultivation of language.
Last update: SMEJKALO (11.04.2005)
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Požadavek k zápočtu: vypracovat seminární práci - rukou psané výtisky ze studií z publikace Sociologický časopis, 38, 2002. Last update: JANOVEC/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (18.01.2012)